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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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Don't think I've ever had sleep paralysis, but I have had at least 2 lucid dreams -w-


Hoping I don't have to experience it ever again lol, It's terrifying considering you can't move.


i've heard it's quite scary the first few times, but once you're used to it some people use it to get high. :0

or at least, i think that's what i heard.

@pent: ohhh?? do tell!
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First one was back in '09:
Quote from: My dream logThe dream started normally with a return trip from Tyler, which for some reason, I was riding in the back of a truck. While on the way, I (Feeling half awake) began to think about a topic I saw on GameFAQs' Random Insanity board the night before, which was joking about one user's rather creepy diaper fetish. Immediately after thinking that, a giant diaper-looking UFO, with that user's name on the side, flew in from space and hovered over the tallest building. I woke up shortly after, though, before I could experiment with my newfound lucidity.

Second one was in '11:
Quote from: My dream logThe dream started up with me going on an adventure with the 10th Doctor, from Doctor Who; as we where exploring a castle to find a necklace that had been hidden in one of the rooms (I don't remember what made the necklace so important, though). Also, I had my sonic screwdriver flashlight with me, which the Doctor never commented on; I figured he'd notice that I'm using something resembling Time Lord technology when he's around. Eventually, I found the necklace and got it to him, but we got split up as we where trying to leave; as I soon found myself standing on the porch of Grandma's office, as she's running a gigantic garage sale in the parking lot.

However, I began to notice some things that where very inconsistent; such as Grandma actually running this sale instead of drafting someone into doing the work for her. I then found myself not only pointing out the inaccuracies, but riffing on them as if my dream where a cheesy movie on MST3K; which lead to me going lucid. When I realized I actually had control over myself in the dream, the first thing I did was jump off the porch (Which is about a foot off the ground), as I jumped almost as high as Mario and landed very slowly, like I was hovering in midair. Shortly after, I attempted to take to the skies and fly...but it didn't work; so I just settled for freely roaming around the garage sale to see what weird items where for sale (Such as a copy of Portal 2...for the Atari 2600).

After exploring that for a little while, I ended up having a false awakening; as I glanced at my alarm clock to find it was 7:01AM, which is later than I normally get up, but with still enough time to have a glass of orange juice before I get ready for work...but there was no orange juice in the fridge.

I woke up for real shortly after; it actually being 6:30AM (About 30 minutes later than I normally get up on a weekday) and, thankfully, with plenty of orange juice in the fridge. The feeling of going lucid was awesome; it was almost like playing around with the Beta Quest on Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Now, if only I could pull that off a little more frequently...


interesting. i've heard Lucid Dreams can sometimes have a trigger or in-dream signal to let you know it's a Lucid, so if you could find a way to tap into that, you might be able to have more of them or control when you get them. :0
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My computer fucked itself over like my brother's old computer. I was looking for some Linux distro on someone else's computer to tide over until I got the opportunity to fix the computer, but then I turned my computer on for some reason, and there was already a Linux distro installed on it for some reason. I could have forgotten that I installed it or something. The interface of the weird distro that was on my computer really reminded me of the Classic Mac interface.


Interesting :3

I had one last night where I was working for Walmart again ;_;

EDIT: Had another last night. In it, I was hanging out with Kari in her room...except her room was a lot bigger (She had a walk-in closet and a bathroom, along with a bigger bed). Also, I couldn't tell if I was just in trap or actually was female, but regardless, I was wearing my pajamas. There was a 3rd person with us, as well, but I couldn't remember who she was. Nothing really exciting happened; mostly watching TV, and Kari's cats trying to knock stuff off of shelves -w-;


probably arty. she'd be down for TV sleepover. =w=
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Sounds good -w-

Had one last night, where I was dressed in a very...fanservice-y way (Corset, lacy panties, stockings with garterbelt), and snuggling with a plushie of 2k-tan -w-;
(I think I was posing for pics, as I seem to recall someone taking pictures of me)


dreamed something really fucking strange about nicki minaj and it was just strange af
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


I had a dream a few days ago that was damn weird.

I wanted to go out to a restaurant for whatever reason, and just about every female in my year was at the restaurant (may have been why I wanted to go, or needed to go), but my parents nor my grandmother (oddly, my only living grandmother isn't biologically related to me, and the grandma in the dream certainly didn't look like her).

I went anyways, and made an ass of myself. After that was over, a teacher that I have nothing short of immense respect for somehow realized that I probably went here on my own, and it was raining outside. She took me home.

It might have been for the best that the dream ended while the teacher and I were in the car.


i know i dreamt last night. can i remember? not a chance.
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I still think my dreams are a glimps into another reality
Simon was here :P


i h a t e stress dreams about a topic ugh and i also hate waking up at 5:00 am
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Kari: I hate that feel. So much.

@Simon: I know in my dreams I've seen the world where OS/2 was the main PC OS, even in 2014.