What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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if all else fails, bells, just keep the usb hub and keep it plugged into that indefinitely. it's not the end of the world for extra space, and you finally got it to work. :\
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@Kriz: Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

@Kari: I'm doing just that until I figure out how to fix it. Besides, I now have a few more USB ports than before so it's not all bad.


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So, a new member of the fleet came from all of these garage sale leftovers my mom has gone crazy over in the past few weeks.

Name: Eloise
Model: DEC HP Compaq dc7700
CPU: Core 2 Duo (1.8Ghz)
OS: Linux Mint 16

Got it for free, and decided to keep it around; clean the dust out and use it for torrenting. Also, I really wanted something to run Mint on again, and this makes the cut -w-


i hope they do, since i know how tricky loyalty to older versions can get. (*coughcoughcan'tfindanadblockerforthisoperacough*)

@pent: noice, man. you torrenting to externals or does she have a big enough HD?
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You still using your Mac from way back? At any rate, welcome aboard, been using OSX 10.6.8 forever and love it. ^^

Also... psst, what's your Skype? (If you're comfortable sharing that is. No worries of you aren't.)


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i would imagine they'd have stabilized it by now. :\
glad to hear PS works though. :3
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@Aurora: If you don't mind, I might ask for your Skype later :3

@Kari: Likely to an external drive; to keep wear and tear off the main drive


fair enough. i just hope you don't keep the external running constantly. ;^;
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Quote from: Aurora Borealis on August 11, 2014, 11:12:42 AM
You could ask me my Skype via PM.

Yep, it's the same MacBook that I've been using since 2009. I sad to find out that Inkscape 0.46 doesn't work. :( I've had 0.47 on my computer for years, but quit using it, because it crashed a lot, and stuck with 0.46. The best I can hope for is that 0.47 will be more stable with OSX 10.6. Photoshop CS still works, but I had to install Rosetta first.

Alright. :)

Hey, our Macs are about the same age! Eve is a late 2009 model, and runs pretty well considering she'll be turning 5 this year. I really want to get a hold of a slightly newer used Mac Pro however, since I'd like something more powerful and robust for digital art and gaming purposes.

I downloaded Inkscape 0.48 not too long ago for some minor editing work, it seems to work alright although I haven't used it much.


I have an '08 MacBook I rebuilt this past March. Currently running Lion, without issues, although all I really do is Skype. word processing, and web browsing; if I want to game, I drag 2k to grandma's office -w-;

EDIT: Bumped up the RAM on Eloise to 3.5GB, as I found I still had some desktop-size DDR2 lying around


whoo! :3

currently trying to hook people up with laptops. want to make one as a present for Arty (so she won't get bitched at for using my sister's laptop which goes unused all the goddamn time) and one of my mentees needs a new laptop (seems there was a power surge in her room, blowing her TV, her laptop, lightbulbs, etc etc).
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Splitting time between a desktop with a fantastic processor setup and no memory, versus a laptop with neither.


Quote from: stewartsage on August 22, 2014, 07:21:57 PM
Splitting time between a desktop with a fantastic processor setup and no memory, versus a laptop with neither.

Do you want me to get a hold of some RAM for you?

Because I ... probably ... can.