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Teenager problem

Started by Gummster, April 17, 2007, 12:51:54 PM

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The entire problem rolled into one sentence:
Teenagers going wild aren't the problem, their apathetic parents are.

QuoteSorry, I would comment but first want to know whether that was trolling or not... and need to do homework.

Kami-tux, you have a good point about this topic being trolling, but it differs from actual trolling in several ways. Wikipedia defines internet trolling as:

"In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding"

I sincerely doubt the topic starter, myself, or anyone else in this thread is trying to be a troll. I hope I haven't misinterpreted your statement (I have a tendency to do so sometimes). I agree, this is a sensitive topic, but I think that it is a serious discussion. No one here wants to start a conflict here, especially myself. We just want to discuss a topic that is on our minds. I was just weighing my opinion on the matter. Sorry if it struck the wrong chord...


Another potential cause may be absentee parenting. An increasing number of parents both work outside of the home. Without someone there to force discipline on them, most kids aren't prone to limit themselves in most ways. Then the parents feel bad because they don't spend time with their kids, and buy them all sorts of stuff to make up.

Then again, it's not all the parents fault. Albeit kids are influenced greatly by their parenting, it's still a choice. I doubt that the kids don't know that bullying is wrong, or that respect is good. It's still their choice to misbehave

Then again, I think that this type of realization happens in all people as they mature. Given, it is getting worse, but I think our view is skewed, because we can better identify rudeness/bulying from the outside. While we were growing up, we may have been oblivious to a lot that was happening.

Proposed Solution?
Be good, teach your children well, and play nice with others. Honestly, unruly people respect the self-disaplined, even if they don't show it


I am a teenager of resonable age, a respectful clean upstanding citizen, but I am ridiculed by many, feared by a few, and praised by many.

I like computers, nice cars and anime.

Back in elementary I was the class clown, I felt as though I was pressured by my peers to be "normal", but I decided to break the mold and be humerous. I was laughed at, It appeared as though I was alone and exiled from my peers. That was the total opposite, the reason I didn't play with any of the kids was because I already did, In Class, and since I was a tad out of shape I usually just hung out on the steps.

In Junior High, everything took a turn for the better, but at the same time worse. the kids I knew back in elementary were older, Most of the ones that befreinded me (my best girl freind and another girl) lost contact with me, A few of my classmates I found apologised for laughing at me, but I explained that it was all in good fun.

Then things took a turn for the worst. My fellow classmates of that year were dressing like pimps, thugs homies and whores, acting like they owned the joint and were very disrespectful to the teachers as the grades went up, and because of that i was treated like dirt by both my peers and teachers because I am of native race, so I got my butt out of there and went back to homeschooling.

In my current position in senior high I was pleasently suprised and slightly shocked about what I have found, a few days ago I went to the school with my mom. The teachers looked sorta grumpy at the sight of me, but then I stated my name, asked who my teacher was and they directed me to him, and I said hello, told him why I was there and handed him a compact disc, his face lit up at the sight of it, he put it in, asked me a few questions, I answered them with the best english possible, he turned on the video, he was clearly impressed with my work, he gave me a %100 and asked me if he could use it as an example for the other students to follow, apperantly he liked seeing my project because he was tired of grading projects that were boring.

Most of my peers nowadays are dead beat, pot smoking idiots who disrespect their parents. The peers I associate with at anime conventions are more respectful of their parents and are more intelligent than my peers. My freinds that I have met during Junior high who were and still are repectful people have good jobs on the side or are going to go to college, but unfortunatly most are disrespectful of their parents and have no future. I tried to put some of my peers on the straight and narrow, but every time their orignal tendancys have crept back in due to home life or social life.

So I just gave up trying to be a "homie" and went back to being Plain old DJ Fender the computer expert, DDR Guy aka Kyo Matakashi at the anime convention and Fender with my freinds.

In a nutshell, I found that people that are raised properly by their parents and had a good relationship with other cultures tend to be alot nicer and respectful than people who were treated badly, were not multiculturalized or didnt have parents, these people tend to be bad mannered to me and often call me a loser for not "fitting in".

Piinatsubataa pururun nanji! wai oh wai oh Piinatsubataa pururun nanji!