What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 17, 2012, 12:50:56 PM
considering this early 90's laptop has a mechanical keyboard, you may be right. things aren't built to last anymore, and that goes for more that just computers. :\

It goes for furniture especially,

Obvious overlaps... parts that don't fit right... hinges that go on not symmetrically...
building furniture today is just not the same as when I built my glass and metal desks all those years ago, even Nanami's three year old wood desk has obvious construction flaws.
No effort was put into designing this desk's template.


which is why i'm thankful i didn't really have to assemble any of my furniture. except the futon, but all i had to do was stick the wooden slats into the slots, which wasn't too much of an "assembly".
oh, and all my furniture was free. ^^

getting back OT, though, the computer i gave to Alex (sis's fiancee/my friend :3), he said is going to recieve Gentoo most likely. i'll keep ya updated, lol.
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@Kari: Actually, I do own a Dell, it's a circa-1998 notebook that still runs. (Though it's AC adapter was lost, I need to get a new one for it).

Dell and Lenovo are gonna be my top choices when I get a new laptop, though I'd probably consider Acer or Asus too ... although I dislike judging entire product lines on brand alone, I'm going to be avoiding HP, just because I've known a lot of HP laptop-owners whose computers have had fatal mobo malfunctions. (Though according to a couple of computer repairpeople I know, mobo malfunctions in all brands seem to be on the rise, probably due to miniaturization and cheap production or something like that.)


Dell stuff from the '90s is quite nice, I'll admit. Frankenstein V3 happens to be built around the motherboard from a circa '99 Dell XPS, after all :3

Dr. Kraus

Macintosh used to be real nice when they where MADE IN THE US OF A and not in China, that was a good enough reason to buy them even with the high price.

The main reason why we haven't gotten a new mac since 2001 is because that is when they REALLY started to rape the system with the Chinese and killed my dads love for the system.

Don't get me wrong, they are really nice systems but I just can't bring myself to buy one.

In other news.


Its really all thanks to Danny Choo for giving a lovely review on the system that I find to be true through and through!

Thats Danny Choo's website shown on my vita, dude deserves some ad space on it for what he's done.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 17, 2012, 12:50:56 PM
considering this early 90's laptop has a mechanical keyboard, you may be right. things aren't built to last anymore, and that goes for more that just computers. :\

I want a newer laptop with mechanical keys SO BAD

There're some itty bitty microswitches out there, after all.  It's not like it's hard for them to do it  :<

One day, one day...

Also, did I ever show this awesome piece of hardware which I happen to own?  BASK IN ITS GLORY:

It is legend.

Tick tick tick click tick click click tick tick


@Kraus: Nice Vita, dude :3
@svx: I have a generic clone of that keyboard. It's awesome

So, I now have an iPod Touch; an 8GB 4th gen model. I call it Sapphire; since I bought a dark blue case for it, and keeping a bit of a Pokémon version theme with my 3rd gen Nano (Crystal)


@Pent  You belong to an exclusive club called BEING A BOSS!  ...As long as the clone still has buckling springs and a real PC speaker.  ...Because even the Linux kernel calls speakers input devices "because real keyboards have speakers."  :p


I have an IBM Model M keyboard and the PC/AT it came with.


Mine doesn't have a speaker in it from what I can tell, but it does have the buckling springs


@bella: i'd be wary of dell, if i were you. while the older models (90's) seem to be alright quality (not stunning, but nice), the 2000's laptops seem to be where they've cheaped out. my sister's was an 05', and well, you know the story. we got the downstairs dell desktop in about 08, and you know about that one, too. my grandparents' computer is a Dell as well, and while it runs, it doesn't run well. (in order to shut it down, you have to press the power button till it cuts out.)

as for HP, i've owned 2 and know 2 owners. TK might be slow, but he's solid. (no MoBo issues from what i can tell.) Speedy may have had her MoBo croak 3 times, but that was an issue with the line, not the brand. (in fact, her line of laptops was actually recalled due to fire issues, lol.) my sister and mel both have the same HP (as far as i know), and it's a solid computer, with the heat issues partial to the brand resolved, and an impact-safe hard drive (you drop it, the hard drive locks up to prevent damage).

(i have no opinion on the others, though i remember that as for Acer/Asus, nej owned one and it was badass, and my old computer repairperson said the other was a hunk of garbage; i trust his opinion, though i don't expect it to sway yours.)

if i were you, i'd take your own advice and not knock a brand till you try it, or in this case get reports from people who have extended experience with the brands.
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The only brands of computer I actually trust are Apple, IBM and DEC, but another Mac is out of my price range and there are no modern IBM or DEC home computers, so I don't have a lot of choice. When it comes to PCs, I  have to go off the experience of others since I've only owned three modern PCs in my life (a self-immolating eMachines piece of garbage, my slowasfuck HP and an extremely herpderpy Compaq).

Dell is extremely popular so of course there are going to be a lot of people who have bad experience with the brand but I've heard enough good things to outweigh the bad. Lenovo is a higher-end/business-oriented brand, and seems to fall into the "getting what you pay for" category. I've always been wary of Asus AND Acer, but a trusted computer repairperson friend of mine has good things to say about those brands....


i hope you trust those people with the Dells, since if they're not nerds. they might not know better. everyone i've known has considered Dell to be the type of PC you buy when you can't afford a better one.

as for lenovo, i haven't had enough experience with them to say anything outside of "DAMMMNN YOUUUUU" since i think IBM should still be making the Thinkpads. >>;;;

as for the last two, talk to nej to see what brand he has. LAMBDA was a kickass piece of equipment from what i could see. but maybe he had a higher end one.
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Aurora Borealis

My immediate family all use Macs and iOS devices at home, primarily or exclusively- none of us have an iPad yet, but I bet someone in the family will get one at some point. My first and secondhand experiences with PCs is limited, but a lot of it isn't good; my mom uses Windows at work, but many of the workplace computers, hers included are, or became crappy. They're Dell machines that are 7 or 8 years old, and can't run XP very well anymore. Can't vouch for the quality of the machines when they were new, but they're hardly useable anymore.

We also used to have a Dell desktop at home, it was my mom's home computer, which she bought in 2005. It was also the first Windows machine at home; we've had Macs since 1994 (got our first Mac when it was new!), and a Commodore 64 before that (but I sadly never got to use!). It ran decently when new, but a few years later (~'08 or '09), it became really slow and unstable. Windows had to be reinstalled, and there was a bunch of crap clogging the registry, or something like that. After clearing everything, she was able to give it away to someone who just needed a basic Windows machine. Now she uses her iPhone as her main computer.

@Bella: I hope your comment about knowing HP laptop owners whose laptops suffered fatal MoBo failure doesn't jinx me. My HP Mini is still working just fine... *crosses fingers*