What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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red, stop being so pessimistic.

bells, i agree with pentium, though you may still want to consider XP given it's age. 7 runs fine with aero on speedy, who was made in 08', and that's with aero (speedy has about 1.5gb of ram if i remember right).so if you turn off the aero functions and play it slow, it should be fine.

though i'd back up your files just in case it doesn't work. usually i don't like installing new OSes on old computers unless they're about 2 years apart from the release date. (and even then it can be tricky, as in having XP SP3 on a laptop from 02-03', which is what my grandparents have. :\ )
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Guys...the legendary badass of the fleet, and 2nd in command, somehow got more badass

I just upgraded the graphics card in Frankenstein V3 from an All-In-Wonder 128 Pro to an All-In-Wonder 8500DV. Now, it has DVI out for video (Joining 2k-tan and Fuuka as the only DVI-capable members of the fleet), has greater graphical capability (I plan on testing to see if maybe it can pull off standard definition YouTube videos sometime), along with being able to run in widescreen! Seeing Windows 2000 running in widescreen, without Windows 7 lurking in the background as a host, is simply beautiful.

It was well worth the $20 I paid for that card


Quote from: Red-Machine on January 01, 2012, 05:37:52 AM
I wouldn't bother, Bells.  It was a bad laptop in its day, it's just terrible now.

Well excuse me for not having money to spend on a better laptop at the moment.

At any rate I'm thinking I'll forgo Windows entirely. Probably gonna upgrade the RAM and install LinuxMint on it...


@Bella: Sounds nice. I've never used Linux Mint, but it should work fine ^_^


It's time to update my...

Alright, so

I used to have the 4g iPod, but I ditched it when I got an HTC Thunderbolt
I loved that Thunderbolt.
But then I ditched it
and got an HTC Evo 4G
I loved that EVO 4G
But then I kept t he EVO 4G, and acquired a Samsung Galaxy S
lol Samsung
And then I acquired an HTC EVO 3D

I love my 3VO

singularity (big computer with a rockin' case) has yet to be upgraded.  I was so disappointed with AMD's Bulldozer lineup that I fell into a depression and lost my faith in technology...

So I'm still rockin' my AMD 64 X2.  At some boring clock frequency.  With my DDR2 RAM.
It used to be expensive, this RAM...

And Hibiki, my laptop.  My lappy. Rappy.
I still have my raptop

And Hibiki is pretty powerful.
More powerful than singularity, sans the cheap nVidia GTS 250...
Teh raptop has some weird Intel GME thing,
and one of those... Intel i3 things. Or whatever.
DDR3 RAM.  Lots of that.  Too much of that.

I use it for IRC


@svx: you still have that ipod?

@bella: i've learned to ignore some comments from red. no offense to him, but he says stuff like that alot. (told me multiple times to ditch speedy and get a new one. not only is that insulting to my love for speedy, but it's insulting to my economic status. >>; )

once the converter arrives in the mail, all the computers in the fleet are receiving an upgrade. :3

also, i'm in the market for a netbook people. nothing huge, just something 8 gigs or more. i'm not looking for something new and shiny, but i don't want a cheapo toy with CE on it either (i need it to be able to handle a version of Ubuntu called OpenArtist). as always, cost is a major, major factor here--the cheaper the better. i'm even willing to settle for 4 gigs.
if anyone sees one fitting this description (regardless of age or condition, so long as it's working and made for an OS outside of CE), could you send a link my way? :3

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disk space.

and i can't afford new. if i could afford new i'd be getting another laptop or an ipod touch. :\
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I'll keep an eye out on craigslist and the like. If I find one, I'll pass the message onto you :3


@choco  All the 'Pods have been sold/given away/etc/etc!  I was so happy with them, until I discovered Android...  Nothing beats playing 720p High 10 Profile anime on my HTC, with MSN and IRC going, Firefox and Opera for the cruisin', Stumbleupon for the stumblin', and Beats Audio for the rumblin' :)  I only shelled out $120 for this thing, brand new!

Cheapo rappytop, eh?  How many planks (splinter-free, as is the custom of Holland) are you willing to spend?  I bet I can find one :)


@pentium: thanks man. ^^
@svx: ahh, too bad. thanks anyway. :3

and my price range is like, 30 dollars. xD (i can't tell much right now because i need to get the Speedster fixed first, after that it'll probably be around 30 anyway.)

like i said, i'm not looking for anything huge in terms of hard drive. i just need it to be able to handle basic tasks and do a little art. the cheaper ones on ebay all come equipped with CE, but i wonder if that would be linux-ready? :\
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They run CE for a reson.  They're very low spec, even 2k would have issues.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


What Red said, really. The ones running CE are a joke; aim for one that's running XP or 7, because they'd more easily support a version of Linux
Well, one running Windows CE could likely move to Android, but...

Which, I'd suggest if you can find one within your price range, to get your hands on an Acer Aspire One. That's what my sister has, and it's quite nice; she's used it since it was given to her new for Christmas '09, and it's worked well for her.


Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 05, 2012, 09:30:41 AM
What Red said, really. The ones running CE are a joke; aim for one that's running XP or 7, because they'd more easily support a version of Linux

You would be surprised at the pieces of junk Linux can run on. Ofc, if you want to run a USEFUL distro, you'll want to find a computer than can at least support XP.

I ended up ordering the larger, older WD external HDD, on account of it having excellent reviews, few complaints, the fact that it's simple (no extra software or pre-installed things, etc), works well with Time Machine and comes from a company I've had good experiences with in the past.

Also, it was about $15 less than I expected it to be - the price on its page is $124.99, but it checked out for $109.


@bella: nice!
@pentium: thanks for the advice. i'll try to look for one.
@red: i'd expect them to be rather low-grade. most of them seemed like chinese knockoffs anyway. :\
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My brother has that drive Bells.  Good buy.

With regards to the CEbooks, I wouldn't mind having one as a sort of experimentation platform.  Testing various Linux distros and maybe trying some programming of my own.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!