Started by CaptBrenden, April 11, 2007, 12:16:05 AM

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your not the only one to say it tho -_- I may need to change that before i get into the tone work too far... not sure what to do with her hands since i wont be able to move the arms..


FIXED.  She no longer is akwardly holding her dress which some people thought looked like... well never mind what it looked like, its fixed now. Now she is holding a quickly drawn but detailed rose. Im happy with the change exept that her left hand looks a bit big =_=  Still far better then the original. I also cut the print guide off this version to save on screen space.

Added after 6 hours 29 minutes:


Ive finaly figured out most of the ins and outs of tone placement.. tho it will take more practice to get good at it and pick up the advanced techniques ive at least figured out how to paste them in the program.

"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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NICE CATCHY! I have no further complaints now. Massive winnage! Expect a delivery of equally massive booty-box to arrive very soon.


Cute! ^_^ You did an excellent job! She looks so sweet and cute with her rose and DOS kitty!

And I'm amazed you did in entirely on the computer. I have no eye for computer sketching, I really can get by without paper ;)

Did you use a tablet, or anything...? And what program did you use (Manga Studio)?


Indeed, It was drawn in manga studio debut with a wacom tablet.  ._. i couldnt even begin imagining doing that with a mouse.  Hardest part right now is figuring out what tones to use.. working in black and white ads a whole new difficulty to the mix.  and damn.. didnt notice i missed a few spots on the floor with the garadiant tone.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Pretty firm grip for handling a rose...

still, it's a really nice drawing.


So that's what Manga Studio can do...

cool illustration Captain!  ;010

*smiles at 3.1*


Nice drawing Captain. She looks cute.

Though I'll second VonDaab about the firm grip on the rose >_>


eh ill deal.. its far better then what some people thought of the old posing of the hands =_=
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "CaptBrenden"eh ill deal.. its far better then what some people thought of the old posing of the hands =_=
dirty thoughts are bad =_=


Anyway, see all those unofficial Aero themes for Windows XP?

Well, here's the result.

IMO, the original will always be better ;) (interpret that in any of the 2 possible ways ^___________^ )

Also, one more thing: please don't even try to compare this as related to that horrible hate club that just got founded =_=

And this is probably the last work of this year. Moving back to Veracruz tomorrow, and the availability of decent Internets will keep my busy :D. And anyway, the scanner is staying here in Monterrey, so I can't scan anything even If I wanted =/.
So no more Vis-tan ( ;_; ), sisterly love, 95-tan, Magical Heart Kokoro-chan, SVMS FLAG or Tiger-tan for this year.

P.S: you know the drill: critique, etc, so I can fix mistakes :).


i thought the hate group would have taken tiger off the list completely by now.  Seems we need a vista/microsoft supporters group around here as well.

Thankfully digicom will be strictly MS ostans, with maybe a linux or mac thrown in as an enemy
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


haven't been here in a while either. XD;

well, seems the captain's been busy. ^^
Great job, I really like it!  Her hands are small and slender, so SleepyD approves! :3  I also fail at tones, I applaud you for that too.
Juuuust one thing:
You're probably not going to redo it, but for future reference, if she's sitting on the bed, then we'd see more knee than thigh.  Perspective is a pain though, I'll give you that. XP  

Off topic:
regarding the little OS factions here, I shall remain neutral, as I use Win2k, WinXP at home, and I use Solaris at school.  Furthermore, I have Ubuntu and Vista on the computers here, which I do intend to learn how to use (eventually)

And, I kinda know my way around a Mac. ....kinda.  ^-^;; Not owning one is a bit of a problem. haha


tones are hard ;_;  but i love traditional manga so much Im determined to get good at it like Akamats-san *burning with passion*  -_- I just wish i had what ever program it is he uses for his backgrounds in Negima.. I know they are computer rendered somewhat (not sure to what extent)  because that would save alot of time -_-  

On that note, Digi Com is officialy started.  I have three pages sketched out!  All it took was learning this bloody program.  I have no intention of releasing any pages untill complete tho.. at least the first issue, but work has begun
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteAnyway, see all those unofficial Aero themes for Windows XP?

Well, here's the result.

IMO, the original will always be better  (interpret that in any of the 2 possible ways ^___________^ )

Also, one more thing: please don't even try to compare this as related to that horrible hate club that just got founded =_=

BWAHAHAHA!!!  Too late, Batman.  ^_____^

Between the sugoiness of the finalized XP-tan Cosplaying Vista, and that cryptic statement, that's just perfect marketing material for our campaign.  ^^

Plus you posted it there anyway, thereby sealing your fate as an involuntary collaborator.  ^.^

Good job!  I knew I could count on you!  ^__~


Updated version. Fixed: right boob was smaller than the left one. Also, pointy elbows. Thanks VonDaab!
Original size:

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"i thought the hate group would have taken tiger off the list completely by now.

oh, yeah, I almost forgot that :D

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Seems we need a vista/microsoft supporters group around here as well.
Seconded. In normal situations I wouldn't even bother. But due to the rising of such an evil haet club...>_>
Quote from: "An evil pig"
Between the sugoiness of the finalized XP-tan Cosplaying Vista, and that cryptic statement, that's just perfect marketing material for our campaign. ^^
Seriously, I don't need any more proofs of how evil your club is >_>
I made a politically-free statement, and you somehow twisted it to your own convenience -_-'

Quote from: "once again the same evil pig"
Plus you posted it there anyway, thereby sealing your fate as an involuntary collaborator. ^.^
As a sign of good will -__-'
Obviously, seems like I was mistaken in trusting your civility -_-


Evil pig? As if we didn't know pigs were evil from reading Animal Farm? :P

(Yo know I'm kidding? Right ;) )

OMG! I love the cosplaying XP-tan!  ;010

I've actually had the thought to do a drawing of XP-tan cosplaying as Hacchan (IE, the Windows Classic theme) that I've seen this, I made have to go forward with it...!

After all, I think there's a lack of XP-tan in my collection of drawings...

QuoteIMO, the original will always be better both ways, I think...?

QuoteAnd this is probably the last work of this year. Moving back to Veracruz tomorrow, and the availability of decent Internets will keep my busy . And anyway, the scanner is staying here in Monterrey, so I can't scan anything even If I wanted =/.
So no more Vis-tan ( ;_; ), sisterly love, 95-tan, Magical Heart Kokoro-chan, SVMS FLAG or Tiger-tan for this year.

I hope we hear from you soon, and good luck on your trip ;hi

All pettiness of OS politics aside, ope we see more of your incredible artwork in the coming year!