What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Personally I'm not fan of the "compact" XPs I had some and  experienced issues doing some things my Secchan did almost as if she was born to do them, and when I rented Sasekos Was easy to do too... (One of the main reasons I have Systems embedded is because I do Programs in the old Multimedia Builder GUI Program Maker, and in Nanamis (especially 64 Bits) after I run the program, it only shows a white space, having moved the window to regions like 24346776, 5276556465, ergo I needed to use the software in older Windows, and since I was always interested in Virtualization... well...)


@Bella: It's a dual-core, but yours might have hyper-threading; which pretty much allows it to act like it has twice the cores. For example, 2k-tan the Desktop is a quad-core, but thanks to hyperthreading, 2k pretty much has 8 cores to play around with (More power than I know what to do with >:3)
(Fun fact: it's a DEC technology that Intel accquired :3)


Generally I wouldn't use these versions aswell, but since these computers I use are old I find the smaller XP distros better and faster.


You could just go with Windows 2000. It can run 99% of the same software as XP, while being lightweight


I wouldn't say that Windows 2K can run most of the programs that XP can run, but I would install it onto my computers. But honestly both 2K and MicroXP take up about 1GB or hard disk space, and XP is a little faster so I'd stick with what I'm running.


Maybe it depends on what you're running, but 99% of everything I used on XP will run on 2000 without issue :\


unrelated: *is loving her shiny new tablet* ^^
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@Pent: I remember you mentioning the hyperthreading before and it really seems like the only logical answer. When you launch the task manager on 2k-Tan, does it show it as having 4 or 8 cores?

I was just given a ~1998 Sony Vaio, bag and a bunch of accessories ... it still works, but when it boots into Windows 98  all it gives me is a DOS command prompt. Is there any way to boot it into Windows 98 with GUI?



@Bella: Yep; it shows 2k as having 8 cores
Also, what Leaf said, but you don't need to include the extension; just typing "win" and pressing enter will work. If, for whatever reason, they doesn't work, it's possible all that's there is just the DOS portion of 98.

Now, for my 10,000th post, I finally tackle the newly-released beast of which I reference the version name of as my rank, starting by putting a hat on my desktop. Yep; I've setup Fedora 18 on 2k as a secondary OS, and I'm currently installing MATE as my shell of choice. I'll report back with more info afterward, but everything is going smoothly at the moment

EDIT: I'm now typing this from 2k. The look on Fedora-tan's face on my avatar is pretty much how I feel about being stuck on GNOME 3 while trying to get MATE to work ^^;


Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 20, 2013, 02:09:53 PM
@Bella: Yep; it shows 2k as having 8 cores
Also, what Leaf said, but you don't need to include the extension; just typing "win" and pressing enter will work. If, for whatever reason, they doesn't work, it's possible all that's there is just the DOS portion of 98.

Now, for my 10,000th post, I finally tackle the newly-released beast of which I reference the version name of as my rank, starting by putting a hat on my desktop. Yep; I've setup Fedora 18 on 2k as a secondary OS, and I'm currently installing MATE as my shell of choice. I'll report back with more info afterward, but everything is going smoothly at the moment

EDIT: I'm now typing this from 2k. The look on Fedora-tan's face on my avatar is pretty much how I feel about being stuck on GNOME 3 while trying to get MATE to work ^^;

Good luck on that--- Thinking into virtualizing some Mac / OSX... what do you OSTC  recommend me?


I heard you can get newer versions of OSX to run in VMware with some modifying. I've never done it, but there are guides floating around online ^^

Also, as for Fedora, my thoughts on it after using it for an afternoon:

I've mentioned in the past how I felt about GNOME 3, and though I've heard some people say it's improved, I don't really see it. It does work, but I find it a bit uncomfortable. Once I managed to get MATE to work on it, things got better; as I finally had a desktop that had dat Ubuntu 8.04 look-and-feel (That was how I first fell in love with Linux, so seeing that again was welcoming).

When I tested out my LiveUSB on Asagi, I found none of the problems I had with 17 were corrected. Granted, Mint runs great on her and does everything I want, so I plan on sticking with that.

On 2k, after a struggle to set it up initially, things ran great; it was noticeably slower booting than Mint, but it ran great without any issues I could find with basic web browsing and chatting on Skype. The problem set in when it came time to setup some multimedia software; even thought I followed the tutorial, VLC would not install, and I couldn't get Flash to work, so no AT4W and no way to watch the anime I have using a video player I'm familiar with. Granted, I've heard that multimedia was the one weakness of Fedora, which might also play into my issues.

Also, when switching back to Windows, I found that in traditional Fedora fashion, my clock was epically screwed up, which messed up Skype to the point all new messages were jumbled with the old ones, so I had no idea what was even going on

All in all, Fedora 18 Spherical Cow is nice for office work, or basic web browsing and IMing. If you need something with greater multimedia capabilities and support for laptops, stick with Linux Mint or Ubuntu.


thanks for the info dude. if windows 7 ever becomes unusable i plan on switching to linux. :\
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Once I move up there, if you want to try out Mint, let me know. I can let you borrow Asagi :3


danke. there's a linux release called OpenArtist i've been itching to try since i heard of it, but i can't seem to find a working download. :\

EDIT: so i'm thinking of installing this old CG program i have, Deleter CG illust v2. the support only covers through XP but i think it should be able to work on 7 without too many issues. after all, if i could Theme Hospital (made in 97') working on 7 a few years ago, i don't think i'll have too much issue with this (made in 01' or so). :\

i'm wondering how it'll stack up to GIMP, though. :\
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