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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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So, I had one last night where, for some reason, I jumped through a bunch of hoops to be able to use our VCR to record stuff from our TV...even though, as mom (in-dream) pointed out, "we have a DVR; the VCR isn't needed" (Which we do actually have one). My explanation for this somehow ties into my plans to archive a bunch of my old VHS tapes before selling them off.

...maybe I watched a bit too much Oddity Archive, and now want to break out the old tech? ^^;


"Step 6: Add milk. Gargle, but Don't Rinse.
*picture reads Spanish Puppies + ____* "

and also i dreamed about my ex. and woke up and mentally yelled at myself.
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Goujer (she/her)

I had a dream last night I was a dad. I had a long blonde haired daughter that lived in my dorm with me and my room mate.
When I woke up I was thankful that I didn't have to deal with raising a child in my current state, but I was also kind of sad.


I had a dream (last night) where I went out to the ocean with my friends, but people all around us started getting drowned by whirlpools. Then I felt I had to go back asleep to try and replace that dream with a better one. In this next dream I was able to find my old 5th grade teacher at the same classroom she once was about 12 years ago. We were so excited to see each other, and I felt really happy to be re-introduced by her to her new classmates just to wake up and realize that the elementary school had already been closed and made into a museum. I felt terrible.

Quote from: Penti-chan on May 09, 2015, 10:54:40 AM
So, I had one last night where, for some reason, I jumped through a bunch of hoops to be able to use our VCR to record stuff from our TV...even though, as mom (in-dream) pointed out, "we have a DVR; the VCR isn't needed" (Which we do actually have one). My explanation for this somehow ties into my plans to archive a bunch of my old VHS tapes before selling them off.

...maybe I watched a bit too much Oddity Archive, and now want to break out the old tech? ^^;

Well, good luck archiving your VHS tapes, Pent! My parents let me borrow their VCR a few years back to make a DVD of a film I liked in exchange for me saving some of there favorites to a DVD also. But I couldn't get anything any conversion device to work until I found a silver peanut-looking thingy off amazon.


Thanks; hoping it's not too much of a hassle, although my setup does appear to work fine

So, had one last night about going to the resort, where I played a round of mini-golf while in trap (Cami top, shorts, and my hair, which was natural, tied in a ponytail). It felt so good ;v;


at some point when you get up here you can likely grow your hair out, if you want. :0

i think i dreamt last night about doing something nice with my facial skin. washing it or moisturizing or something. all i know was that it was really nice and super-pale after. this may be in response to finding out that Macy's sells Shiseido products so i don't have to buy them online. -w-
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@Duko: Can't say I've ever had dreams about past mistakes, but I do know the feeling of having them linger over me long past the point that anything could be done about it :[

So, I had one last night. All I remember from it was that I was talking with Kari, and she mentioned something about wearing a maid costume...and then she deleted the message for some reason (I don't recall her saying anything beyond "wearing a maid costume" that could have warranted a deleted message ^^; ).


i only delete messages when they accidentally send before i'm done typing them.

@kodomo: i've had a few dreams like that. i always figured it was tied to regret. :\
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Quote from: Legojer on May 09, 2015, 09:57:10 PM
I had a dream last night I was a dad. I had a long blonde haired daughter that lived in my dorm with me and my room mate.
When I woke up I was thankful that I didn't have to deal with raising a child in my current state, but I was also kind of sad.

Can't say i haven't had this type of dream. I think it might be tied into wanted hopes but that may be just me.
Simon was here :P


Had a strange one last night. In it, I was starring in what felt like a bizarre, low-budget fan-made episode of the old Nickelodeon series, Are You Afraid Of The Dark. Not quite low enough budget to be called "Turkish", though.

It starts off circa 2006 or so, with me digging through some scattered stacks of paper in the backyard, trying to find something, when a small rhino (Roughly the size of a corgi) came charging at me. However, for some reason, anything involving the Pentium processor was like its Kryptonite; as a manual on the specs of it repelled the unusually tiny rhino. This then lead to me trying to figure out how to stop it for good...when I receive a package from myself, from the future. The package contains 2k-tan the Desktop...or, rather, a future incarnation of her; as the case design was more like Frankenstein Classic with an added handle on top for carrying, with a letter from my future self instructing me to use this to stop the rhino for good.

