What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Not sure. I'm 100% certain on its ability to do older games (TF2, Fallout 3) and simpler games (Undertale, Chip's Challenge) solely off the advantage of having a solid graphics card instead of running off the on-board video, while more recent stuff (Portal 2, possibly A Hat in Time*) may not run quite as nicely. Fallout 4 is very much "no" at this point ^^;

*when it finally comes out


got a battery for my old laptop
maybe i can flog this one on ebay or craigslist

edit: my current laptop

i can play sa2 on it at full speed so i'm happy


We're having a bitch of a time getting 8 off of here; had 8 on here for like, 3 weeks and I hate it but I've gotten used to it, I guess. I want it gone, though. >>;;

Bolly is likely going to be her name, partially because it's kind of a knockoff of a halfway decent laptop and partially because the night I got her, I crashed my car while listening to Tollywood Music (which is still from India, but it's basically knockoff Bollywood, so a knockoff of a knockoff). Softy's hard drive is so gone there was soot on the inside of the case, so, while I'm gonna save it and see if I can pay to have the info extracted a few years from now, for the time being, I ain't gettin' any of that back. >>;;;

Come to think of it, this is the first time I've mentioned the car crash, isn't it?
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ye it is

trying lubuntu for a few days
loonix makes me nervous



I don't exactly know what's comfy about it, but happy you're happy. :0
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 27, 2016, 10:04:47 AM
I don't exactly know what's comfy about it, but happy you're happy. :0
>cleaned up interface from Windows 8
>installs drivers for me
>better game performance
>better battery life
>its free until summer
>new Microsoft Edge browser better than Chrome(?)

the updates are really the only problem I have with Windows 10 (you can only select automatic updates) but apart from that, Windows 10 is quite possibly my go-to OS at the moment. try it and I guarantee you'll forget Windows 8 even exists


10 was good, when I didn't have issues regarding updates (It liked to break the Start menu when updates were ready to install >>)

So, trying to get a working set of disks for OS/2 Warp 4.5 is a nightmare; I still have an older copy of 4.0, but it needs additional software before I can get online with it -w-;

Goujer (she/her)

Quote from: Ye Olde Swagfag on February 27, 2016, 12:31:34 PM
>installs drivers for me

Yeah thank goodness it does that for me, without that I might actually install the correct driver instead of the wrong one like Microsoft wants me, soft bricking my computer forcing me to either go back to Windows 8.1 (cleverly called "Go back to previous Windows 10 build") or reinstall Windows 10, let it happen again and lose all hope of going back to 8.1.

Although in their defense I think they have fixed the issue.

Dr. Kraus

Put fedora on my laptop and I'm glad to be back with linux.
Triple encryption upon boot (hdd boot lock, root lock, admin account lock)
Everything pretty much set to wipe data upon closing application (firefox, terminal server links, ect.)
Terminal is nice


don't use my laptop anymore because of bull**** rules

Dr. Kraus

Got a raspberry pi some time ago and have been messing around with it.
First I used it to connect my dreamcast to the internet which was nice for a little bit until I wanted to try different projects.
Currently I have it hooked up to my arcade stand running retropi for emulation with the arcade stick which works really well. My dad enjoys it because it isn't using as much electricity as the small Dell computer we used before for emulation.
Now i'm planning on building a Commodore64/Apple II like case with wood and aluminium to house the raspberry pi and make a nice retro-like old school programming machine that I can take to university and traveling when I need to.
I'll post pictures and stuff after I finish it all up in the next week or so if anyone is interested.


@kraus: sweetness, m8
can't wait to see that

so my Xbox 360 is probably going to become my "computer". all i need is a wireless hid keyboard and i'm good to go. it has internet explorer, youtube, netflix, crunchyroll and other apps to keep me going until i disappear for a while (yes).
its kinda unfortunate i got it when its pretty much at the end of its cycle, but meh. i can still enjoy it until they terminate the servers i guess


keep us posted, that sounds badass. if you get another one, you could make a MirrorMirror; I plan on doing that someday. :0
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 24, 2016, 08:52:45 PM
keep us posted, that sounds badass. if you get another one, you could make a MirrorMirror; I plan on doing that someday. :0
that looks pretty sw33t