What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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not gonna lie, i'm picturing you wrapping red tape around it to make it look like a candy cane. :3 (and dat typing DOES sound amazing. like jerry-rigging a computer out of a bunny ear TV and a typewriter.)
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So the Mac Pro I wanted is sold out, but I found a few more on ebay from sellers with buy now options and good customer reviews ... the price is about the same/lower.

....... should I do it OSC?


Do eet~ >:3
(Most of my Macs came from eBay, and have served me well)



Guys, what do you think? I'm really close to buying this one... it's more than I wanted to spend, but it's a 2012 model and has a year and a half of Applecare left.


This one's cheaper and comes preinstalled with lots of software, but I'm a little wary about buying from a private seller.


The other contender. Same company as the first, but slightly older and no warranty.


how much over is it? if it's under $100 i'd say yes, but otherwise ebay will insure some things with private sellers. pent got a refund on my christmas gift, for example.
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@Bella: That is one sexy beast, yes; I think 2k might be a little jelly? -w-;


not bad, bells, not bad. got a name for him/her yet?

so i actually finished my iphone playlist on Tereby. this feels strange as i was expecting it to take at least another day. glad i stayed up to watch some SVU. o__o;
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Cool :3
On a related note, I'm going through new music to assemble my new Christmas mix CD


Christmas II: Outdoor Light Boogaloo
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The eagle has landed!

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 17, 2014, 02:31:06 AM
not bad, bells, not bad. got a name for him/her yet?

Considering that my iMac's name is Eve, I saw no other choice but to name this one Lilith! Even though that name could have unfortunate/unlucky implications depending on your interpretation of that particular mythological character.

It's also a very subtle Meaningful Name: Mac OSX is descended from BSD, a family of operating systems known for their daemon mascots, while Lilith is a significant figure in Near Eastern demonology.


@Bella: Niiice *w*
(Needs a TF2 Pyro next to it -w-; )


Hey, Mac People (Kriz), I've noticed that my computer is taking an abnormally long time to start up, at first I thought it could be a hard drive issue but nothing else seems unusual about her operation so I'm not sure. The bootup time was normal before I used Migration Assistant to transfer all my files, programs and settings to the new machine, so I'm wondering if some application could be to blame for it... I guess what I'm wondering is, what would be the best course of investigation to get to the bottom of the slow boot time?

Already tried verifying and repairing disk permissions, disabled several programs from running at startup and make sure to close programs before shutdown so they aren't re-opened when I boot again.


Have you checked the spotlight indexing service? It is likely indexing your hard drive due to all the files you just migrated, resulting in slow boot times and sluggish performance (that you won't notice because of how powerful our machines are). If not that, well, computers often boot slowly their first few times, it'll settle out.


Thanks for the tip, I hadn't considered that. I'm heading out soon so I won't do it now, but later I'm gonna try re-indexing the drive and see if that helps.