What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 25, 2013, 10:56:35 AM
And, being one of the perks with having family in the upper ranks of the government...it's paid for with 100% taxpayers' money.

this is the best part of it, gotta say.

now, to get you a pony case.

with Christmas cash, I will buy a new motherboard for the future Tereby! if I can find it on amazon, I can even use my amazon gift card! HEY DAD, THANKS FOR PAYING SO I NEVER HAVE TO PAY ANYONE IN CABLE BOX FEES EVER~~~~~
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It isn't a tablet, Candace.  I also told mom not to get it for me just because my old one died but she did anyway.


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Did someone say eReader?

I swear, I will never hear "e-reader" and not think of the cool but sadly overlooked card reader for GBA


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But .............. isn't the Nook basically an Android tablet at this point? Or am I thinking of the Kindle?

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Bella on December 26, 2013, 05:57:58 PM
But .............. isn't the Nook basically an Android tablet at this point? Or am I thinking of the Kindle?

The Kindle is still locked up tight, I have the first gen kindle and its great but limited because of the amazon lock up.

Gotta say that this Lenovo Miix 2 with Windows 8.1 is really amazing compared to the other windows tablets i've used.

Having the full windows 8.1 OS is really just a game changer, I can run pretty much everything I have on this main computer on it and the screen is really really nice.


my cousin got herself a combo tablet/netbook thing for Christmas
it uses windows 8 and she doesn't know how to customize it
she asked me, but neither do I
but I don't want to look dumb

so I asked Claire to write me a guide...
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I didn't get anything for Christmas.

But, I may be getting an Xbox 360, or giftcard, or money, or something.


took me awhile, but lookit dis.

init' cool!?? i'm loving playing around with Cocoppa, since you can get icons for damn near anything (well, ALMOST anything, since I had to replace one of my apps with an actual link to DA since Cocoppa couldn't find it).

the reason it took me awhile to post this is because
1. I was messing around with it so I could actually show some results
2. I've elected today to be Moving Day!

what does this mean? it means i'm moving EVERYTHING off of Loly and onto GothDrive to prepare her for formatting. i'm almost done, too, just have the remaining big guys to take care of. if all goes smoothly, she'll be back to her old self tomorrow. -w-

in the meantime, messing with Cocoppa is fun, as is searching amazon for new parts for both my Wii and Tereby. I hope her MoBo doesn't take too long to get here, since i'd like her to be up and running asap. -w-;
if all goes smoothly, I picture a computer with a Sword Art rainmeter skin, with the Television programmed in. VLC will join it, as will Maplestory and La Tale. I doubt i'll keep much music on there, but all my anime will be there. I'm willing to bet GothDrive will be on semi-permanent hookup to her, becoming something of a satellite drive (along with her 3 sub-drives) to orbit her main one. maybe i'll leave a small playlist on there so I can have flele running in the background. a couple emulators might also be nice. the smallest of her drives would be the core, since if it fails, I can still access the files on the others. and of course, custom everything. now, the problem is going to be finding an effective way to cool her. -w-;
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Lots and lots of fans; approved by 2k-tan -w-


yes, but the problem here is that it's going to be next to the tv, in a corner, with the backdoor fans facing the wall. I don't see it ending well. ;v;
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hey, anyone have any experience with rainmeter? a skin is fucking up on me and when i contacted the rainmeter forums last time they were little to no help. i'm using 2.4, the version that was current (excluding betas) at the time the skin was released. :\

stranger still, it's only this version that's screwing me over. the original version (without sound or ease-of-use tool) works fine.
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I fiddled with rainmeter once but it seemed pretty alien. I got some stuff to work but I'm no expert.

Quote from: Krizonar on June 02, 2011, 10:31:51 PM
Yup, C2D will always be my favorite.
This is 2014 reporting in, I'm live on the scene confirming the 45 nanometer process is still a favorite.


Still using the same OS I've used since I could remember, Windows XP.
I KNOW I should upgrade, but I don't have the hardware, and my Dad's a jew.