What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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May as well show off mine -w-

2k-tan the Desktop: Built by yours truly, in use since April 2011


We're posting WEIs? Well, I didn't delete my April fools partition off of Cheetah yet, so I can run and then post my own WEI from there.

It would appear my graphics card is the weakest component  :P but I already knew that, it's quieter that way.


Actually, I care not for the WEI and wanted people to see how much RAM 2k has, along with her processor. Her only real weakness is an approx. 10-year-old 80GB hard drive I'm using as my main; since the SSD I bought was a critical failure and I'm too cheap to replace the drive right now ^^;


I was wondering about that 5.3, since typical Hard Drives Score 5.9.


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


I once read an article about a guy who shoehorned Windows 7 onto a Pentium II desktop, as an experiment. A flat 1.0 on the WEI xD



The right button on my Apple Mouse literally just gave out.

I want to get a third party mouse to replace it (something more ergonomic and - I daresay - better quality, especially for gaming and stuff) but literally have no idea where to start. Do they even MAKE gaming mice for Apple machines? Are third-party Mac mice even, like, a thing?

In the meantime, is there any way to have right-click functionality with only the left button working? I looked at the mouse settings and there's no way to, say, program one of the side buttons to perform a right-click. I seriously need help because this is driving me fucking bonkers and I won't be able to finish my final projects without a mouse that can perform right-click functions.


First off, control + left click functions as a right click.

Moving onto the problem, all mouses work with Macs, regardless if they say they do or not, including gaming mouses such as Razers, so just buy a mouse you want.


Thank you, for some reason I thought it was command + left click. Enabling the right button on my mouse was literally the first thing I did when I set up this computer 4+ years ago, pardon my recollection being a bit ... off. ^__^

That's good to know, also.

Now i have to consider what mouse to buy...


I went through many mouses myself, buying them and returning them, before I found the mouse I use for playing games. I use a Logitech 325 for games, while a simple 3 button mouse, I find its quality high and weight distribution perfect.


Hmm, I may consider that. I was looking at the Logitech G400s (I've read a number of recommendation from Mac users — though I'm not sure which version of OS X they're using, which puts me a little on edge because I'm running an older version [10.6.8]), but the 325 is extremely well-priced ...


If you want something cheap, go down to Wal-Mart and pick up a Logitech M100; they're $10 and honestly sturdier than any of the $30+ mice I've bought in the past. Plus, the scroll wheel clicks; which is invaluable in games like Half-Life and TF2 (With the previous two mice, the scroll wheels moved freely; great when browsing TV Tropes, but it oh so often got me killed in Half-Life; as I accidentally roll too far and end up with my crowbar out when I needed the shotgun ^^; )

Also, regardless of what the box says, I can 100% confirm it works on Mac OS 9 and Windows 98; OSX Snow Leopard is not an issue -w-


Ooh, thanks for the tip!

....... for some reason my right click is working again though.



In the meanwhile, by reading this thread, I learned that Macs could use mice with three buttons.

Also, while I'm a bit late, I can also vouch for the Logitech M100. At first, however, mine was a bit touchy in that it sometimes double-clicked when you meant to single-click, but I got used to it after a while.


Then you will be pleased and perhaps surprised to know a standard Mac mouse such as Bella's has 4 buttons.

When I had a Razer Ouroboros, it had 11 buttons. Needless to say I did not know what to do with them all.