What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Dr. Mario

I know, Vista's big mess. And GUESS WHAT... NT has hit a limit here. Vista's sh*tty, is just plainly because of NT's already-hidden limit.
(shrugs) |-(

I would wonder, if Microsoft in the future, would end up using GreenOmega OS' kernel (no surprise, several of my project would be open-source.) - I would be surprised that Vienna, or its successor would act much better than Vista and previous version of OS.

Added after 2 minutes:

(In another word, the NT will be totally useless soon enough. You have already witnessed the NT's uselessness in Vista. I meant it.)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Well I wouldn't put it past M$ to try and steal from GOOS.  ^^
Just make sure they don't try to slip a software patent on you (that is, unless you live outside the US).  ^>^

As far as computers go, I finally found a good home for the old Gateway and HP I refurbished and 'Nixified.  ^.^

Aside from helping a few fine citizens who still have never used a computer, I'm also making room for smaller more portable systems.  ^___^

First wave shall be.... -v-

Dr. Mario

Well, GO-OS may have some open-source software, so you could write any sh*t with the source codes. And, I already knew that µsoft will want something from me, to replace that dying NT, though (I found out that Windows NT 1.0 was made in 1986 - followed by Windows 1.01 so NT's very old than MS-DOS based ones.) - And, I'm ready. Although, the patent's very hard to get - I could see that µsoft COULD have hard time slipping me any patent, because of GNU laws "the Freedom Software" - I wasn't sure about that law, but I was sure that it protected Linux since earlier 90's.

Added after 2 minutes:

And, C-Chan, cheer! Cheer for smaller portable computer! I like the idea of a PDA with USB port support and, YEAH!!! Faster cellular networking!
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Amen to that, brother!!  ^v^

And the Asus EEE PC isn't gonna be alone, as there's already in the works TONS of other cheap ultraportable laptops that'll be released before/after the OLPC.  The Chinese and Indian models are of particular interest, since they promise to be even cheaper (currently ~$47 USD for India's so-called "$10 laptop"):


As for a PDA with USB support and cellular-style networking (or perhaps even Skype via WiFi),....

Fufufu,... sounds to me like the OpenMoko.  ^.^

Added after 4 minutes:

UPDATE:  I'm currently spending the last few minutes with Gateway-chan and HP-chan....  *sniff*

I thought I wouldn't miss them, but guess I just got attached to my beloved junk computers....  ;^___^;

*sniff sniff*


Gateway-chan isn't quite ready yet, as I still have to load more kid-friendly Linux apps.  But the PCLOS-equipped HP-chan is so packed with software, I know she'll make me proud.  ;^___^;

Dr. Mario

C-Chan, you got it right! I'm going to look in OpenMoko. It sound like "interesting", so I'm going to look at.

<_< <_> >_> (Looking for new member, donning on X-ray scope mask) Nah, only cats... T_T No new member yet...

Added after 2 minutes:

....BTW, Where can I find a online store that I could buy one? T_T
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Dr. Mario

Thank... I needed Openmoko website... =P
@____@ Yet, no new member... T_T
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


I never really told anyone but.....


I'm still using 3.1-tan in my basement.


I think Windows will have to go Unix-like (And not VMS "I can't believe it's not Unix-like" either XD) someday...

I think NT is still useful, see, it's being useful in my XP machine right now ;) . I think Vista would be a fine OS, if, they didn't make it so restrictive and all.

Speaking of Vista, and on a totally unrelated note, MAD magazine (yes I read it XD) had a list of reasons you'll love Windows Vista and they included:

You current OS is running too well (That's XP, baby!)

You long to recapture that feeling of now knowing what the hell you're doing that you had with your first computer.

And last, but not least...

It'll put you closer to converting to Linux!


QuoteI never really told anyone but.....


I'm still using 3.1-tan in my basement.

WAAAAAAAAH!!!  Withholding information!!  ^0^
You're too cruel, iceLilly-san....  I'm gonna have to call in my Peach Juice loan now.... ^___^

*opens mouth in expectation of delicious, cold, refreshing Canadian peach juice*  ^0^

QuoteI think Windows will have to go Unix-like (And not VMS "I can't believe it's not Unix-like" either XD) someday...

Whelp,... I hate repeating myself but....


I should also point out that they're pacts with Novell, Xandros and Linspire heightens the possibility of a Windows/Linux-hybrid... thingie.  -v-

And I think I'll go read a MAD magazine now.... ^>^


Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteI never really told anyone but.....


I'm still using 3.1-tan in my basement.

WAAAAAAAAH!!!  Withholding information!!  ^0^
You're too cruel, iceLilly-san....  I'm gonna have to call in my Peach Juice loan now.... ^___^

*opens mouth in expectation of delicious, cold, refreshing Canadian peach juice*  ^0^
*pours in juice*
Better? ^__^



I wish I had a vintage OS lying around XD

Here I am with 98 as my family's first OS...

Added after 45 minutes:

QuoteI should also point out that they're pacts with Novell, Xandros and Linspire heightens the possibility of a Windows/Linux-hybrid... thingie. -v-

If it was open source, and Unix-like, I'd adopt that...thingy...

Even if it was a Monster XD



Quote from: "Bella"3.1....cool!

I wish I had a vintage OS lying around XD

Here I am with 98 as my family's first OS...
My family's first computer was actually a Mac! ^.^ My parents told me I was always on it XD Then, my parents bought 3.1-tan in '94. I was about 3 years old. X3 Broke the floppy drive when I was 7 when I shoved a Pokemon card in it. That was a stupid idea. XD


Quote*pours in juice*
Better? ^__^

Suffice to say, I'm in heaven!!!!!!!  ^V^

*floats off, singing 'Memories'*

QuoteIf it was open source, and Unix-like, I'd adopt that...thingy...

Even if it was a Monster XD


OMG, that was twisted... ^____^;
I especially like the parade of Commie Tuxes....  ^^;

QuoteMy family's first computer was actually a Mac! ^.^ My parents told me I was always on it XD Then, my parents bought 3.1-tan in '94. I was about 3 years old. X3 Broke the floppy drive when I was 7 when I shoved a Pokemon card in it. That was a stupid idea. XD

Tsk tsk tsk... ^.^
On the other hand, maybe you were clairvoyant enough to know that, in the not so distant future, floppy drives would be next to useless..... ^___^

In any event, my first computer (not really mine though) was an Atari 8-bit, but I do have fond memories of the old Macs.  I can still taste the Oregon Trail.....  ^__________^



^ I used to play the Oregon Trail on Hacchan. I'd always die before the end, XD

Icelilly, awesome your family's first computer was a Mac!