What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Pleased and surprised are both the words I'd have used to describe my reaction. I've only seen Mac mice with like 2 buttons that are obvious. I saw two things on the sides of the mouse that I thought were buttons, but they didn't seem to do anything. The Macs at my school require that I right-click using control + left-click. When my computer art class first started this semester, I was thinking "WTF HOW DOES MAC RIGHT-CLICK?!"

I learned that little trick and a few others that made me really enjoy using these Macs. Unfortunately, less than halfway into the semester, we were forced to go into the computer lab next door with Windows 7s. They were very slow, but at least they were reasonably stable.


I remember being confused as to how you right-click on Mac the first time around ^^;


Why is it that all the contemporary Macs I've encountered have had right click enabled?


No clue. I didn't even know there was a way to enable it on OS9; only time I've ever been able to right-click on a Mac was on OSX


Contextual click is a Mac OS 8 feature :)


It was never enabled on any of the hundreds of school Macs I used.  Before OSX we could get in and change settings, post OSX we couldn't do more then change cosmetic/ease of use things.


this is good to know if i ever actually decide to USE Quincey.

also, i am beyond late to this party
like seriously
not only has it ended, but everyone has packed up, gone home, cleaned the house, and the parents are back from aspen
i'm walking into a family dinner with the expectation of booze and sloppy makeouts

regardless, i'm pretty sure my brother in law has a razer (i thought it was a black mamba, but the website pics are much, MUCH different than the one he has, leading me to think he may have had one in the past and now has a rat or something like that). i have no idea how many buttons it has, but it is quite large and almost looks deconstructed; as if this were a commercial and they were breaking off the pieces to show you the inside, only they freezeframed it right as it started to come apart. i know the buttons are programmable, though, meaning that in games/MMOs you can program set functions into the buttons (with multiple configs, so you can have one setting for half life and another for wow). easy access to spells/weapons and the like.

unrelated yet related: finally took the plunge and upgraded my phone to iOS7. i'm not as rage-filled about the transition as i thought i'd be; more meh than anything, actually. downloaded a shitload of new backgrounds (posted the new and old to facebook for anyone that wants a firsthand look into my collection), gonna get some new apps and reorganize some shit. it hasn't fixed my sound issues and it's harder to type, though, so i'm still rather "meh" about the whole deal.
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Cool :3

Also, Razer mice are very high-end. TBH I'm too cheap to get one, which is why I stand by the Logitech M100 (They're actually pretty durable for a $10 mouse)


>still frustrated about having shitty compy


@pent: oh god yes, he mainly got one because the other mice out there are much too small for him. that, and the primary function of his computer is and always will be gaming, so having a programmable mouse helps with that.

@leaf: if it's any consolation, i'm still stuck in Linux Limbo due to the bleeding-out HD on Loly. wanted to put some new songs on her, but i can't even get the folder to open in WE so i can load them into itunes. =___=;
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One of the reasons I liked my Ouroboros was because it looked like a rocket ship.

How could you not enjoy using that? I'll probably switch back actually and buy another Razer mouse when this logitech mouse dies.


they DO look damn cool. but i love my mouse.

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I have a mouse like that, but it's a promo item for Aflac; featuring the duck floating in the compartment -w-;


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