What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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You mean MCE-tan is working.  She's an entirely different OS-tan and all...  ^^

Okey-dokey, that sounds like good news, but I won't pop the champagne till 48 hours pass without any other issue.  If it works okay and not intermittently, that could just prove my worst fears that this could be hardware-related.  -.-

In any event, stand-by and consider points 3, 4 and 5 while you're still able to log into your system.  ^^
We want to make sure you have an escape plan ready for your valuable data.  -v-

(you DO have valuable data in there, dontcha?  `v')


Quote from: "C-Chan"You mean MCE-tan is working.  She's an entirely different OS-tan and all...  ^^

Okey-dokey, that sounds like good news, but I won't pop the champagne till 48 hours pass without any other issue.  If it works okay and not intermittently, that could just prove my worst fears that this could be hardware-related.  -.-

In any event, stand-by and consider points 3, 4 and 5 while you're still able to log into your system.  ^^
We want to make sure you have an escape plan ready for your valuable data.  -v-

(you DO have valuable data in there, dontcha?  `v')
I forgot to add the letters MCE didn't I? XD

I haven't checked my computer yet but maybe I can actually USE my computer now that it usn't so overly hot and humid today. And yes, I do have data I would never want to lose! ;o;


QuoteI haven't checked my computer yet but maybe I can actually USE my computer now that it usn't so overly hot and humid today. And yes, I do have data I would never want to lose! ;o;

Excellent!  That's what I want to hear!  ^___^

After living through the pain of losing data to a messed up Compaq w/ Windows 98, and not knowing what to do or how to get it out and eventually having to say goodbye to it all.... *sigh.... just don't want you to experience my pain,... not in this day and age.  -v-

So we'll be designing some measures you can take to keep your XP safe and your files secured and mobile.  ^___^

In the meantime, after this little scare, it's probably a good idea to make a CD backup now of your valuables, if you haven't done so already.  Prior to going online with the thing, let me know and I'll hook you up with nice FREE programs that will protect your programs.  ^.^

(ironically, non-free programs such as Norton and McAfee tend to do the opposite).  -v-;


In this exact moment...Ubuntu :P

I feel dirty >_<

A friend of mine gave me an Ubuntu Live CD, so I'm testing it right now.
Interesting, not bad at all. The robots game is fun :D. Windows should implement that nifty function of 2 desktops...

But It's just the Live CD, going back to XP (and soon, Vista). Must play Halo 2 now that I got it for PC :D


Wow, and just in time for the Ubuntu banner too!  ^.^

*hugs Darknight*

That's okay!  Just as long as you tested it and like it, you're my new favorite friend!  ^__^


Well,... actually, you were my new favorite friend when you drew OS/2-sama, but now you're my NEWER favorite friend!  ^0^

Too bad Ubuntu doesn't have Beryl available in the LiveCD,... otherwise that could've really knocked your socks off.  ^___^

In any event, that CD will come in handy when you're traveling or need to do computer diagnostics (although naturally there are other distros better suited to that role, such as Puppy or Knoppix).  

And if you are a h4rdc0r3 g4m3r, then maybe this distros might interest you:


A Live-DVD filled with nothing BUT games (mostly multiplayer ones, though... not really my cup o' tea).



I try SAM around the time the SAM/PCLOS banners show up, Darknight_88 tries Ubuntu around the time their banners show up...

*creepy X-files music starts playing*


There's nothing wrong with a Live-CD.  hat and a thumb drive to save my stuff was how I used Ubuntu for almost six months, till I finally got a second HD to install on.  Reason being, I didn't want any undue risk to my heavily-overhauled XP setup.  I spent quite a while getting rid of junk, finding and installing some good freeware that MASSIVELY sped up my system (thank you AVG and Foxitt reader!) and now I just have to find a decent alternative to Defender...

Of course, I've also started running most of my internet through Ubuntu...I figure if I crash the whole thing, I can restore from one CD.


Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteI haven't checked my computer yet but maybe I can actually USE my computer now that it usn't so overly hot and humid today. And yes, I do have data I would never want to lose! ;o;

Excellent!  That's what I want to hear!  ^___^

After living through the pain of losing data to a messed up Compaq w/ Windows 98, and not knowing what to do or how to get it out and eventually having to say goodbye to it all.... *sigh.... just don't want you to experience my pain,... not in this day and age.  -v-

So we'll be designing some measures you can take to keep your XP safe and your files secured and mobile.  ^___^

In the meantime, after this little scare, it's probably a good idea to make a CD backup now of your valuables, if you haven't done so already.  Prior to going online with the thing, let me know and I'll hook you up with nice FREE programs that will protect your programs.  ^.^

(ironically, non-free programs such as Norton and McAfee tend to do the opposite).  -v-;
Done and done! ^_^
And so far, it looks like XP-MCE-tan is running fine! I guess it was just a little minor thing. But it's best to take caution! Right C-Chan? ^-^

But now I'm having problems with my internet. ;_; It's MUCH slower then usual. Sometimes it takes so long that the pages just loses its connection! O_O


*sadness befalls C-chan*

I haven't used dial-up in quite some time, so don't remember how to troubleshoot it....  ;___;

Generally if Hacchan is accessing the internet fine, but (at the same time) MCE-tan is slow as hell, then I wonder if it's hardware or software related.... -.-


Oh no! MCE-tan doesn't have internet! I'm not allowed to have internet my computer. ;_; Hacchan is the only one with AOL-tan but FireFox-tan is the one I'm using right now.

I hope you understood that ^^;


Aa sou,... in that case I'm relieved.  Probably just a problem with your service then (hopefully a temporary one).  Maybe if it were "COL" instead of "AOL" it'd be a lot more reliable... Fufufu.....  ^.^


I hope so too. But I also get those No Page to Display messages popping up everytime I try to load a page on AOL. >_< I hope that can be fixed because I'm at the point where I can't look at my screen anymore without swearing at it XD


BTW, if you don't mind me asking, how come you can't (or aren't allowed) to use internet on your MCE machine?  '__'

I'm asking cause, with better resources, accessing the Net on the faster machine should decrease the probability of you swearing.... ^___^


i was thinking of switching os.
what should i do? keep myself with Xp (since i dun wanna use vista yet) or change to OS x tiger or just make a dual boot?


I'm very glad to hear you're changing OSes and considering alternatives.  ^.^

As for which one and what you plan to do, that depends on how many machines you have.  ^__^
Do you have one or two or more?  Are they relatively modern or dated?  Do you have any server or mobility needs?  Is money a concern or do usually light your fireplace with it?  ^____^;

Switching to Mac will provide you with the best legacy support, since lots of apps and now more and more games are being supplied for OSX, in addition that you can still either dual-boot to XP (via Boot Camp) or virtualize it on your desktop using Parallels (I can vouch that Parallels for Mac ROCKS!).  ^v^
The drawback, aside from the initial culture shock, is that this option can end up being the most expensive and nearly everything is GUI-based.

If you opt for a high-end Linux distros like PClinuxOS, Kubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora, Sabayon, or the half-million other distros, this will certainly be the cheapest option (=free) and furthermore you needn't buy new hardware since these will usually run quite well on the stuff you have now.  Even if you fear missing out on Aero, the Beryl windows decorator can give you all the 3D eye candy you need even on hardware designed for Windows XP SP1 (or even Windows ME)!

A few years ago, the major drawback would've been that Linux is not beginner-friendly.  And although some advanced computer knowledge is required to get the most out of your system, a lot of these distributions have done a good job in improving the usability, to the point it's now easier to install Kubuntu than it is to install XP even (e.g., no more driver hunting)....  ^^

It'll be harder to run legacy applications (some of this requires that "advanced computer knowledge" I mentioned), but not impossible.  You could run most Windows apps and games on Wine, Crossover or Cedega,  or through parallelization software (VMWare, QEMU, VirtualBox or Parallels even).  
And certainly it makes it easy for you to dual-boot, triple-boot or quadruple boot your system.  

I for example still have XP installed in one of my primary machine's partitions, although I hardly use it except for playing some of the more cutting-edge games (C&C3) and only because I don't have much time to mess around with Wine.... ^___^'