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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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Indeed. Maybe post-move, you, me, and Kari (And maybe Stew, if he can join us) can take a trip there :3


Two dreams:

The Haunted Tower and the Werewolves

The main character is a blonde haired girl in her twenties, She went to a tower on a mountain to find a strong source of spiritual energy. She found it under a bed at the top of the tower. Three maids had come before and they acted as guards do to having been turned into something like Chucky. When she made it past them on their way to the high tower and when she got there she noticed a rift under the bed, she crawled under the bed and recited a spell. Which back fired and caused the statues outside to turn into werewolves and attack her. The rest of the dream was spent running and hiding until they had her cornered and then I woke up.

Sage Advise from a Computer

I am in the house of my youth, a dear friend of mine and her partner live in the house next door. I recently came across a old laptop(in real life as well). And it was rather old. It  ran slowly and seemed only to spit out small amounts of data at me. Usually gibberish, I was requesting their help to maybe fix it or upgrade it. It was a fairly normal dream accept I remember one thing the computer said. It said,"Seek and protect the small. ~Odin" I have no clue what that meant or why it was in my dream.
Simon was here :P


I don't do traveling to California.


Quote from: Bella on May 10, 2013, 06:34:51 PM
I'm gonna take this as more evidence that there needs to be an OSC California roadtrip (when I say "roadtrip" I really mean we're all going to drive on roads to the nearest airport, board a 787 and fly out there).
But vikingland is so much better.


Now that is a trip I would be willing to take, except I don't get any vacation time. 


At all? That's bloody bollocks, is what it is.

Still, suppose. Would you prefer the long days of lush summer, or the long nights of winter's embrace?


If I had the money I'd love to meet all of you.

Last nights dream was entirely... instinctual
Simon was here :P


So, I had two dreams I faintly remember from last night, that I'm just now getting around to typing down.

First one had me exploring the hospital with the girls of K-On; as we stumble onto some conspiracy in the kitchen (Located in the basement) involving a mad scientist and his cryogenic freezing chamber. It honestly felt like being in an episode of Josie & The Pussycats, just with K-On @_@

As for the second one, I was driving around a city I didn't recognize while listening to the Thin Lizzy song,
Emerald. Maybe I was catching a glimpse of when I move?


@Simon- Odin?  As in, the Norse god Odin?  As in, this guy?

I'm not sure what that part was about, but it does bring up a couple of interesting conversations.

I hope your ready!


I am almost tempted to call blasphemy at that depiction...dear thunderer, that image >_>


The Winter Mistreated

It was winter. It had been a while since he had gone out on the town, hadn't had a reason to since his wife died. His name was Alex Meziado. He was a dark haired man in his thirties and had the build of a scrawny teenage male, his voice was deep and comforting but he rarely used it. He was going to the market that day to pick up a few supplies as he had run out. With little money and the inability to hold a job he would have to be careful with what little he had. His heart was heavy and his mind numb when he entered the store. He bumped into a lady on his way in and apologized and helped her pick up her things. He went to the produce section hoping to maybe pick up some fruit, but they were always too expensive so he grabbed a bag of potatoes. He went on his way grabbing only what he thought he needed to survive. It would be rice and potatoes again tonight, with maybe a small cup of peanut butter for the morning, he usually skipped breakfast. After purchasing the items he left the store only to find the woman that he had bumped into standing there with three guys and they looked angry, one punched him in the gut and while he was down the others beat him leaving him bruised and bleeding, right in the store's parking lot and they took his groceries. The owner of the establishment came out and yelled at him to move saying he was disrupting the peace. He struggled to get up but he just failed and fell over again. The owner called the cops. When they came they harassed him calling a crack head and a dirty drunk, they forced him up and threw him in the back seat of the police car. He started to cry, this had been his life ever since she died. The police officers started to insult him, talk down on him and called him a worthless cry baby. Every time he went out someone would take offence and hurt him, the same cops would harass and arrest him. And no one would bother to help him. His life was a veritable hell, and he was just about to give up. The cops drove him to his house, as he got out he noticed that someone had broken all the windows and wrote useless on his front door with an eviction notice under it. He died the next day because of a snow storm.
Simon was here :P


Quote from: stewartsage on May 13, 2013, 01:55:03 PM
I don't do traveling to California.

We're going to California and we're going to check out old computers at the CHM someday. I need SOMEBODY to photograph me as I pose in period-accurate attire near various 1960s computers.

Also, old-computer safariiiii!!! You should need no further incentive.

Quote from: NejinOniwa on May 13, 2013, 06:59:29 PM
Quote from: Bella on May 10, 2013, 06:34:51 PM
I'm gonna take this as more evidence that there needs to be an OSC California roadtrip (when I say "roadtrip" I really mean we're all going to drive on roads to the nearest airport, board a 787 and fly out there).
But vikingland is so much better.

No dice unless you can take me to visit the Uppsala University UPDATE computer club! (MY VACATION WILL INVOLVE INTERACTIONS WITH OLD COMPUTERS BY THE GODS!)


Quote from: Bella on May 17, 2013, 11:19:52 AM
No dice unless you can take me to visit the Uppsala University UPDATE computer club! (MY VACATION WILL INVOLVE INTERACTIONS WITH OLD COMPUTERS BY THE GODS!)
Oh. I didn't even know that stuff existed.

Once I get my shit together I can probably join that, so that could be arranged...


@Bella: Posing in '60s fashion in front of computers from the era? I'd totally be in on that too ^_~
I'd be channeling a bit of my past self LOL


Quote from: NejinOniwa on May 17, 2013, 12:11:41 PM
Quote from: Bella on May 17, 2013, 11:19:52 AM
No dice unless you can take me to visit the Uppsala University UPDATE computer club! (MY VACATION WILL INVOLVE INTERACTIONS WITH OLD COMPUTERS BY THE GODS!)
Oh. I didn't even know that stuff existed.

Once I get my shit together I can probably join that, so that could be arranged...

Get on it Nej! Pretty sure Update has one of the few remaining LINC-8 systems and the last PDP-10 (emulator?) running ITS.

Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 17, 2013, 12:14:35 PM
@Bella: Posing in '60s fashion in front of computers from the era? I'd totally be in on that too ^_~
I'd be channeling a bit of my past self LOL


If we could get enough people together we could have a period-accurate flash mob.