What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Quote from: "C-Chan"Sorry, meant to write "MCE".  ^^;

And I guess it'd be more obvious if I called the bottle opener wielder "98SEcchan" rather than "Secchan".  ^.~
No worries. ^.^

Ah, I see. I never actually noticed that in her name!


Well, to make thing easy,

I actually have 3 more HDDs, but I had limited space so..

I have a triboot with WinXP home, Win2k, and FedoreCore 7.

I also have a Virtual PC installation of 98 and 3.1. >w<

P.S.: My XP pro's bootscreen!: Here
Dreaming in Digital,
Living in Realtime,
Thinking in Binary,
Talking in IP,
Welcome to our world!


I installed Vistan 64-bit to check it out, but I was less than impressed because she won't play games properly.  They run, but really slow sometimes.  So I won't be using that anytime soon.   Back to XP-tan for the time being.


QuoteI actually have 3 more HDDs, but I had limited space so..

I have a triboot with WinXP home, Win2k, and FedoreCore 7.

I also have a Virtual PC installation of 98 and 3.1. >w<

Ma Brother From Another Mother!!  ^v^

*hugs Ragenule*

That tears it,... I'm gonna make my Distro of the Evening Fedora Core and I'm gonna love it....! ^0^

*starts downloading ISO*

QuoteI installed Vistan 64-bit to check it out, but I was less than impressed because she won't play games properly. They run, but really slow sometimes. So I won't be using that anytime soon. Back to my Miggies and XP-tan for the time being.

Had to correct a spelling mistake there for you, ol' buddy..... ^___^
Don't worry, happens to the best of us!  ^v^

Dr. Mario

C-chan, and silentbob - you have the point.

Anyways, Vista really did boot up on my system fine, but one thing I hate about Vista; my GeForce 7x driver kept crashing. So I had to use s***ty driver - it was sucky - but I still was able to run Aero. (it still has aliases around the 3D Windows Flip - you can access the Windows Flip by pressing Ctrl+Win+Tab - or was it Alt+Win+Tab?)

And, it kept sucking my RAM dry, which was the reason I had to put 1GB DDR400 on my motherboard as soon as it arrived. (I used Vista on Athlon XP before I bought Athlon 64.)

Now... I'm currently using Windows 2000 SP4. (But I'm developing my own homemade OS, GreenOmega OS. It's being mentioned by my own thread, "If you could design an OS....")
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Fufu,... You do realize, of course, that the abbreviated name of your OS would be "GOOS", right.......? ^___^

it kinda occurred to me just now.... ^.^

Dr. Mario

Yeah.  But I'm still using Windows 2000. Anyways, I like 200-tan, she looked so nice and professional, not to mention her naughty side...
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...



Just a joke really,... or more an implicit recommendation for a mascot for Green Omega OS.  -v-

Just like Linux has a penguin, GreenOmega would have a goose?  ^__^

Yes?  No?  Maybe?

Okay, I'll shut up now.... -v-


Quote from: "C-Chan"
Had to correct a spelling mistake there for you, ol' buddy..... ^___^
Don't worry, happens to the best of us!  ^v^

Yeah, how could I forget.    ;107

I'll have to blame it on the hangover.

Dr. Mario

Nah, I don't care. It would be funny if it was Donald duck. Or a happy wombat, eh? (look at my avatar - a happy wombat!)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


User: Thrmin
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2

 > Manufacturer : Hewlett-Packard  (Model Pavilion)

 > Chipset : ATI Radeon RS480

 > Processor : AMD Athlon 64 3500+ @ 2200 MHz

 > Physical Memory : 1024 MB (2 x 512 DDR-SDRAM )

 > Video Card : ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X300 Series <---- Not good

 > Hard Disk : ST3200822AS (200 GB)

 > Hard Disk : SEAGATE (250 GB)

 > DVD-Rom Drive : HP DVD Writer 640b

 > DVD-Rom Drive : IDE-DVD ROM 6116

 > Monitor Type : Hewlett Packard hp f1723 - 17 inches

 > Network Card : Realtek Semiconductor RT8139 (A/B/C/810x/813x/C+) Fast Ethernet Adapter

 > Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2

 > DirectX : Version 9.0c

 > Processor Temperature : 38 °C

 > Mainboard Temperature : 34 °C

 > Power/Aux Temperature : 39 °C

 > Hard Disk Temperature ST3200822AS : 32 °C


Dr. Mario

Well, Thrmin - Your CPU's temerature doesn't seem healthy, either. Mine too. But anyways, I'm planning to get better peltier so I could keep it icy cold. And, It's soon time for me to buy an Antec 900 series case (the one with 200mm fan in the top of case) and better heatsink for peltier!

- If you didn't know my tech spec for my computer;
here it is...

* AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2.2GHz (Socket 754)

* Biostar K8T800-A7A motherboard

* BFGTech GeForce 7600GS 512MB DDR2 (AGP video card - with
PCI-Express bridge chipset)

* two of 512MB DDR400 A-Data RAM

* 20GB IDE hard drive (T-T it sux T-T)

* two DVD burners (Sony and Lite-On)

* one ZIP250 drive

* Ultra 450 watts power supply

* EIGHT FANS!!! (It didn't help that much in the summer heat 8-S)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


You should get a new hard drive....

Processor's temperature is normal if it doesn't go over 60°c(intel) and 50°c (amd)

And BTW, im getting a new case... Antec 900 + a new chipset cooler... (temperature over 120°c!!!) ;026

Dr. Mario

Yeah, I know. But, damn - the SATA hard drives are too expensive - I have limited stipend, because I still have to pay for the stupid rents (my family are so annoying - I could be moving soon!)

Anyways, if I could move to Tokyo, I could be able to get top-notch job and get a nice 1TB hard drive!!
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Currently (temporarily, of course, what the hell did you think!?) on a machine with some 1 gig ram, 2.8 processor and Vista Home Basic. It already creeps me out, the paranoid shitwreck of an OS...