What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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With my upgrade, some initial hiccups aside, it's worked fine :3


@choco... I know really... I was a ´98 4evur until I met XP, then XP 4 evur until  I met 7


as far as i'm concerned, 7 meets enough of my needs to be usable. when it stops being usable, i'll switch over to linux, maybe.
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My pattern for OS migration was confusing -w-;

I began with 95, then moved to 98SE on a shitty desktop, then ME on a competent desktop I built myself, then 2k-senpai (As in, Windows 2000); which I basically stuck with until I moved to 7 (I did use XP for a time, but the desktop I had it on died)


My OS list:

  • Windows 95 till the machine broke (Somehow lost Windows, ended up in DOS)
  • Windows 98 (family PC)
  • Windows XP (various machines)
  • Vista (eMachine Desktop *shudders*; simultaneous with last XP machine)
  • Ubuntu (last XP machine's installation broke, couldn't afford to buy new copy)
  • Fedora with GNOME
  • Ubuntu (after the previous OS had issues Ubuntu didn't)
  • Windows 8 Developer preview (after I required Windows for school and "Hey, free Windows")
  • Windows 8 Consumer Preview
  • Windows 8 Release Preview
  • Windows 8 (during $15 upgrade promotion for new PCs)
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10 (Preview builds & Release)

As one can see, my liking of Windows 8 grew out of necessity; In other words, I was forced to give Windows 8 a chance, and I eventually came to like the OS. Not having experience with Windows in over a good 6 month period helped as well.
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Just including OSes that have been installed on a main computer or used regularly via virtualization:
Windows 98
Windows XP
Linux Mint
Mac OX X 10.6x
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Mac OS X 10.9


Windows 3.1 (yes, that 3.1 and yes, back in Junior High)
Windows '95 (Interneet Caffe)
Windows '98SE (Fami(ly) Com(puter))
Windows XP (Internet Cafe)
Guindus Vista (Second Famicom)
Windows 7 (Dad's Lap-a-Top and my new babes)

by the way...

is this Normal?


Thanks for reserving the Free Upgrade

We are validating Windows 10 for your device. We recommend you upgrade right after receiving the notification saying that Windows 10 is ready for your specific device.

If well the upgrades started for the majority of the devices, we are constantly working with our partners to ensure that even more devices work with Windows 10.


If we're going off stuff I used regularly, besides what is on my primary desktop, here we go.

The PC side:
  • Windows 95 (Used actively on at least one computer of mine from '96 to '07. Retired from active use when the creatively named Other Laptop finally died)
  • Windows 98SE (From '99 to '08. Still in use on the Yeti and Penti-chan the Desktop, but fell out of active use when I upgraded Laptop the Laptop to Windows 2000)
  • MS-DOS 6.22 + Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (I have some experience with them dating back to circa '94, but my primary usage of them was from '01 to '04; on an older desktop I setup at grandma's house, which I used for classic games)
  • Windows ME (Used from '01 to '04 on the desktop at grandma's office, and then from '05 to '06 on Frankenstein Classic. I never had a problem out of it)
  • Windows XP (Used on the family desktop from '05 to '09 and on 2k's predecessor, TARDIS, for the entirety of it's 6-month existence in the fleet in '10)
  • Windows 2000 (Used from '06 to '13. The primary OS on the various incarnations of Frankenstein, and still maintained as the backward compatibility layer on 2k-tan the Desktop, although it fell out of frequent use when I managed to shoehorn Paint Shop Pro 4 onto Windows 7 natively)
  • Windows 7 (Used from '10 to present. Was used on Asagi I for its first few years, and is currently in use on Asagi III)
  • Linux Mint (Used over the final years of Asagi I's service; from late '12 to March '14)
  • Windows 10 (Just a few weeks ago, on 2k-tan the Desktop. Haven't had any major issues)

