Gussy's Art Thread

Started by Gussy Keniji, July 30, 2007, 09:01:05 AM

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Quote from: "C-Chan"Yo Alfamille-san, welcome back finally (the invitation paid off?).  ^___^

I guess tha pairing could work,... although there are lots of other OS-tans with animal hats that could probably fit the bill too.  ^^

(thinks Spida-tan with her spider hat, or FreeDOS-tan with her whale hat)

That's a cute idea as well :D

I've only thought to stick her with Red Hat-tan since FCL is a sub-distro of RHL.

Talk about OS-tans with hats! Let's have a fashion show!

Btw Gussy, let the oekakis coming!  ;010

Gussy Keniji

Okay, though I must admit, I'm not really the Valentine's Day type of guy (Too lovey dovey...) but I got this for ya'll

1st off a rendation of Siya's Loveletter, using on of Loveletter's aliases as building blocks I give you, Lovebug-tan.

...And yes...LoveBug has a stinger O,o

I've also found, another Virus-tan that is perfect for this holiday but I'mma need to draw her 1st, stay tuned...



Cute! I love her antennae. Besides the stinger, are those wings?  

And another Valentines Virus? There are a lot of Viru-tans who enjoy preying on lovesick OS-tan :P

Gussy Keniji

Yosh, thanx thar Bella-san

Yep those be her wings, originally I was goin go for a 'Wriggle Nightbug' look for her wings, but scrapped the idea for some reason and went with the wings you see before you.

And yeah there are quite a few Viruses who like messing with the (as Laharl would say) 'Love-Freaks', ironically Lovebug/Loveletter was gonna have anteenea similar to his...but they didn't stick right for some reason...wonder why...



Lovebug-tan looks awesome!  Great job! XD


Aa sou sou,... Gus-san is back and getting in on the Valentine's Day action.  ^^

She has a cute "Bliss-tan" look to her, but I'm still a bit confuzzled....

Are you saying that LoveBug and LoveLetter are the same virus?  Appearance-wise, they look world's apart....  ^^;

Gussy Keniji

QuoteLovebug-tan looks awesome! Great job! XD
Heh thanx Siya, I owe you the thanks for gettin me inspired to draw somethin for this holiday (originally I was gonna be lazy and not do anything ^^; )

QuoteAa sou sou,... Gus-san is back and getting in on the Valentine's Day action. ^^

She has a cute "Bliss-tan" look to her, but I'm still a bit confuzzled....

Are you saying that LoveBug and LoveLetter are the same virus? Appearance-wise, they look world's apart.... ^^;
Yeah in a technical sense they are infact the same virus, I just went by Loveletters alias name 'Lovebug' as 'building blocks' to design this girl, however her mail-esque tactics remain the same (right down to the mail bag and 'letters')

Also as promised another 'love themed' virus tan (or rather worm-tan)

Amore's Arrow-Valentine-tan

A worm-tan who seems to be stuck on St.Valentine's Day. poetic and loving in all sorts of ways. Valentine pilots the skies in search of those who show feelings for one another, if she manages to spy a potential couple she will then deliver a 'Love Letter' to the potential couple, by firing an arrow that has said letter attached to it, once opened it is said that a beautiful poem is written within the envelope, however being she's a worm-tan opening these envelopes is usually not the best of ideas (despite the chance of reading a poem of unparalelled beauty). However she see's no harm in what she does and continues on her 'duty' of spreading love through out the OS world. As stated above she is actually quite the poetic worm-tan and often talks in poetry form always having a rhyme with one word after the other, Unlike Christmas Tree-tan she doesn't disappear when Valentine's Day is over, instead she continues on her tireless job of spreading kindness and love throughout the world. She is a slight 'fan-girl' and absolutely adores 'shipping'. Her appearcne is similar to Flonne's for obvious reasons, while her tactics of bringing couples together are a referance to Cupid.



Her personality seems to be simply fit on her, so as the design of her dress. Nice.

QuoteShe is a slight 'fan-girl' and absolutely adores 'shipping'. Her appearcne is similar to Flonne's for obvious reasons, while her tactics of bringing couples together are a referance to Cupid.

