What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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sorry for doublepost, but the old one is 5 days old, meaning no one's gonna see it if i edit.

new phone get. it was a hell and a half, but we managed to get it jailbroken and everything turned out alright. gonna mess with it tomorrow. seems the lock button is broken and it's actually 16gb, not 8. ^^

also, somehow i got a virus. ;^;
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Nice on the iPhone, at least :3


he's a stubborn little sunuvabitch. also it's like completely re-learning the phone since i am totes unfamiliar with Cydia. :0

also his lock button is broken. :\
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Mmm :\

So, last night I was visiting with one of my former coworkers. He had an iPhone 6 now...with the most ludicrous, tank-like phone case ever -w-;
(It makes the OtterBox on Flonne III look like the alternate Miku case I occasionally use)

Goujer (she/her)

Agh. I'm trying to use junk parts to make a media center PC and get my eMac wiped so I can sell it. But none of my optical drives are working.

iPhones are kinda cool but I think I would rather go with a device I can program for without needing another device.


well, if you jailbreak it, you can program on it. :\

also, you sure the optical drives aren't junk either?

@pent: he may need it. besides, the 6's are basically tissue paper. xD
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iOS programming is a pain in the ass.

For starters you need to own a Mac (or have a way of installing OS X on your PC - which itself is a pain in the ass), and you need to have an Apple developers license (I believe there's a lower-price noncommercial one, but the commercial one costs $300/year).

Then you have to cope with the fact development can only be done using Apple's proprietary IDE Xcode, which is so face-slappingly poorly designed and hard to use that I managed to have severe difficulty just being able to navigate it, and this is coming from a Mac user of 6 years.

Then you have to learn a new language, because iPhone/iPad development is all done with Objective C (i.e. Object Oriented C – a combination of words that should strike panic into your heart), and now Swift (I don't know anything about this language and don't care), instead of Java, C, C++ or any other popular and widely-used language.

If you somehow manage to clear those hurdles you have to deal with Apple's strict quality guidelines, not a bad thing for consumers but it makes bringing your app to market quite a bit more difficult.


hahahaha, that's lovely.

i can see some of the quality-control on their end (compare it like Kickstarter and Indiegogo) but honestly unless it was REALLY necessary to do that for their hardware they're just doing that to be asinine

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Goujer (she/her)

I could not rant about iOS developement or Xcode better myself.

Android and Windows Phone at least have a way to make full apps on the phones themselves. iOS has a few 3rd party for on device developement but nothing that lets you make a whole seperate app.

iOS at one point in time though was the superior OS for nerds at one point in time in my opinion. The early Cydia had GCC for on device developement and had a python and java runtime that would give installed programs there own icon on the home screen. As far as I can tell though most of these no longer work for iOS 5 and up.

My release for my games go in the following order.
1. Android or Windows Desktop
2. Windows Desktop or Android
3. Windows Phone
4. Mac OS X
5. Linux
6. iOS (Cydia)
7. iOS (App Store if I no longer have to pay $100 a year)
Desktop OS distribution will go through Steam. Lets just hope they still take binaries made on a PPC Mac.


when it hits step 2 or 6 i'll give it a go.
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Goujer (she/her)

Windows 10 has Candy Crush pre-installed, the world is doomed.


I'm considering 10, but I'll give it a month


the people that made that god-fore-fucking-saken game are going to be rich. er.
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One of my coworkers finally kicked his Candy Crush habit; his focus is now on some Naruto free-to-play type thing


Indeed. I have Chip's Challenge for when I want to play something that's easy to pick up...and often makes me want to break my keyboard in half -w-;;;