Strange things you've eaten because you were bored.

Started by Kyo-Chan, October 09, 2007, 05:07:57 PM

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Something I though about involving this topic, after seeing a similar one on GameFAQs...

What is the most expired thing you've ever ate?
(As in, how far past the expiration date was it when you ate it)

In my case, the only one I can think of is a can of Mountain Dew that was exactly 1 year and 1 week past it's expiration date. No noticeable change in it's flavor, and surprisingly, still fizzy like a fresh can. Now, I did almost get to try drinking a can of Pepsi Twist that expired roughly 5 years ago, but it went missing before I could...

EDIT: Actually, I may have topped that drink. With my lunch, I had some crackers that, while I don't know how old they are, they where so stale that they pretty much crumbled into dust when I touched them. Not bad, but really hard to eat >_<


I'm kind of a freak when it comes to NOT eating expired food.... I think the oldest thing I've ever had was slightly past-expiration milk or eggs. .___.

I loves me some maraschino cherries...


Does Surströmming count?

I mean, that one's really...EXPIRED, twice over.


expired grape juice when i was a kid
possibly expired french onion dip
3 year old peppermint patty (this was recent) and:

when i was about 10 or so i was given a bottle of the energy drink Bawls. I opened it and drank some, but not liking the taste i re-capped it and put it on my shelf.
i re-opened it and drank some more about 5 years later, and it was strangely sweeter. no carbonation,  but much sweeter.
2 years later an ex boyfriend theorized that it had fermented into wine. :\
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Alex S

Bumping because I just made a Mountain Dew Voltage float.  Not half bad, by the way.


what ice cream did you use? vanilla?

dunno if mochi ice cream counts as strange, but since not that many people have had it, i suppose it could go here. :3

there's a box in my freezer. ^^

(there also should be half a taiyaki ice cream there, too. good, but SUPER rich.....)
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I've had green tea mochi ice cream. *___*

And Alex, that actually doesn't sound half bad.


you've tried mochi? goooooood. -w-

now we just need you to try moar flavours. ^^ that tea place i wanted to take you and nej has a habit of stocking seasonal flavours. i just got a peppermint one there 2 days ago. ^^
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Alex S

@choco I used vanilla. That's the traditional float ice cream, and the only other flavor we had available was Cookies'n'Cream, which would have had the problem of cookie bits in the bottom of the glass.

@Bella It was pretty good; the vanilla mellowed out the ginseng and balanced the blue raspberry, making for a surprising difference in taste.

Has anyone else tried making floats with random sodas? I used Diet Dr. Pepper once, and it was not good. Something about the diet, probably, made the outcome terrible.




I had a regular Dr. Pepper float once. It was epic


my mum and sister like floats, but i've never cared for them much. and i think the most exotic soda they've used was orange. :\

@bella: they also had chocolate egg nog there, and they had apple pie last year. :3
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A lot of things they serve at the caf probably fall under this category; that and 'things I've eaten because there really weren't any better options'.  Like the mysterious tomato based soup, surprise cheese log, and egg rolls of suspect origin.