...and for Mac:
  • Mac OS 7.5 (Used from '99 to '02, on the old Macintosh Preforma they had at the museum. Can I just say the Preforma has one of the most badass start-up sounds of any Mac? To me, it always sounded like a gong being struck)
  • Mac OS 9 (Used from '99 to '02 on the iMac G3 they had at the museum, and again from '11 to present on Sonata the iBook G3)
  • Mac OS X Panther (Used from '11 to '12 on Sonata the iBook. Ultimately dropped it, as OS9 ran much smoother and was more compatible with the older games I was throwing at it)
  • Mac OS X Leopard (Used from '12 to '14, on Sara the iBook G4. Fell out of use when Sara did, due to Skype 2.x no longer functioning)
  • Mac OS X Snow Leopard (Used from '11 to '14, on Fuuka the Mac Mini)
  • Mac OS X Lion (Used over the roughly 9 months I used Asagi II, back in '14. It needs some repairs before I can use it again)


hey I horseshoed PSP 7 into my win 7 too


Quote from: alfonso_rd_30 on August 12, 2015, 08:24:38 PM
is this Normal?


Thanks for reserving the Free Upgrade

We are validating Windows 10 for your device. We recommend you upgrade right after receiving the notification saying that Windows 10 is ready for your specific device.

If well the upgrades started for the majority of the devices, we are constantly working with our partners to ensure that even more devices work with Windows 10.

Windows 10 is being pushed out in batches for those using the Windows Update process. Just wait. It'll get there when it gets there. :P
Official -tans are my bat signal.



So my new tablet has some.. quirks.

  • Colors are poorly adjusted. Everything always has a tint of either red, green, or blue, depending on how I fiddle with the color options. Best I could do is a faint green tint.
  • It uses Windows Core/Home, rather than Pro, which is funny being positioned as a competitor of the Surface Pro at one time.
  • SD Card is a pain to insert.

Currently copying and moving files.
Official -tans are my bat signal.



late to the party!

-3.1?: i have vague-ass memories of using a computer when i was VERY little (pre-conscious memories, so likely around 4?) that maaaay have been 3.1. idk whose it was, where it went, or any specifics other than a figure skater screen saver and a creepy-ass rabbit program (i think it was a Who Framed Roger Rabbit game). :0
-95: my uncle Peter was the first one in the family to really get/use a computer and since i spent so much time over there as a child i used it a lot. mostly i just played games. xD
-98: first computer we got for the house in 1999 was an old 98' desktop that was on sale at my mum's work back then (Radio Shack). we ran that thing into the ground, and when it came time to upgrade, we just installed XP over it....and over it again. Tanky's currently running it, but i haven't used Tanky in awhile.
-2000: i found a machine in a trash dump at school that was running 2000. i tried to upgrade it, but you needed an internet connection to do so, and 2k didn't support wireless. being stuck in that catch 22, Biggy just sort of sat around. she had some cool medical textbook software, so my only guess was that she came from the medical part of the vocational wing at school. :0
-XP: as previously mentioned we installed XP over the old 98 build (got a little cramped in there, i guess). XP was also on all the computers at school. Tereby's currently running it, too, since we couldn't get her to run anything else. :0
-Vista: when the old computer finally broke down (by this point my dad had seen the light regarding the internet so we had FINALLY got it back), we got a new one from Best Buy or something....an early-release Vista. it got to a point where starting up the computer functioned thusly: press power button, wait for machine to turn on, let it run, let it crash, sip tea, wait for reboot, log in. >>;;;
-7: thanks to the MIRACLES OF THE INTERNET (*cough cough piracy*) i've had 7 on various machines up to this point. 3 laptops currently do and the desktop at my parents' has it, too. :0
-8: this laptop came preinstalled with 8. my only interaction with it was getting it off of here. >>;;
-Mint: Mint saved my ass on my old laptop because of her Vampiric Ways. i had to walk on eggshells when i was using it, since i was using the disk version, but otherwise she kept me going. -w-
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I tinkered with 8.1 in Virtualbox. It wasn't too bad, since I added Classic Shell to make it easier to adjust to -w-;
(Which, I took it a step further and set the Start button icon to the one from Windows 95...with the tool-tip reading "As out of place as possible", since it did stick out a bit -w-; )