Adores shipping? I wonder who'll she hook up


QuoteYeah in a technical sense they are infact the same virus, I just went by Loveletters alias name 'Lovebug' as 'building blocks' to design this girl, however her mail-esque tactics remain the same (right down to the mail bag and 'letters')

But you know what I'm sayin'... one girl's blond, the other has pink hair.  So even if they're the same virus in RL, it's probably easier to consider them as two separate virus-tans.  Very easy to do, considering how viruses fork off to countless variants on their own.  ^___^

QuoteAlso as promised another 'love themed' virus tan (or rather worm-tan)

Amore's Arrow-Valentine-tan

A worm-tan who seems to be stuck on St.Valentine's Day. poetic and loving in all sorts of ways. Valentine pilots the skies in search of those who show feelings for one another, if she manages to spy a potential couple she will then deliver a 'Love Letter' to the potential couple, by firing an arrow that has said letter attached to it, once opened it is said that a beautiful poem is written within the envelope, however being she's a worm-tan opening these envelopes is usually not the best of ideas (despite the chance of reading a poem of unparalelled beauty). However she see's no harm in what she does and continues on her 'duty' of spreading love through out the OS world. As stated above she is actually quite the poetic worm-tan and often talks in poetry form always having a rhyme with one word after the other, Unlike Christmas Tree-tan she doesn't disappear when Valentine's Day is over, instead she continues on her tireless job of spreading kindness and love throughout the world. Her appearcne is similar to Flonne's for obvious reasons, while her tactics of bringing couples together are a referance to Cupid.

Oooh!  Indeed, she's like a pink infectious Flonne from Disgaea.  ^.^
(name's a bit of a tongue twister, thought)

This is a very cute design, and believe me if I had a chance to do a mini of her, I'd do it in a heartbeat.  ^____^

Only thing though is that we've never really discussed what worm-tans would be like in the OS-tan world.  What would make them act different from just regular virus-tans?  '__'

QuoteShe is a slight 'fan-girl' and absolutely adores 'shipping'.

In that case keep her FAR away from Abraxas-tan and FCL-tan.  ^__________^;


Ooooh, Valentines-tan! And I was thinking Siya's LoveLetter-tan would be neat with a bow and arrow. What a coincidence :P

QuoteVery easy to do, considering how viruses fork off to countless variants on their own. ^___^

This is why we have so many Unixes, no?

*waits to have heavy object fall on me*

QuoteOnly thing though is that we've never really discussed what worm-tans would be like in the OS-tan world. What would make them act different from just regular virus-tans? '__'

I've wondered the same thing...course, I'm not very learned when it comes to viruses, so I can't speculate...

QuoteShe is a slight 'fan-girl' and absolutely adores 'shipping'.

Ooooh, so she'd also be a fan of Mac and PC shipping XD

QuoteIn that case keep her FAR away from Abraxas-tan and FCL-tan. ^__________^;

...Or, away from Slackware-chan and....any real Unix-tan...


*has safe dropped on me...not by an angry Slack-chan, mind you*

Gussy Keniji

Okay so it's not really ART per se, but this is to at least say I'm making another come back. I've done a bit of writing and I have compiled a bit of a database on the subject. (Mind you these are just my THEORIES and shouldn't be taken as canon in anyway, if you all wish for them to be made solid facts then I shall deem it so)

-Concept of Malware-tans-

Virus-tan/kun- A Virus-tan/kun is the polar opposite of an OS-tan/kun, simply because they cause harm to OSes. Viruses are the oldest known Malware-tans in exsistance being the 1st -tan to cause inital harm to OSes. Viruses are able to directly alter OS-tans in many ways causing them some general problems and misfortunes. However, most Viruses weren't really that dangerous and were simply 'pranksters' who would just be around to cause an annoyance to the OS they 'infected', during their early days, Viruses would constantly pester DOS-tans. There are many types of viruses in the OS-tan universe, each with their own way of causing trouble and mayhem. However, though viruses aren't as mainstream as Worms are, they are still out there today, some are increasingly more dangerous than their predacessors are and some are actually capable of bypassing (and sometimes even completely destroying) the protective effects of Anti-viral tans/kuns. These virus-tans/kuns are often kept under top survalliance from the Anti-Viral tans.

Worm-tan/kun- A Worm-tan/kun is the 2nd class of malware to be discovered. Worm-tans are often confused with Virus-tans for the simple reason they are alot alike (at least to those who only see them as malicious...which they are of course). However, Worm-tans differ from Viruses simple because they rarely cause harm to the systems they infect, being that (unlike viruses) they do not usually ALTER the OS-tan they infect. Worm-tans are masters of Replication (making clones) and if allowed to replicate and run wild, then one can be faced with a series of problems on their hands. There have been numerous accounts in the past of Worm-tans causing massive amounts of chaos just by simply overflowing a system with their clones. There is 2nd sub-class of Worms that specializes in 'mailing attacks' called a Mass Mailer. Mass Mailers use the replicant skill just like their counterparts but use them in the fashion of letters that are infused with malicious coding. When opened the malicious code then materializes a clone of the Worm that is thenbinded to the OS-tan who opened the letter, pestering them to send more mail to others. It is known that more than one Worm-tan clone can be materialized from a letter. Ironically, Mass Mailers are in charge of the postal system in the Viru-tan area, and actually do a fairly decent job. The most dangerous Worm-tan was said to have been Melissa-tan. There have been rumors of Worm-tans who can infect OS-tans and cause them to turn into 'Zombies'

Trojan-tan/kun- A Trojan-tan/kun is the 3rd and final class of malware to be discovered. They appear to be a secretive group of -tans who only make themselves known when it comes to theivery and conning OS-tans. Trojan-tans are accomplished in estabilishing 'Back Doors' which allow Malware-tans to infiltrate OS-tan areas alot easier or generally, transporting large amounts of malware-tans to a designated area. However, Trojan-tans aren't skilled in Replication, and cannot utulize the skill to their advantage. Trojan-tans are actually not as malicious as one may precieve, some can be used as allies with OS-tans. So far no Trojan-tans have appeared in the open, but one can assume they are working in the shadows...