Suddenly, the whole thing with the rhino was a non-concern, as I logged into Skype and began chatting with Kari and Bella...even though we wouldn't meet for another 2 years. I woke up after that.

EDIT: Had one this morning, where I was starring in a reality show about hunting down old A\V equipment (Basically, American Pickers meets Oddity Archive); finding a bunch of old VHS video cameras that were broken down. Don't remember much else, though


well that was confusing.

remember having a weird-ass dream this morning involving my cats and some kind of game. i think there was some kind of school or camp involved, too. i don't really remember a lot of the details; i woke up around 3-4 hours ago. :0
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I've had several lately, but the only ones I can remember are these:

First was on the night of 7/2. In it, I was at some sort of hotel with mom and my sister. At one point, after  seeing some guy I don't recognize walk by in a dress, I flip over to trap mode, myself; wearing a fairly plain prom dress. Somehow, mom didn't notice, while my sister said "do you need help?" (Not sure if she was referring to my complicated gender identity, or the fact I was having trouble walking in this dress, as it was a bit too long), all the while I get out my laptop and download, of all things, a Sonic the Hedgehog fangame that was for sale on Steam, with a generic title like "Sonic the Hedgehog Saves the Furries" (Which was a 3D platform game that was slightly better assembled than Sonic '06...but not by much).

Second one was on the nuight of 7/7. In it, I was at an arcade somewhere, and was considering playing some Street Fighter II, when something caught my attention; this rather bizarre game in which you earn prizes by bowling for them; in a cabinet that looked like a cross between a miniature bowling alley and one of those basketball games, with the pins containing various plushies. I saw a Charmander in one of them, so I began to play...which I didn't even pay for my first round; there was a ball left from the previous player, and winning caused the game to give me a free round. Sadly, I didn't get the Charmander before I woke up.

I know yesterday, I had 3 different dreams, but I forgot what happened in them :\


Pardon the double post, but this dream I had last night was too weird to not bring up:

In it, I was browsing the website for some movie...although the formatting of it made it difficult to read. So, I decide to start watching Rugrats instead; watching an episode I had never seen, in which Stu is trying to beat Chuckie at some Reptar video game, while Charlotte was having a tricycle race with Melinda (Chuckie's mom, whom passed away sometime prior to the start of the series). Apparently, this was a Christmas episode, as Santa shows up out of nowhere and starts giving gifts to everyone. I then hear something weird outside, so I pause the episode, try to hide a ludicrious amount of empty water bottles under my desk, and look outside; seeing someone in a motorized sled, dressed like Santa, driving down the road. Suddenly after, I'm on a cruise ship; overhearing our captain, whom is apparently Snoop Dogg, tell everyone on-board over the PA system to "smoke weed everday". I woke up afterward.


This morning I had a dream that Stew was visiting but we were too busy with our separate things to actually spend any time together. Toward the end of the dream I had the realization that even though he'd been here for a few days, I hadn't seen him much. Felt bad, man. I was glad to wake up, even though my real situation isn't much better.

Forever alone level: even my dreams are soul crushing lonely.


@pent: what the fuck is going on in your brain, man
@bells: *hug* ;^;

had a startle-dream this morning involving waffles, being yelled at by my dad and a suitcase that i got so frustrated over that i screamed at my parents i wanted to douse it in lighter fluid and set it on fire. my dad was convinced it was mine, i'm pretty sure it was my cousin Christina's and i have no idea what it was doing at our house. for some reason the waffle batter was partially cooked; there were little chunks of waffle (basically, little squares) and it had the consistency of bread (?) dough or cake batter. i woke up after the ligher fluid scene and remember thinking, "was i putting waffle crisp in the batter, or did i partially cook it so i could shape it into a waffle, then fully cook it....?".
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