What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Quote from: Bella on March 12, 2011, 07:06:04 PM
But. I. don't. know. why.

Whyyyyyy would anybody send away for a CDR when they could just download it and have instant (or, helluva lot quicker than snail-mail) gratification?! : \

and quoth the Macbook Air

"lol, archaic disc media"

/had to

Still using 10.6, 10.4 and 0.6.


Quote from: svx on March 10, 2011, 11:21:08 PM
What OS should I install on random new computer that I have?

It's for random friends who neglect their laptops... Hmm... Win7? I'd rather have something non-NT so that it can play older DOS games...

Decisions, decisions!

I wound up using Windows 98 SE... Ahh, fun!

Installation went like this:

1. Booted the CD (sigh of relief when I realized the computer doesn't have a DVD drive :p)
2. Prompted for CDROM support or not... svx acted INSTANTANEOUSLY and took the correct choice
3. DOS prompt popped up
4. Stared at screen
5. A:\> dir
6. A:\> fdisk
7. Hard drive seemed oddly small... Thinking... thinking...
8. Rummaged through desk drawer, found Linux on a thumb drive! Rebooted into it (suprised BIOS supported USB boot)
9. Used GNU fdisk, made 80gb FAT partition easily :)
10. Formatted with mkfs.vfat
11. Rebooted, got into DOS prompt...
12. Stared at screen
13. Typed "win"; "bad command or file name"... "setup" - same thing...
14. A:\> C:     C:\> dir    C:\> d:    D:\> dir    D:\> e:   E:\> dir  (confused about so many drives, and CDROM being A: ...)
15. Aha!  E:\> cd win98se    E:\> setup


Now it's time to play Warrior Kings with my friend! We'll build up armies until the game crashes, just like old times. Hey, maybe I can use save states with an emulated win98 from virtualbox on my end and debug our sessions :p

Does anyone know if you can play local LAN sessions of Diablo II, or is that just Battle.net?



After installing win98se, booting results in:

Disk I/O error
Replace the disk, and then press any key

or... has the mission failed? As I sip my tea, I'm plotting...
But, ehh... Any ideas... instead of mine? :p


perhaps choose a newer OS that still implements legacy support. 2000, maybe?
click to make it bigger


I thought that it might be that DOS has a limit on the size of the boot partition, but... Ehh... Yeah...

I'm not going to admit defeat yet though!


click to make it bigger


Maybe get xubuntu.
It's good for new and old computers.
Plus, if you want to use dos, you can get dos box or dos emulator from synaptic.
(or screw around with the terminal. lol)

Using Kubuntu 10.10 desktop edition
I'm not kidding. I have all teh animal crossing games and play them everyday.
My profile pic is from deviant art. It's not mine.


I got mine for free by requesting a CD be shipped to me.  I think you can pay for shipping to expedite delivery, though.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Quote from: Red-Machine on March 13, 2011, 06:24:19 AM
I got mine for free by requesting a CD be shipped to me.  I think you can pay for shipping to expedite delivery, though.

I got my CDs of the store...
I didn't want to spend $7.92 for a pack CDs. I wanted just ONE. I saw a CD bundle which was $6.33  :U
I'm not kidding. I have all teh animal crossing games and play them everyday.
My profile pic is from deviant art. It's not mine.


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


.........But you need to have a Launchpad and Paypal account. :  |

Why don't you just download it? I'd be a ton faster and less environmentally-taxing (ie, the only energy consumed will be that of the server + your computer, instead of all the energy consumed with air/freight/packaging/etc). : \


or, you know, just BUY THE DAMN BLANK CDs. >__< that way you can use them for other stuff too. and you don't need to get the ones with the jewel cases, the stacks of blank cd/dvd-r's are like, 5 bucks for 20. (and that way you could have CDs to install all those different copies of linux you switch around to. >__< )

i have disks of:
98SE (official disk, though it's lost somewhere)
XP (3 of them)

click to make it bigger


You would most likely get a CD if your internet sucks like mine does.
I already have a pay-pal AND a launchpad. |D
I'm not kidding. I have all teh animal crossing games and play them everyday.
My profile pic is from deviant art. It's not mine.


click to make it bigger


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 15, 2011, 02:31:42 PM
then stop paying--!!!

I didn't know about ship it at the time. :3
and they don't have ship it for xubuntu OR kubuntu. :C
I'm not kidding. I have all teh animal crossing games and play them everyday.
My profile pic is from deviant art. It's not mine.


Got the old computer to run!

It's got an HP motherboard, so I had to explicitly enable LBA in the BIOS...

And, ehh... I used DOS's fdisk, which decided that the 80gb hdd is actually just 10gb.
And then DOS's format, which decided the same thing.

But it somehow spit out an 80gb FAT32 partition
I'm happy :p