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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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I had a bunch of weird dreams this morning. The first one involved Stew... I think he was meeting my family for the first time, it was kind of awkward but not terribly so? I remember us being in a big house next to a lake and some tall pine trees, I remember looking out the window and seeing a bald eagle. I got really excited and pointed it out, but then it flew away before anybody could notice it. Another one flew onto the branch, but it was kind of disheveled and sick-looking. Anyway, I remember entering a living room and sitting down on a couch with him, but my dad was sitting on a chair across from us looking kind of... annoyed. At one point Stew complimented my earrings (which looked like little cherubs holding whitish gemstones). And somehow we ended up getting ready to cuddle on a bed, but I kept getting distracted by some TV show I was watching... it was like some sort of trashy, "Maury"-like program. x_x

Somehow, this segued into another dream. I was in this little ratty house similar to my last place. Somehow, I ended up finding the bodies of two dead birds - an owl and an eagle - and I felt bad about leaving them out in the open and wanted to bury them, so I picked them up (ew) and put them in the closest boxes I had on hand, a couple of empty cereal boxes (eww) and brought them inside, where they ended up behind a couch (ewwwww) and I kept getting distracted from burying them. Then my parents got home and for some reason I didn't want them to know what I'd done, so I covered up the boxes and just went about my business (ewwwwwwwww). Finally I found some way to haul some garbage out of the house and I took the boxes with me ... I didn't have enough time to dig a grave for them, so I just tossed the boxes in a nearby rushing river, but I didn't fling them far enough into the stream so there were just TWO DEAD BIRDS AND BOXES kinda floating there near the shore. And my folks saw it and asked me what I'd done, so I fessed up to finding the bodies and wanting to bury them but chickening out before I could.

At one point I tried making my bed, but I realized the sheets on it were kinda dirty and gross so I tried finding my favorite set, which in-dream were red with white celestial patterns on them. I couldn't find them so I found my mom (who was sleeping) and asked her what she'd done with them, and she said she threw them out and I was super-pissed, but she just kind of rolled over and went back to sleep? And I was freaking out because she'd gotten rid of them. I'm not really sure what happened after that, but I woke up glad everything had just been a dream and pondering the symbolism. :/

This should prove that the only dreams I can remember are the mind-scarring ones......


Weird ._.

I had some last night, but I honestly don't remember anything from them; I just remember I woke up in the middle of one of them, fell back asleep, and picked up exactly where I left off.


that's kind of impressive dude. i've never managed to pick up on a dream where i've left off once i've woken up. once it's over, it's over. :\

@bella: ........osc therapy time?
but tbh, i found them a bit lulzy. xD
i don't mean to pry, but you dreamt about your mom?
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so here's one i had this morning:

i was invited to a club where everyone there (besides me and one other person) were all puppets, like from crank yankers, and they acted like it. it was the kind of club where they would get up and do acts, but i was too nervous to do mine. and it was a monday, because i remember saying that it was monday, so i had class so i was in the city. and i stayed there late, and caught a late bus as it was leaving town (on the side of the highway). and i was helping out one very shouty black lady puppet with her act, which she said she wanted to have her dinner first, which was part of the act, and she was having banquet mac and cheese, and she went into the microwave along with it
and i had to stir while it was going (the spoon was sticking out of the door, of course), and i was holding it really tenatively since i was afraid it was gonna blow up on me
and eventually i got too nervous and she made fun of me for it but then the microwave blew up and that's when i decided this was too much for me and i left
and i wondered why my mum would have ever reccomended a place like that.

it was all very sherbet colourful, too, like the set of some 90's kids variety show. :\
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My dad told me about a fabulous dream he had last night involving being friends with President Obama, and they went out to lunch and he wasn't sure how he should address him, and whether it would be more appropriate to call him Barack, President Obama or Mr. President. And then he had a dilemma about telling his super-conservative dad that he's friends with the President, and he considered having Obama call his dad and talk to him about it.

I wish I could have a dream that topical and epic. : (


Wow. That does sound really cool ^_^

It was like a dream I had eons ago, in which a kid I had problems with at church, who was named Kevin, was scared none other than legendary hacker, Kevin Mitnick. He didn't even have to say a word; he just looked at that kid, and let his aura of awesome do the talking *w*


i wish i could have hero dreams like that. but i'm happy as long as i can dream about my favourite anime characters. :\
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President Obama visited us in my dream some 10 nights ago. He even said my coffee was delicious, but I believe he was just being diplomatic. x)



that said, that's interesting that obama is invading people's dreams.
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Advertising in dreams? I actually had a dream like that as a kid

Remember circa '00 or so, when scooters were the hot thing? I wanted one so bad, that I had a dream in which I had one, and all the other kids were in awe of me; the other boys wanted to be me, the girls wanted a way, it was like the advertisement dreams from an early episode of Futurama



That's cool that you ran into Kevin Mitnick in a dream... if I recall correctly, the only computery person I've run into is Bill Gates. He gave me a cheap Microsoft (or Windows?) windbreaker. .____.


@pent: "A Fishful of Dollars" is the episode you're thinking of, and the one that page is referencing.

@bella: don't think "cheap". think "holy crap a computer-themed windbreaker where on earth would i get one of these super neato". :3
i don't want mr. president infiltrating my dreams. i don't want to scare him. >__>;;;

this morning i had 2 dreams. i don't recall the details, but the first one involved my grandfather dying in canada. ;^;
the second one was happier; somehow i ended up accompanying my mum and grandpa on their trip. :\
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I had one last night

In it, I was in trap mode (Wearing my light blue shirt, schoolgirl skirt, and these strange grey cotton gloves that felt like they were made out of socks), wondering around the front yard...when it started to rain. I continued to play around in the rain, trying to throw my gloves onto a power line so they can dry off, when I decided to go inside since my plan wasn't working out. Mom was balancing the checkbook while carrying on a conversation with my siser; too busy to notice what I was wearing. So, I went to the bathroom to hang up my gloves, when I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was different from normal; it was shoulder-length and black (Like Asagi), but was messy to the point of looking like a small afro (Which I assumed, in dream, was a result of the rain). I woke up after that.


Dream Summary: Pinkie Pie is Spy


Is she sappin' your sentry? </team_fortress_2>

So, an interesting bit I discovered. A friend of mine said he had a dream that I was in; I was over at his apartment for whatever reason, even though I wasn't doing anything. Still interesting, though