The "What Can YOU Draw With Basic Drawing Software?" Thread!

Started by Kyo-Chan, October 06, 2007, 09:25:04 PM

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Quote from: "VonDaab"
I feel more home in MSPaint+Mouse than any Oekaki+Tablet.
I feel more home in MSPaint + Mouse than any Oekaki+Mouse D:

A tip for anyone who doesn't know how to MS paint with mouse: If you don't have enough control over your mouse to feel safe using the pencil/brush tool, use the line tool. It's awesome for people like me who have terrible mouse control/doesn't bother to practice it.

My only problem with MS paint would be the lack of keyboard shortcuts =/

EDIT: Oh, yeah, I didn't returned to the forums with empty hands.

A pixel offering to the gods of MS paint:

Magical Heart Kokoro-chan. From the not-released-yet School Days OVA.

P.S: Though, I'm thinking of coloring this in Photoshop to do do some tests D:


Nice Boat!
That is going to be soo awesome, GJ!

Yes if people have noticed, I use most of the time the line tool, it gives the best accuracy and a nice uniform shape.
Some of the first MSPaint thingies that can be found here were made with the pencil tool.(why on earth did I even use that utter crap tool?)

The lack of shortcuts is really annoying, though most of Oekaki softwares even lack Ctrl+Z, and that is evil. Evil I say.

And NekOSaka, I really look forward to your drawing.
Especially if it is going to be a firearm.
Wonder when I will make something in MSPaint again...

Gussy Keniji

Yeah, I've been dabblin in the Oekaki for a while, and the lack of Crtl+Z is torture D:

But in anycase new MSpaint stuff from me as well

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Implants, lol wut?
Great randomness Gussy, good job.

AlterUni habanero-tan? when will we see Naga Jolokia-tan?

Some work in progress maybe, dunno.

But hey, I'm starting to return to the darkside and use Paint again, Whee!

Edit: blaaah, it's 3:35am and my MSPainting has ended today with the result of this.

heh, not really. I'll be posting something complete soonish.

Gussy Keniji

QuoteAlterUni habanero-tan? when will we see Naga Jolokia-tan?
I'm in the process of drawin it, I've got alot of ideas in the Dark/Bizarro '-Tan' category, we may possibly see the appareance of a Dark XP-tan, or even...a Dark ME-tan O,o;

QuoteSome work in progress maybe, dunno.
Hm, interestin here's hopin we see the end result, yes?

QuoteEdit: blaaah, it's 3:35am and my MSPainting has ended today with the result of this.
Reminisce to Succubi from Disgaea 1-2? (and maybe 3...I dunno if they kept their design in that one)

In anycase this was what I came up w/ I woulda done more...but sleep is good, yes?

[attachment deleted by admin]



This thread is popular...
Piinatsubataa pururun nanji! wai oh wai oh Piinatsubataa pururun nanji!


"...and these children that you spit on,
as they try to change their worlds are
immune to your consultations.  They\'re
quite aware of what they\'re going through...
                                       - David Bowie"
Well it nice to meet now i have to go now
speak softly but carry a big stick

today is a summer service day, today is a summer service day, lets all go together to the blue blue sea, beach volleyball smashing watermelons it\'ll be so much fun we\'ll never leave. heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh" *head bobbles like an idiot*
believe in me, who believes in you


Quote from: "Dos"I try drawing me-tan but i fail
Thank you, it's always good with new artists and their stuff, be it failed or not. And as far as I've understood, this thread is a critique-less, isn't it? So there's nothing wrong with "failed" art.

What is wrong with me!? Another WIP!?
Sorry Gussy, I stole your idea.
I just couldn't resist Dark XP-tan...orz.

Here's some progress pics.

Edit: Still needs some tweaking.
Dos: Yes, I understood that it's  Me-tan.


"...and these children that you spit on,
as they try to change their worlds are
immune to your consultations.  They\'re
quite aware of what they\'re going through...
                                       - David Bowie"
Well it nice to meet now i have to go now
speak softly but carry a big stick

today is a summer service day, today is a summer service day, lets all go together to the blue blue sea, beach volleyball smashing watermelons it\'ll be so much fun we\'ll never leave. heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh" *head bobbles like an idiot*
believe in me, who believes in you


Uhhh... A scarecrow.

This was the last thing I did in MSpaint, it was at school so I used the mouse and it was drawn sometime last year, probably around this time too. Shows how often I use MSpaint. I prefer Photoshop. XP


Quote from: "Chazzie"Uhhh... A scarecrow.

Hey, that's pretty good.

Hmm... come to think it, I think Photoshop works should be allowed here, as long they're made with same "standards" as in mspaint.
AFAIK, Gimp works has already been "officially" allowed here (werent' they?), so why not photoshop too.

What does people have to say about a suggestion like this? Y/N?

btw, you draw much? because that drawing clearly says you do.

Edit: btw Gussy, I still didn't undestand that implant thing.
(is it a joke or just a statement? It makes me confused...)


Hmm... come to think it, I think Photoshop works should be allowed here, as long they're made with same "standards" as in mspaint.
AFAIK, Gimp works has already been "officially" allowed here (werent' they?), so why not photoshop too.

What does people have to say about a suggestion like this? Y/N?
I fukken haet MS paint to the bone. With GIMP you can at least work properly...


Alright, so if PS and Gimp will be accepted, then I would like to present some rules for using them.

Remember that to be on fair "level" with MSPaint, you should:

Rules edited!

-Use only one layer.
-No anti-aliasing
-No effects/filters(pretty obvious)
-No tracing sketches(It counts as using several layers)
-Default brushes, all of them of course non anti-aliased(pencil tool)
-Using tablet is OK, as long it does NOT use pressure sensitivity

Takes just some common sense to think what you can and what you can't do in PS/Gimp if it needs to be at same level as MSPaint.

These rules are to prevent this tread to be transformed into a "look what I can draw on a computah" or something similar, aswell as trying to keep this as MSPaint-ish as possible.

This is after all a "What can YOU Draw in MSPaint" thread.

Hopefully this change lets people that doesn't have Paint join this thread.

Oh, btw, more WIP. Man, do I ever get to finishing something?

I was very sleepy when I started drawing this.

Btw Neijin, it's not the tools that makes an artist.



And thanks~! Yes, I draw all the time. My main programs are Photoshop and OpenCanvas (OpenCanvas moreso as of late since Photoshop decided it didn't feel like being registered anymore).

I assume since we want to keep to an MS-Paint level, that I should only post mouse-drawings as well. Because I use a tablet. :B The scarecrow was done with a mouse though.


Hmm... I was reading through this read, as I remembered that I still owed people my shot at MS Paint when I noted that rule changes... and I have to say... you should add more rules... PS peeps can have complete drawings in the form of brushes. So I guess it would be... Photoshop's default brush set.

Still... I will try my MS Paint skills out...
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