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One of my violin work.

Started by Gummster, April 28, 2007, 04:35:18 PM

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In some other thread, I was told to show you sometime my violin works or as Nejin put it 'your fiddly stuff'. At that time I had no place to upload my stuff but since then I discovered Rapidshare. so here is one of my solo works.

This is a high quality studio recording. The background orchestra is Synfóníuhljómsveit Norðurlands or Northern-Iceland symphony orchestra in association with teachers from Tónlistarskóla Fljótsdalshéraðs or The Fljótsdalshérð Music school (where I started at, and work from time to time when I'm not away). Please give them the credit they deserve. You can if you like comment on me, tell me of my blunders if you will, I always want to improve myself.

And as a sidenote I did change my name there from my real name to Gummster, you'll have to pardon that but I have no intentions of getting my name on the internet. And please don't distribute this as I don't really want to lose any money.


Hnn, hnnn...? Nandai-kore wassu...hmm.
*turns on song*
*is stunned for a second or two*
*listens even harder*
*turns volume up to absolute max*
*activates repeat mode*

*hem hem* Allow me, C-Chan-senpai...


I have little more to say, than to quote myself...
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"I guess you're not First Violinist for nothing!
Once I'm finished swooning and I've formatted this to an .mp3, this is SO going into my iPod, so from now on, you'll be around in my pocket whenever i need you. -w-

Expect a gift to bounce down somewhere soon.



Gummster-san this is awsome!!

Well i don't have much sense in music so i can't comment anything except for the fact that i like it!
My my, aren't you lovely~


Thank you both Nejin and zjhentohlauedy, I hope that I can be of use to you in your Ipod Nejin-kun.

But in my oblivious-ness I discovered that I didn't post the name of the conductor (Well actually it was a friend that pointed it out for me) Well that man would be Guðmundur Ã"li Gunnarsson, a very intelligent man that studied in Holland he also deservers his part of the praise.


Considering the nature of this piece, I take it you have as well performed Andante and Allegretto non Troppo?


Yes, and Allegro molto vivace. Andante and Allegretto non Troppo are in fact both a part of the second act of the concerto.


This sounded very good! You are a really skilled player!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!




can someone upload using megaupload or something? rapidshare is very troublesome for me...


Quote from: "thelws2"can someone upload using megaupload or something? rapidshare is very troublesome for me...
Sorry I don't really know what megaupload is ;026

But anyways as I said in the topicless thread I just came from Reykjavík after performing with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. The conductor was the ever so smart Rumon Gamba.
The concerto that was played is Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto, Op. 35 In D major. Although it was originally in A Major. o_o  This concerto is the hardest one I have ever played, EVER, I have preparing for it the last three months, practising it eight hours a day every day, and on weekends I flew to Reykjavík to practice with the orchestra. But anywho, please give Mr. Rumon Gamba and The Iceland Symphony Orchestra the praise it deserves and, enjoy.

Act. 1 Allegro Moderato
Act. 2 Canzonetta (Andante)
Act. 3 Finale (Allegro Vivacissimo)

P.S. I don't expect that a CD will come out or that this version will be licensed but I'm still going to ask you not to spread this around the internets as it risks to reveal my identity, and I don't really want that to happen. I am of course saying this with all  seriousness!


RAR MOAR! MOAAAARRRRR!!!! >w< *rabid*
Also, I don't really think you have to worry that much about your identity being revealed (unless you're a boyband artist/famous actor/object of fangirls' rabidness/Hitler in disguise); The Internets is the place where people don't care about that all that much. Really. (i think)

(And if I'd happen to discover it I'd keep that to myself ~kashira! Huhohuhohuho! *plotbox plotbox plotbox* -w-)

Added after 6 minutes:

Although, next time you might want to compress them all into one file so that one does not have to wait between the downloads (stupid rapidcrap shit -.-)


You have to wait between downloads? I had no idea. Well in that case here is .zip archive

And about my identity being revealed, it would just make me feel a lot safer if no one on the internet knows who I really am.

Just though you might want to know that according to Wikipedia this is one of the most technically difficult violin concerto of them all. And I have played it!
For 'moar' see

Xi Wang chan

I fly me to the moon and returns (Oops ^^')...

You're... mmm... simply is marvelous... Are really you *¬*???...

I died _n_ ...

My music sense falls to underground TT...

A question: Is time 13:41 or my downloaded track is cut T.T???

Ah!, you can use (1GB, without expirations, reasonable bandwidth and 50MB size per file) for share it ^¬^, it's more mercy with poor downloaders (I registered too ^^)...



It's supposed to be 13:41 min but it's only the first movement mind you, you'll have to find an other version (or by coincident my version) somewhere else. This one is licensed.

Xi Wang chan

Oh, well ^^...

3kyuu ^¬^)°...