The "Old games I still like to play" thread

Started by Gussy Keniji, November 29, 2007, 08:47:25 PM

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Hatsune Miku

My Favorite old games
Hello people i'm Hatsune Miku
i'm SonicFan344 in YouTube


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FF7, FF8, FF9 :P I collect FFs but haven't finished any besides X and XIII.

Also Sonic 1 and 3 on the Sega Mega Drive.


i've gotten to the final part of FF7, but i was dumb enough to not train enough beforehand so i'm stuck there at lv. 66, unprepared to beat the final boss (i can get through the first 2 battles, but i'm wiped out as soon as i get to the third).

i also have FF5, but i haven't played it (it came with the PS1 release of Chrono Trigger).

FF8 suuuuucked. >__>
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oo, why? I'm not even halfway through, but I think FF8 is quite a good game


eh, it's all about personal preference. i like the older-style graphics, so i played FF8 for 5 minutes and i was like, "omg i hate this. >__<;;"
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of course it's about personal preference ^^
I like almost all FFs, but IMO the developers did a great job with the gfx on FF8 and 9 considering the hardware limitations of the PS1.


FF7 still is, and always will be, king in my book.

and DAMN this is taking a long time. but I WANT THAT BEACH HOUSE!! >__<
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Playstation, the consoles I never played because the controllers bug me.


stewartsage, I'm the same, except that I'm unable to handle any controller more complex than NES one. v.v I'm quite hopeless.

I still play at times The Settlers or like it was called in the US: Serf City - Life is Feudal, from 1993. ^^ Originally I played it on Amiga 500 (where the biggest mapsize for a scenario was "3") and nowadays the PC version on DOSbox (whopping "8" for mapsize!).


PS is basically the only controller i know how to use. i fail with all others, except the N64 controller, which usually confuses people even more. :\
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I can use N64, Gamecube, and with a year of training XBOX 360 controllers.  My favorite system by far remains the computer.

There was a NES and a couple different types of Atari's for sale locally.  WAY to expensive.  Shop owners need to stop learning Google-fu and jackin' up system/cartridge prices.


or, they should just place those on ebay, since that's likely where they got the prices from. :\

i wish i could have gotten the chance to play FF today. i'm SOOO close to getting the beach house (i don't understand why it's taking this long, it only took 8 hours straight last time!).

N64 is one of the most confusing-looking controllers, EVER. i still have no idea where they came up with the design, and to anyone who's never used it before it probably looks like a cross between a game controller and some sort of odd sex toy. however, as the N64 was a beloved childhood companion, it's like second nature for me. ^^

Xbox is completely foriegn territory for me, as is Gamecube. it's easier for me to navigate photoshop. >__<
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I can play any controller (NES, SNES, N64, GC, Xbox [though I admit I play Halo in "southpaw"], Sega, DS stylus.... even trackballs... EVEN the wii, man, I'm a gamer), except PS controllers, the control sticks are just in a wtf design.

I prefer any controller to a mouse, though. I hate games that use the mouse for something important. Keyboard isn't that bad, however.


I just wanted to post that I prefer mouse to everything else. xD I mostly play slow-paced games which don't really require me to press many buttons at once, so it's perfect. ^^