What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Once I have everything reinstalled and ready, I'll have to take a picture of my games list on Steam, just to show off


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It's not that big of a list, as quite a few of my games are not installed due to being incompatible with Windows 7 (Lego Racers, for one), but just so people can see what I have :3



and they won't even work in compatibility mode? i managed to make a game from 97' work in compatibility mode....
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The first Lego Racers I never tried, Lego Racers 2 crashes during install due to poor coding, and Star Wars: Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight (One I really want to play) won't run because the developer decided to use an outdated 16-bit installer for a 32-bit game >_<

I could buy it again on Steam, bypassing that problem, but if I have the original discs in front of me...


true dat. maybe you should try for the original lego racers, then, to see if it's more stable?

also, maybe the star wars game has an updated one? surely they couldn't have left it with a 16-bit installer unless it's from like, 1991 or something.
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The game is from '97, but LucasArts continued using the outdated 16-bit installer. Ubisoft did the same thing with Rayman 2, which came out in '99 :\

Maybe someone has an updated version of the installer. If not, Frankenstein V3 can run it without a problem.

EDIT: No updated version of the installer, so I'll just stick with Frankie for this game, unless they have it on sale on Steam cheap enough to make it worthwhile


see? solutions. -w- like what timmy's gonna be to the fleet. the antique gaming bitch/powerslave. -w-
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I have dueling older gaming desktops, really. The Yeti and Penti-chan are so similarly matched in specs that I like to think of them as rivals


someday, i'll draw that. :3

that said, i don't think any one member of my fleet has that going on. they all serve a specific purpose as part of a team. like the brains, the muscle, the inside man, and the getaway driver as part of a heist. :3

EDIT: oh, i feel the need to mention that while i'm constantly being outbid on ipod touches, i bid on a working motherboard for speedy. considering how many more there are, and considering this motherboard and its computer is outdated, i think i'm safe. :3
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Nice ^_^

Aside from the Yeti and Penti-chan, each member of the fleet serves a purpose; Minefield for experiments, Asagi for travel, 2k for modern gaming and other such things, Frankie V3 as the secondary PC, etc.

Lego Racers is now working on 2k ^_^
I just had to go into compatibility options and set it to run in a 640x480 resolution (I'm amazed my graphics card is even capable of going that low)


Mine don't really serve a purpose as most of them will all do the same things well enough (hence how I could take the internet speed test on... what, 5 computers?) it's the era of Mac history they are from that matters.


Nanami's feeling a bit bloated, she just jumped from 4 GB to 16 GB and the speed went up to boot. This is built to overclock to 2000 MHZ.



and here i am, all psyched that i found a pair of 512mb RAM sticks at the high school today.
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2000MHz?  Pffft.  I've got superclocked RAMBUS RAM in this Dell I got from work today.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!