Infection- All Malware-tans/kuns are capable of 'Infecting' an OS. This unique ability is possible by the use of a type of matter that the Malware houses in their body. This matter co-exists with their other organs and fluids (kinda like 'Chakra from Naruto) and can be released on the users whim. Each malware has his or her own method of 'Infection' each one more unique (and dangerous) than the other. Some result in a mild corporal nusiance, such as a rash or a headache, while some can cause the victim to fall gravely ill, however the Infection is usually able to be cleared up by the help of Anti-viral-tans/kuns (It is believed that after the infection is cured, the assaliant malware will have a harder time infecting the OS that recieved treatment) and most aren't neccisarly that life-threatening, like in the cases of Worm-tans who simply infect an OS just to spread their influence.

Replication- Replication is an ability housed by all malware (excluding Trojans). It simply allows the user to make copies of his or herself and said copies do the originals bidding. Though the Copies themselves are substantianly weaker than the original and will disappear if they are defeated. Acme-tan is a frequent user of this skill, and is said to be the master at it as well, many other viruses are also accomplished in this skill. Worm-tans however are the most prolific users of this ability, and use it for just about anything.

Variant- A 'Variant' is a relative, sibling or (in some cases) offspring of a malware-tan/kun. Variants are usually similar to the original descendent, but has at least 1 factor that sets them widely apart from the original (be this a difference in their appearance, abilities, weakness or strength). Most malware have at least 1 Variant somewhere in the world waiting to be discovered (which is why there's so many to begin with). Worm-tans seem to have the most Variants out of all the malware-tans.

Isolatation- The equivalent of being 'exiled' or banished from OS-tan society. When Viruses were proving to be a nusicance the OS-tans resorted to 'Isolating' them from their community to a vast and remote area far away from their society. Inadvertaedly, this would only result in the birth of the Viru-tan Area.

Nix malware- Simply put, a benevolent malware-tan that doesn't seek to cause trouble. There are few Nix malware out to this day but most of the earlier types could be classed as such. being they were all simple pranksters and some didn't even cause that much damage. The most famous Nix malware is Bliss-tan who is also the 1st malware-tan able to co-exist with OS-tans.

Viru-tan Area/Land of Malware- An area where many OS-tans dare not venture into, for this is where Malware rule. Though, many tell stories of how it's an ominous land where all of the viruses are ruled by 1 unsurmountable and terribly ruthless queen virus. This however is a grave misconception (though half of this proves to be true, for the viruses do in fact follow a queen if, but she's not ruthless...powerful, yes. but ruthless, no) most viruses here are not capable of causing any real damage to OS-tan society being most who live here are early viruses that infected DOS-tans and are particularlly bad at infecting Windows or Mac (Lunix/Unix is an exception, for there are early viruses who are able to infect even the most powerful Unix-tan, but the only one known is Bliss-tan, and she doesn't live with viruses nor is she malicious).

The Land of Malware is located far from the residences of the OS-tans being this is originally where the early Virus-tans, who were found in the open, were sent to be 'Isolated' (the equivalent of being exiled). Viru-tan would later venture to this land and would begin rebuilding it into a community and refuge for all malware-tan to reside. The entrance to the area is relentlessly gaurded by Cerberus-kun (Cerberus-tans big brother) as a means to keep out those who wish to cause trouble for the virus-tans, and is instructed to only let in OS-tans who wish to discuss business, or in the cases of Viru-sama and her schemes, let legions of Viruses loose to cause mayhem for OSes.

Beyond the gate is a large suburban area where all the Virus-tans live, usually residing in seperate houses or apartment complexes. Because Malware are generally more numerous than OSes, this area is considered the largest and is constantly expanding. In the center of this city, is Viru-sama's Mansion where the virus queen herself takes up residence, her followers are welcome to see her whenever they wish, this way her followers are able to come to her any time there's a problem or just so they can have a friendly chat. The mansion houses not only Viru-sama but her 'Generals' and some of her other more closer subjects as well.

