What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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for you, maybe. i've never burned an os disk. and i only got the ability to torrent about 3 months ago. :\
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mentally? older than you.

my connection sucks. i have to use a proxy server to torrent, and even that's tentative.

can we move on?

i'm still using windows 7. and making custom themepacks for it has become a hobby. :3

and i just realized the custom cursors stuck. ^^ whee.
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can you make a backup that will save my key?

also, why you use proxy?


what do you mean?

and i use a proxy because my internet connection at home doesn't allow torrents.

or most flash games. :\

(it went on like that for 5 years, with no one being able to tell me why. :\ )
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Quote from: Alex_Reetz on May 27, 2011, 07:08:40 PM
laptops are not gaming machines, they will end up frying like omelet. laptops as gaming computers is just silly.
Heat dissipation problems are so 80's.


Quote from: Alex_Reetzlaptops are not gaming machines.
LAMBDA disagrees. Strongly. She would like a word with you.


Quote from: Alex_Reetz on May 27, 2011, 07:08:40 PM
laptops are not gaming machines, they will end up frying like omelet. laptops as gaming computers is just silly.

also you mentioned netbook gaming computer?

what are you? 12?

why is my generation so focuses on portability when it comes to gaming computers? i can understand a portable HPTC case for a desktop, but a gaming netbook? what a waste.

LONG LIVE THE LATE 90s 40 pound computer cases!


My old Packard Bell would also disagree with you.  And I didn't buy MISAKA just for gaming, I bought her for the portability mainly.  I always wanted a netbook but felt they were too underpowered for my tastes.  Plus she can shit all over my old PB and our family "gaming" PC (which was bought in '07).  When I buy laptops, I insist on dedicated graphics (or at least decent nVidia integrated) as I like to have the option to game on it if I ever felt like it.  MISAKA also runs pretty cool, so your argument there is invalid, too.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!

Dr. Kraus

Alienware laptops are really nice and have great customer support so If Red's MISAKA died I'm sure Dell would help 'em out.


Well, I just did something completely stupid this morning:

As I was getting ready to reformat the hard drive on a desktop I'm going to be selling off, I accidentally killed my flash drive in the process after hitting the wrong button. Well, there goes all the files I just backed up from it, as well as some other small things I hadn't had a chance to move to my 1TB external HDD...

Which, for the curious, a rundown of the specs on the desktop I'm attempting to sell:

Model: Dell Optiplex GX110
Processor: Intel Pentium 3 (1Ghz)
RAM: 256MB
Graphics: Intel on-board video
OS: Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2)

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 28, 2011, 11:01:07 AM
Model: Dell Optiplex GX110
Processor: Intel Pentium 3 (1Ghz)
RAM: 256MB
Graphics: Intel on-board video
OS: Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2)

Sucks that you killed the flash drive, that is pretty hard to do!

Selling a system this old is going to be hard, maybe if its for an older person whom has never owned a computer before and just needs a basic one to keep in contact with the world but you are not going to be selling this for a high price...


Serious question. How do you kill a flash drive and if you do, can't you just reformat it?


I killed the flash drive by accidentally deleting the FAT when preparing the hard disks for reformatting; now Windows just sees it as being like a floppy drive with no disk inserted (Which, aside from some PC games I could redownload, it took my Xbox 360 save files with it). It could probably be saved with FDISK, although I'm considering replacing it with one that's bigger; I can get one twice as big for roughly the same price

As for that desktop I'm selling, I have a feeling that I'd be lucky to even get $10 out of it; which is half of what I originally paid for it. I originally bought it for $20 back in mid '08, with the intention on it being the base for the 3rd incarnation of Frankenstein...but it failed all my usual benchmarks, so it ended up becoming a spare desktop named Yuki-chan (After a character I liked from Lucky Star), which found it's way to being my primary desktop before I bought TARDIS.


Ah, I see, I'm pretty sure if I was somehow there, I could reformat it good as new with Disk Utility.


Step 1 to save the drive: DL Puppy linux.
2: Burn to cd. Boot.
3: Insert drive.
4: Start gparted.
5: Format in whatever format you wish it.
6: ???