What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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 A few days ago a nice colleague dropped by and brought me the lot I was expecting. Aside from two heavy older Sun servers (E420R and F280R) there are 6 boxes, Inside: BINDERS FULL OF SOLARIS!


Very nice, man ^_^

So, as for Asagi, I think the problem is another hard drive failure; as it made that click sound on the Windows side. I'm going to be careful with her, since I can't afford a new drive right now

EDIT: Running maintenance on Asagi today. Checking the hard drive, and also taking this opportunity to recalibrate the battery


Will you be featuring these servers in your computer videos?

Quote from: PentiumMMX on November 04, 2012, 08:21:31 AM
So, as for Asagi, I think the problem is another hard drive failure; as it made that click sound on the Windows side. I'm going to be careful with her, since I can't afford a new drive right now

What's the time interval for these clicks? I mean, does it only happen once on occasion, or is it repeated clicking that occurs frequently?


@Bella: It only happens once or twice on occasion; typically when she's idling

(Also, off topic, but log into Skype please?)


I've heard my computers make single, very occasional clicks while idling before.... I always assumed it was a normal thing.


Well, like when Fuuka did the same thing, it's a matter of Asagi never making that noise before that had me concerned. I guess she will be fine


So, bought a cheap old computer at a garage sale; which I have intentions on integrating some of the components of into Minefield. A rundown of the specs that I was able to find out:

CPU: Pentium (166Mhz)
OS: Windows 98 First Edition

This ancient rig looks like it hasn't been used in at least 10 years, although amazingly the internal clock has kept perfect time. Unfortunately, it appears to have some issues with the video card; as the picture kept cutting out for no reason after it had been running for about 5 minutes. So, rather than mess with it further, I'm going to take some of the good stuff from it and put it into Minefield. Besides, the rivalry between the Yeti and Penti-chan is enough, as far as original Pentium PCs go in the fleet; I don't exactly need a 3rd one ^^;;


SC411, a Power Macintosh 5260/100 education model with 65MB of RAM and 567MB HD running System 7.5.3.  That's the stock OS from when she was built so I suspect that her processor is still the 100Hz model she shipped with as well.  The RAM is a major expansion according to the system information which shows she shipped with 16.  This was one of the first computers I used outside of occasionally playing games on my dad's Mac Classic.  The big thing at the time in my school system (and until the first iMacs) were fucking giant Performa's but some teachers had PowerMacs.


That sounds like my experience trying to install new software on Mint from the repository ^^;;

Which, on the subject of Linux, I plan on trying out Fedora 18 once it comes out next month; since they're introducing a MATE Spin. Asagi's already setup like I like with Mint, so I don't have any intention on switching now, but perhaps if I decide to dual-boot with 2k once again...


My HP Netbook has windows seven starter and ubuntu on it.
Is It possible to erase an OS? If not what kind of file types am I to use with ubuntu.
Simon was here :P


So I have a Amptron k7810lm Mother board and it works fine the problem is I cant get the OS to start up properly I did a little research into the problem and apparently the hard drive is where the problem is, I wanted to know if it is possible to boot from a flash drive if the hard drive isn't working, I know someone who has a pocket OS so I might try to use that also I don't think there is a video card in it.
Advise would be welcomed, oh before i forget, there is a windows OS on there hard drive, It wont load and when I try to load in safe mode it gets stuck on crcdisk.sys
Simon was here :P


Yes, you can boot off of a flash drive. I have a Fedora flash drive I often use, for when I can't use a CD


Thank you, one more thing though, if the hard drive is the problem, can I fix the problem from the other OS?
Simon was here :P


You can generally run disk maintenance from the other OS; in order to fix it up, so yes


if you're unfamiliar with how to set up a flash drive OS, they have tutorials online, or someone here could probably walk you through it if they have the time.

a big thing though is to make sure the computer is capable of booting from usb. if you can get into the BIOS you should be able to enable the option or set the boot order to detect flash devices first. if you can't boot from usb, making a liveCD might be your next option.
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