On the edge of the Land of Malware lies the ominous and eternally miserable, Castle de Horror. This is where the lone vampire, Horror-kun, lives. It is believed that the castle, as well as Horror kun, have been in the Land of Malware way longer than most of the viruses have, the castle itself is on top of a steep cliff that overlooks the Windows House in the distance. Beyond this is, as said above, the home where the Windows family lives. Despite being the most powerful, they actually live the closest to the viruses.

Take note that not all viruses live in the Land of Malware, a few that don't, are Bliss-tan, who lives with Lunix-tans due to her less malicious nature, and Christmas Tree-tan in her case no one knows WHERE she lives, for no one has ever been able to find her exact location after christmas...

-End Database-

What else do you plan to do Gus-san?
-Draw moar! :V okay seriously

New malware to come
-Slugger-tan: Baseball prodigy virus who seems to be able to pitch balls faster than the eye can see
-Math Test-tan: A teacher who believes Math is the key to the universe
-Gyro-tan: A destructive virus who has the ability to manipulate machinery at will.
-Joker-tan: A comedian who's constantly out to prove she's the funniest around, doesn't take to those who can't 'take a joke'
-Stormbot-tan: The malware-tan with the power equal to that of Mainframe status, said to be a myth amoungst malware...

Other projects to come
-Moar Fanart, cuz there are some characters I really like that I seriously need to draw
-Virus-tan comic; Anthem of Acme: Upcoming comic series that stars Acme and the other viruses. currently mapping out the plotline.



I GRIN >:3
This is delicious. When comes mah dessert?
Also, I'd like to see a description of Chernobyl-tan, just to see what kind of stuff can actually happen with someone like that around...

Gussy Keniji

A little more, this time expanding on different terms that can be used. Also adding new classes of I expanding to much in this field? I feel like I am for some reason...anyways...

-Concept of Malware-tans (Side 2)-

Black Hat- A term to describe a hacker who aids Virus-tans in causing trouble for OS-tans. Black hats usually require the consent of Viru-sama before they are able to initate any attacks, but in recent years this policy has been all but abandoned. Black Hats are rarely seen in physical appearance and simply send their thoughts and ideas via mail to Viru-sama, but this isn't saying that they are not capable of public appearances...

Attack Tree- A chart of sorts showing the movements of the Virus-tans. Usually used by Anti-Virus-tans to track a virus by the means of 'Fault tree anaylsis'. These diagrams can be obtained via Black Hats or stealthy malware-tans and can then be used as a way to predict what the opposition is planning to do next.

In The Wild- A phrase used to describe a malware-tan that is still out in the open and hasn't been isolated as of yet. Viruses who live in the VtA can still be considered 'In the Wild' if they can not be readily subdued by Anti-Virus tans when and if they appear before OS-tans.

Adware-tans/kuns- a subclass of malware that are specialized in commercial advertising. Though they are not really evil at heart they simply do not realize when to stop advertising. Adware-tans/kuns work extremely well with Spyware-tans/kuns.

Spyware tans/kuns- another subclass of malware, specialized in the art of stealth and espionage. It is believed that most Spyware-tans were in close following with Whale-tan when she went by the alias 'Mama Ningyo', the fact that most of them know of Whale-tans exploits and plans before the groups disappearance adds credit to this theory. Spyware are accomplished at secretly monitoring OS-tans and are (as one may've guessed) used for spy missions.

-End Database-

QuoteAlso, I'd like to see a description of Chernobyl-tan, just to see what kind of stuff can actually happen with someone like that around...
I think I did her, Chernobly-tan is one CIH's aliases, if that's what you're implying anyways



I remember that one, yeah. But since that one's a real system nuker, I'd like to see what she'd be capable of tan'ized.


Yo Gus-san!  Long time no see around these parts.  :P

I'm liking the Tome of Knowledge you're writing up here -- reminds me a lot of when I tried to deploy my OS-tan Annex.  Ah, the memories.  :D

Thank you though for being so thorough, and for taking into account all the elements we've discussed earlier in your thread -- I'm especially happy that you still want to keep Viru-sama such a central figure, especially since we really don't have much of an obligation (aside from courtesy) to do so.  :)

Two things I'm particularly interested in:

1)  The rise of Super Malware, such as Storm, which I've always said could be manifested as giants (such as the Mainframe-tans), but ones that have essentially lost coherent physical forms, and any semblance of self-control.  Unable to be controlled by anyone (even by Viru-sama herself), they wonder about growing ever larger and more unpredictable.  Those brave enough to even recognize their existence either still struggle to find a way to stop them, or simply pray day-and-night that they never take an aggressive action.

2)  I imagine that the struggle between Virus and Anti-Virus forces is often depicted in the OS-tan world as a classic feel-good fight between Good and Evil.  The reality, though, is likely far messier -- anyone willing to look deeper into this would likely encounter all sorts of mind-boggling realizations.  Everything from some malware-tans fighting for just causes, to some Anti-Virus-tans cooperating with their presumed enemies [under the table of course] to further profits.