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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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I had a slightly weird one last night:

In it, my parents and I took an evening trip out of town in my sister's car, even though she wasn't with us...but her per chihuahua was, for some reason. Why we took her car and dog on this trip, I'll never know, since most of the dream was spent with me wondering around a video game store; finding an gold copy of Zelda: A Link to the Past for Super NES, which I don't think was officially released in a gold cartridge. I don't remember many other details from the dream; those are just the ones that stuck out to me


sounds interesting, especially since we visited a great vintage game store in the area today. :3

i hope there aren't any more text-wall dreams.... ;^;
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After getting my Mac Mini earlier in the week, I began to think back to a dream I had back around 2000 (Again, one I'm surprised I still remember; considering how long ago it was):

In it, I was given an iBook (For the Mac fans in the audience, it was the original clamshell model. Don't remember what color, though); which not only ran OS 9, but also had VirtualPC installed with a setup of Windows 98. However, the part that made it weird was how both OSes shared the same screen space; the Apple Menu bar was up on top, while the Widows Taskbar was at the bottom, and various programs for both where running. Of course, I learned years later that you can actually do that (At least, on OS X with Virtualbox), but back then, the concept seemed unreal to me


it's like how i dreamt that there was an interactive version of mario party for the n64. it was shockingly awesome.

either way, that sounds cool. plus a hacchan x kyourou pairing would be interesting. :3
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The title for these dreams could be, "And This is Why We Don't Watch History Detectives Before Sleeping"

This morning I had a dream about a tiny, fluffy white dog that was in fact a part of an American plan to steal nuclear secrets from the Russians (or Soviets, the timeline in this dream wasn't exactly clear). Even with the knowledge that this dog was a spy (or being used by spies....... this wasn't clear either) I thought it was simply adorable and adopted the little plutonium-toting puppy for myself, American intelligence by damned.

Then I had a dream where I was either a) Having my art shown a gallery or b) Was the director of an art showing at a gallery or museum (whose art it was, and where I was, wasn't clear to me). Anyway, that's beside the point, because I was in a position of responsibility and I managed to screw it up royally when it was revealed that this art was somehow plagiaristic or fraudulent. Cue being confronted by a supervisor and being told that I'd have to be put under investigation, and him casually saying something like, "Will tomorrow be okay for you? The board of directors wants to get started on that trial" or some such that freaked me the hell out and made me storm out of the building. All the while thinking I've just completely screwed up any future prospects and going into some sort of psychological breakdown.

I've never been so glad to wake up from a dream - everything felt SO real, it was horrifying (even if nonsensical).

I had some other dreams, but those are probably the most amusing. -w-;;


lol, silly little laika-spy. ^^

yesterday i had a dream that we (me, mum, colleen, possibly bella, possibly nej, possibly other people) went on a subway adventure! with this immigrant kid with a curly red afro! and overalls! there was some odd scenery (a short, single platform[where we stood] on a curved track, with other short platforms half-visible on the left and right, obscured by the tunnel; underground grassy hill with farmhouse), but we rode the train and eventually a car to where we were going, which was an above-ground version of said grassy hill. all the while, i was trying to get my ipod to play "Night of Nights", but failed. :\
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I had one a few weeks back that was of interest:

In it, I was with my parents on a trip out of town. They wouldn't tell me where we where going, saying that it was a "surprise", so i just did my usual thing of looking out the window at the scenery; as we went through several towns I had never seen before. I woke up before I saw where our destination was, but wherever we where going, I had a strange feeling that some of my friends where waiting for me there...


sounds like the beginning to a book. :3
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I had one last Friday (A morning I overslept) that was worth noting, since it did involve this site:

In it, I was going about my usual morning routine of having breakfast while browsing around on the OSC forums, with everything fairly normal aside from a spambot showing up; making a very strange topic topic along the lines of that one about the air fresheners a few weeks back. Also, Stew got in trouble for responding to the spam topic in a humorous way, while Choco had a Dodongo (From the Zelda series) as her avatar.

I woke up shortly after because I was lying on my arm wrong; causing it to go numb...when I noticed that I had overslept. I still had enough time to do my usual morning routine, but with less wiggle room


heh, what's a dodogo? :3

the past few mornings i've been waking up alot in the morning and then rolling over and going back to sleep, which has resulted in some odd dreams.
yestersay morning (?) i had one that involved my dad in some way.....but i can't remember how. :\
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Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 13, 2011, 08:34:12 PM
In it, I was going about my usual morning routine of having breakfast while browsing around on the OSC forums, with everything fairly normal aside from a spambot showing up; making a very strange topic topic along the lines of that one about the air fresheners a few weeks back. Also, Stew got in trouble for responding to the spam topic in a humorous way, while Choco had a Dodongo (From the Zelda series) as her avatar.

Lol, I love how realistic that dream is. (Right down to the spambot and Stew getting in trouble.) XD;

I had a dream this morning involving getting ready to go somewhere but missing my bus because a couple friends were messing around and distracting me. It was rainy and cold out; judging by my surroundings, it was either rural NH or the Pacific Northwest (it's sometimes hard to tell).  -w-;;

Later on I ended up in a city I assumed was Boston, though it really looked like Boston, Washington DC and NYC mixed together. SOMEthing happened that made me want to get out of the dream so I was like, "You know what'll wake me up? A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION." So I dreamt a bomb into being (somewhere in the city, I wasn't actually near it) and activated it with my powers of Lucid Dreaming. At some point Stew showed up, and I seemed to have second thoughts about nuking myself awake, since I became focused back on the dream - namely, trying to get my loved ones/myself out of harm's way. There was running like hell (okay, maybe more like Fastwalking like hell), trying to find a place to hide, and finally settling on the basement of a friend's house (which was done up in amusingly kitchy 1970s style).

Oh yeah and while I waited for the nuke detonate, I made out with the nearest warm-bodied being. (Who happened to be my bf, so it was totally okay!) At some point word came in that the explosion happened somewhere to the northeast of the city, and we were in the southwest... I think dream-me blew up Salem.... sorry about that dream-Salem. : (


I have lucid powers sometimes. But the thing is, I dream so damn seldom in the first place, so I never get to use them...


Quote from: Bella on August 13, 2011, 11:52:40 PM
I think dream-me blew up Salem.... sorry about that dream-Salem. : (
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Quote from: NejinOniwa on August 14, 2011, 07:06:26 AM
I have lucid powers sometimes. But the thing is, I dream so damn seldom in the first place, so I never get to use them...

I occasionally have lucidity, although it's pretty rare. Both times are mentioned earlier in this topic; the first involved a diaper-shaped UFO, while the more recent one involved my grandma running a garage sale.


i wish i could lucid dream. but i suppose that takes some of the fun away from dreams. :3

i had one this morning, and i think it involved a vending machine.....but i forgot.
i gotta start writing these down. :\
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