Resident Evil 5

Started by ShinraKenshin, July 24, 2005, 04:34:14 PM

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He even has defense against the fangirl hords! A gasmask! Brilliant!


Bah, a covered up face never stopped them before.  Take master cheif or pyramid head.   I respect a man that can level a town full of fast smart zombies while wearing a gas mask.  

btw, your current rank wins.

Added after 21 minutes:

hes kicking!

oh and he has shown his face before in ending pictures.  All the ones I found on the internets arnt linkable tho -_- and in this concept picture he wears glasses.  Maybe thats part of the reason he wears the gas mask.. you can get perscription gasmask lenses and it is an effective way of keeping them on your face in combat...

Oh and for those who cant pick him out, he is the second from the right
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Has RE ever had Zom-babies?


no... but silent hill had zomb-kinder gardeners. i beat them with a lead pipe or blasted them in the face before stepping on them
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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silent hill also had those ghost babies that you can't kill. they just run around giggling. o_o
My my, aren't you lovely~


usualy in the dark.. to freak you out cus you couldnt figure out where they were till you were standing on them
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Fear the Zom-babies.


Is there an official release date for the game yet?


I donno.. unlike alot of people i dont track upcoming games.  Well usualy I dont.  -_- They come out when they come out... but a quick search of the internets will probobly yeild you an awnser
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Hey CaptBrenden, what Resident Evil games have you played? Have you played 2 and 4?


um.. like i think just about all of them.. exept outbreak. I never bought a HD for my ps2 or the net adapter, but other then that all of them.   Even the 2 where you use a light gun.  im a RE freak. but 4 is the best, second best would be 2.  Both had hunk, ada  and leon!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Whats your opinion on the fact that RE: 4 has Ada?

Megaman Z

my opinion on RE4 having Ada: she's a nessisary nuisance.

considering that the PS3 isn't doing so well and MS is making a 3rd XBOX 360 (Zepher or the XBOX Elite), I don't know how badly this one will end up being.


Its RE. chances are it will be ported to other systems eventrually anyways.   No gerantee that is will stay on PS3.  I mean.. there is already chance that Metal Gear is gonna jump ship too.  Like rats....

What do you mean about my opinion of her in it?  Shes always been a double agent, she survived 2... it makes sence storyline wise, and well you cant have another leon story without more ada (or hunk for that matter)

Added after 30 seconds:

plus, chinese dresses are made of win
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Wait, I'm not following how it makes sense that she survived RE: 2. She was originally wounded by Berkin when he slashed through the steal to the train, she was shot by Birkin's wife, she fell several hundred feet down into the nether regions of a metal clad facility hundreds of feet underground, and the whole facility detonated minutes after she fell, with Leon, Claire, and the little girl only barely escaping the explosion when they got a ride from the emergency exit train. Did I miss some sort of all encompassing explanation or something?