What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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what, MirrorMirror? yeah, it looks kickass. i really hope he eventually updates the project to include more features, or comes up with a tutorial on how to introduce your own phrases and whatnot. :0
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Yes this is my operating system



In other news, Arizona is Hot. :0
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So, I now have a Windows 8.1 tablet. I'll post the specs later, but it runs nicely and was really cheap at the yard sale I found it at...and I did, in fact, shoehorn Chip's Challenge onto it. I do need to get an SD card for it, though


I have one of those, it's very handy and I can get movies onto it without jumping through hoops like I have to with my iPad.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!



@Red: That's one of the things I'm considering doing with this, once I get a bigger SD card (I found a 4GB one lying around, but I'd like to get a bigger one)
@Bella: Thanks ^^

So, here's a rundown of the specs of the tablet

WinPad TW700 7-inch tablet
Name: Maka (After the character from Soul Eater...after I bounced around like a dozen or so other potential names)
CPU: Intel Atom @ 1.33Ghz
Storage: 8GB interal + MicroSD cart slot supporting up to 64GB)
OS: Windows 8.1 (32-bit)

I picked it up this morning at a yard sale, held by the owners of a now-closed fabric store (That used to belong to my grandma until 2012). I initially was going to ignore it, feeling like it was going to be that god-forsaken 7-inch RCA tablet I so very much despised during my time working for Walmart, but decided to give it a look over, given how it was sitting on a shelf among some other assorted junk...and realized this was a different, much more capable beast when I looked at the backside. It was a bit dirty when I found it, but they said they only used it a couple of times, since it wouldn't work with their cash register setup like they had hoped. Thus, I picked it up, brought it home, and cleaned it up; finding that it is a very nicely built tablet, and pretty capable in my tests so far; it'll be a nice alternative to lugging Asagi around or burning up my phone's battery if all I want to do is lurk the net when I'm forced to be around mom's family xD

Just, I really need to get it a bigger SD card; so I'll have more room to store my programs and whatnot ^^;
(It does have a full-sized USB port, allowing me to use a flash drive to migrate stuff to and from it)


using Windows 8.1

comfier than i thought it would be


@Swag: Give it time, it'll grate on your nerves. >>;;
@Pent: Pretty sure I've said it before, but kickass find, man. That USB port will be insanely useful, especially if you can get a .pdf reader on it. Do you know if you can attach a keyboard to it?
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@Kari: Yes, I can use a keyboard with it; either Bluetooth or USB :3
Also, PDF reader is easy; it runs a desktop version of Windows 8.1, so I can just put FoxIt on it :3

Which, I put VLC on it recently, so I can use it for animu on the go


Faaaancy. That's reason enough for me to get one....
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Because dealing with a dead graphics card is totally how I wanted to spend my night >>;

2k's Radeon HD 6850 officially died; I noticed how I could no longer run dual-monitor, plus a lot of very noticeable graphical corruptions on Sonic Adventure DX and Gurumin...and now it hit a point that Facebook was too much for it to handle without BSODing after 5 minutes. 2k is now running off of the integrated video, as I begin to wonder if this case is just cursed, and that's why it was free with Windows 7 :\


new laptop
will post specs l8r
spoiler tho, it's a hunk of garbage