Started by CaptBrenden, April 11, 2007, 12:16:05 AM

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@stew: everyone needs to move to new hampshire

so that we can game

(btw, what is she? dark elf paladin?)
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@Stew: Niiice :3

@Kari: Agreed. I want to RPG again


Drow priestess/underdark envoy.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 03, 2014, 07:57:00 PM
yeahhhhh, everyone kinda noticed that. almost wish i had put that elsewhere since it seems to detract from the KAWAIIDESUUU.

i think it's cute though, especially when combined with the dialogue from the game. -w-

"So, Girlfriend, yeah?"
"That's how this works!? Okay!!"

I thought it was cute too. (better than the sexy doodles I occasionally draw, which tend to end up more mind-scarring than anything else.) -w-

Also, that's a drawing of GLaDOS in hypothetical android / humanoid form.

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 04, 2014, 11:42:13 AM
Thanks, everyone! It feels great being in the mood to draw OS-tan stuff again! I'm coloring the team sixball picture now, and got started on a new drawing! :D

It feels great seeing new Aurora-sama arts!! And I'm glad you're having fun making art, I can't wait to see what you'll draw next! :D


for some reason i love drawing my paired-up characters as sexy chibis. don't really know why. either way, i now want to draw ALL THE FANART of them because it just gets cuter and cuter.

and when we leave this town i SERIOUSLY want to see if i can take Allen as a ward. that way, if we're out on the road, he can take the wagon with the horses away and i can stay and fight. (because sadly, i did not have enough to spring for a warhorse in the beginning, and when you get a second horse you want them to match (somewhat), and when they're not trained for battle they get spooked and the cart gets tipped over by stupid Unicorns who are Dicks.)

@stew: cooool. :3
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Aurora Borealis

I've been on a roll today and yesterday! I sketched two drawings yesterday, and sketched another this morning.

Here's one of the drawings I sketched last night, and inked this morning. It's EvilEntity-tan.


I remembered that she can transform into a vampire penguin, so I sketched this. I originally intended for just the first drawing, but ended up expanding it into also showing off Barbie Linux-tan's new characterization! >=D



ADORABLE AURORA SKETCHES ... just like the good old days .... *weeps joyously*

EvilEntity is looking properly dapper and sinister in that first drawing! But her reaction to being handled in penguin form makes me think of this, ahaha. ^.^

Interesting that you've decided to make Barbie Linux-tan a phantom-like character — and it makes me wonder about the status of other hoax / unbuilt systems in the OS-tan universe. What are her powers, anyway?

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: Bella on March 05, 2014, 07:32:59 PM
ADORABLE AURORA SKETCHES ... just like the good old days .... *weeps joyously*

EvilEntity is looking properly dapper and sinister in that first drawing! But her reaction to being handled in penguin form makes me think of this, ahaha. ^.^

Thanks, Bella! That picture suits her perfectly! :D

I envision EvilEntity-tan trying to be like Remilia, but a lot less competent. :P Hmm... I see another OS-tan/Touhou crossover idea!

Interesting that you've decided to make Barbie Linux-tan a phantom-like character — and it makes me wonder about the status of other hoax / unbuilt systems in the OS-tan universe. What are her powers, anyway?
It's been such a long time since I did any OS-tan conjectures, but she'd be of the same character class as Macintosh System 5-tan (assuming she only represents System 5, and not System Software 5, which is System 4.2), who I envisioned as originally being an apparition of some sort.

I've heard that several years ago, there were Barbie-branded computers that used a Palm OS derivative, and allegedly there was a full-fledged Linux distribution being announced back in 2006, called Barbie Linux, which Barbie Linux-tan represents. I had to look back through the pinned OS-tan theory thread, but I think I said that these ghost OS-tans could travel between the living and deceased OS-tan worlds.


coooool. :0

i like the idea of world-crossers in OS-tan canon, but who else would be on that list besides Barbie? (*does not keep up on these things, lol -w-; *)
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Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 05, 2014, 08:08:24 PM
Thanks, Bella! That picture suits her perfectly! :D

I envision EvilEntity-tan trying to be like Remilia, but a lot less competent. :P Hmm... I see another OS-tan/Touhou crossover idea!

Haha, I can totally see it! And Maybe I'll join the OS-tan/Touhou fray ... goodness knows I've always wanted an excuse to draw Multics-tan and Yukari together. Besides them being ancient god-tier trolls with nice dresses and fancy spatial manipulation abilities and all. (That and the red and purple color schemes.) Or maybe VMS-tan and Sakuya?

QuoteIt's been such a long time since I did any OS-tan conjectures, but she'd be of the same character class as Macintosh System 5-tan (assuming she only represents System 5, and not System Software 5, which is System 4.2), who I envisioned as originally being an apparition of some sort.

Same heeeeeere, it's been ages since I've published any OS-tan ideas!

Hm, yeah, I remember you mentioning this as well. Aren't there a few 'mythical' Mac OS-tans you've drawn?

QuoteI've heard that several years ago, there were Barbie-branded computers that used a Palm OS derivative, and allegedly there was a full-fledged Linux distribution being announced back in 2006, called Barbie Linux, which Barbie Linux-tan represents. I had to look back through the pinned OS-tan theory thread, but I think I said that these ghost OS-tans could travel between the living and deceased OS-tan worlds.

Ah-ha. I've always been fuzzy on the origins of the Barbie Linux myth, I remember hearing you and C-Chan talk about it when dinosaurs roamed OSC, but i don't think I'd ever heard it mentioned anyplace else.

That sounds about right to me. But now i wonder - what the heck IS the OS-tan afterlife? Or do they just cease being? 0__0


Honestly I'm undecided whether SAGE would be better as a match for Utsuho or Shiki.


Quote from: stewartsage on March 07, 2014, 11:45:06 AM
Honestly I'm undecided whether SAGE would be better as a match for Utsuho or Shiki.

I always pinned Ruka as the Utsuho type, lol.

If SAGE was Shiki would that make BUIC Komachi?


Happy b'lated b'day Kari~!


you forgot Ace's earring! :0

either way though, I love you so much for this. post a DA link so I can favourite it. and I don't care what you say, this is going in the fanart section of the comic. ^^
(srsly, you've made me so proud I am literally giddy right now.)

you have also confirmed my faith in you to carry on Ace's High should anything happen to me.

in response, have a pic (also related to the comic) that I started months ago but only got around to finishing today! xD;

DA Link Here~
Alternate Version Here~
click to make it bigger


I've said it already, but that looks so pretty Kari~ I love the amount of work you put into your outfit designs and backgrounds and stuff, you're much better with detail than I am. 0w0