NetBSD-tan Design >>EDITED<<

Started by Neko Ed, December 19, 2007, 11:43:12 AM

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Holy HELL!!!  @v@
I swear, it's like a snowball rolling down the hill effect, not unlike with FCL-tan.  ^___^

Phenomenal job there, VonDaab.  At the risk of sounding antiquated, the design puts the "M" in "Moe".  ^___^

*laughs at own stupid pun/joke/whatever*

And as you can see yourself, you [the artist] have absolutely full control of how much detail you want to put in the end.  You're free to make it nauseatingly-detailed OR settle for a zen-simplicity that just gets straight to the point quickly and efficiently.  ^.^

Anyway, good luck y'all in your NetBSD endeavors.  When it's time for me to draw the BSD trio (I'd compare them to Charlie's Angels, if the reference weren't so overdone by now), it'll be my turn to pitch in.  ^.^

oh, and yeah,... this thing is a bonified art thread now.  ^v^

Aurora Borealis

You all want me to move this thread to the art section?


I support the idea of moving this to the art section.

Here NetBSD, colored. Personally, Im not pleased with the end result.

Neko Ed

Yay! She exists!

Thanks for all the work, it's all wonderful so far!



QuoteYou all want me to move this thread to the art section?

Let's just say that this thread has its own signal flare.  ^___^

QuoteHere NetBSD, colored. Personally, Im not pleased with the end result.

Hmmm,... admittedly, her colored version seems far removed from the fully-body sketch you did earlier.  In that version, she had a dynamic pose and I think you nailed it on her head and legs.  But no problemo, cause this is still a very valuable color test.  ^__^

Seeing it in action,...... hmmm.......... I'm wondering if a redder tone of orange is more in order?  Maybe just for the skirt to break up the uniformity.  Her skirt collar could be gray with a white border line for the same reason.  And now I'm curious what gray horns and tails would look like?  May just have to collage those suggestions myself to see if they're worth it.  ^___^

QuoteYay! She exists!

Thanks for all the work, it's all wonderful so far!

Fufufu... no problemo.  They don't call us the DreamMakers for nothing.... ^___^


Heh,... assuming anyone called us that.  ^^;


QuoteYay! She exists!

Thanks for all the work, it's all wonderful so far!

Artwork is easy...It's the concept that difficult to come up with. You did half the work for us ;)

QuoteHere NetBSD, colored. Personally, Im not pleased with the end result.

Awww, I think she's cute! Good job!

Here's my take on her. This was probably a new record for me, she went from sketch to finished vector drawing in but 1 hour and 45 min.

And a link in case the pic gets removed by a mod. for size. But this should likely be in an art section, and designated an image thread.

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh, and am I the only one who gets a slight Haruhi feeling from her? XD

Aurora Borealis

Darn. I can't find the option to move the thread! x__x

But it is still an image thread and posting large images is permitted.

And uhh... Here's my contribution to the thread!


Quote from: "C-Chan"Hmmm,... admittedly, her colored version seems far removed from the fully-body sketch you did earlier.  In that version, she had a dynamic pose and I think you nailed it on her head and legs.
Yes this is all fault of my pc tableting skills. It just doesn't give the same result that drawing on paper would.

Quote from: "Bella"Oh, and am I the only one who gets a slight Haruhi feeling from her? XD
Heh, you're not.

Edit: IMO the horns and bell kinda shouts after some nice Meushi-mimis.
Edit Edit: Sorry. Just had to.


QuoteArtwork is easy...It's the concept that difficult to come up with. You did half the work for us

Touche!  ^^

QuoteAwww, I think she's cute! Good job!

Here's my take on her. This was probably a new record for me, she went from sketch to finished vector drawing in but 1 hour and 45 min.

Awesome blossom!  Chock up another one for Net-chan's birth.  ^___^
Just a tad stiff in the lower half of her body, but everything above is a gravy train right down to the detail on her hair.  While not gray, the full orange kerchief doesn't look bad either.

Oooh,... and gray horns and tail.... me likey.  ^v^

QuoteOh, and am I the only one who gets a slight Haruhi feeling from her? XD

Maybe a mellow mellow Haruhi perhaps?  ^^;

QuoteAnd uhh... Here's my contribution to the thread!

That makes three.  ^^

[quote[Yes this is all fault of my pc tableting skills. It just doesn't give the same result that drawing on paper would. [/quote]

Aa sou sou,... I haven't used tablets myself in a long time for the same reason.  ^^
Probably stupid question, but how about scanning your sketch and coloring over it?  The end result would be d-y-n-a-m-i-t-e.  ^v^

QuoteEdit: IMO the horns and bell kinda shouts after some nice Meushi-mimis.
Edit Edit: Sorry. Just had to.



Quote from: "C-Chan"Probably stupid question, but how about scanning your sketch and coloring over it?

Non non, my pencil lineart is too messy to color on,
and my inking skill is total krap.

An attempt on "cleaner" lineart.
Edit: I just noticed that I forgot to draw her hair, orz.
Edit Edit: IMO, she's still not looking young enough to be 15-16-ish.


QuoteNon non, my pencil lineart is too messy to color on,
and my inking skill is total krap.

An attempt on "cleaner" lineart.

Fufu... well I kinda figure it was something like that,....  ^^

Granted, your latest sketch of NetBSD-tan is quite a dish herself and is certainly graced with that "mellow mellow" look that I think suits NetBSD-tan nicely................... not really prepared to leave behind that awesome first sketch you did of her with her arms behind her back.  ^__^

*twiddles hooves nervously*

Assuming I have a little opening of time.... *fidget fidget* ... if you wouldn't mind............?  ^^

*fidgets more*

QuoteEdit: I just noticed that I forgot to draw her hair, orz.

Also noticed that Bella-san forgot that too.  "LOLZ", as they say... ^___^
But I guess that's what the ribbons are for.... to cover for whenever an artist forgets that she has mid-length hair.

The longest, of course, reserved for Freebie-chan.  ^______^

QuoteEdit Edit: IMO, she's still not looking young enough to be 15-16-ish.

There are mature 15/16 year olds.  ^^;
Your latest character design reminds me a lot of Atsuko Natsume (aka, "Nuku Nuku"), and I believe her character was also meant to be 16 (like 95% of all other Anime female protagonists, of course.... ^^')


Oh,... and.... this thread is still here.  ^^;


VonDaab, nice sketch, again! I think she looks young enough to be 15/16 (or even a bit younger). If anything, I made my version look a bit too old ;)

As for the hair, I confess I was taking a bit of artistic license :P


I get a feeling I might be getting on the boat a bit late, on my end... -.-;
Ah well - I'll see if I can sketch up anything else, and color up some if i can. Still haven't got my scanner to work, though - STUPID PIECE OF CRAP!