Started by CaptBrenden, April 11, 2007, 12:16:05 AM

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Quote from: ÏananKillmaster""Emperor of All Things Doodlin'" (was that not the title we bestowed upon him, Smokey?)

Well Grand Emperor of all things Doodlin, in wich case Emperor can be swapped with Imperator to make it a bit more impressive... (Impeator being the Latin word for Commander from wich Emperor was erived)

Anywho... Good art there Vae, first thing i said when i saw it was "Wow, you're really good", but then i got to the nitpicking and indeed your drawing is nearly flawless... But my eyes were drawn to her hands... and after much thinking and putting my hand on my face for measurements, i nitpicked a smal inperfection... her hands could be a bit larger, try it, your hand should be able to almost cover your face top to bottom...
But that small flaw was found after looking long and hard, plus i'm not an artist, so do with the comment as you will... ^_^

For the rest it's a good pic, though... put some color in, add a backdrop, and voila; great art...

Added after 29 seconds:

Oh, and so definately want to see your stuff, Toki... ^_^
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Thank you all for enjoying my pic^^
When I drew I actually don't think about any composition (I don't very good at it also( But I am trying to study it when I got free time ;012  ) and my illustrations are practically always in sketch stage  . But if you like I will try to color my pics))
Yes, the hands and feet are my weak points in all drawings( (especially fingers, large and shape) and some times it takes more than 2 hours to draw them in properly way ( but after that they are still not look like "real") but I think some anatomy study will swallow this problem^^ As soon as I get a new book about it  ;012
Wit beyond measure is man\'s greatest treasure^^

I apologize for my English in advance, because it isn\'t my natural language. So if you see any mistakes or you don\'t understand what I\'m saying, please don\'t hesitate and tell me about your misunderstanding or where I have made a language mistake.


lol, I still have my GameBoy.  Not sure what generation it is, but it's red and my bros was see-thru.  Great machine, didn't care about the b&w or the crap sound.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Quote from: "Red_Machine"lol, I still have my GameBoy.  Not sure what generation it is, but it's red and my bros was see-thru.  Great machine, didn't care about the b&w or the crap sound.
Those are the "2nd" gen DMG-001 that were released in '95.
So they're same as the original gray brick GB, but only in colored/transparent cases.

Also, to keep on topic.
Quick selfportrait or something.


Cool^^ Is it chibi-art stuff? Very funny-drawen and cute. ^_^
Wit beyond measure is man\'s greatest treasure^^

I apologize for my English in advance, because it isn\'t my natural language. So if you see any mistakes or you don\'t understand what I\'m saying, please don\'t hesitate and tell me about your misunderstanding or where I have made a language mistake.


Super cute ^__^ I want to draw more with my tablet.


I rarely draw the traditional way anymore. I found digital lot easier and flexible. I used to bend over the table when drawing on paper, which isnt the best thing for your back.
Seriously, sometimes I found myself staring at the paper from 3 inches away when doing details.


Quote...or something

LOL... ^_^
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Something I drew for OCR's Fan Art Contest:

And a bunny.


I really don't know much about the Professor Layton series, but that drawing is really impressive - it's got a much different look than the official art for the series.  Odd though, it almost seems ominous, one could say villainous even.

The bunny reminds me of a question I was going to ask you, have you ever consider drawing Chun-Li?  Those kind of thighs would be perfect for her, ya know?  Very cute drawing, btw ^^b.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Yes, well the contest was about picking a hero and turn him into a villain.

Yes I know chun-li, since mid 90's.
Reason why I havent drawn her is that I rarely draw fanart. And sort of not sure if I'll get it right.
I've been already asked to draw a sort of similar character, Prier
but I've yet to start working on that.


Prier!! Eeeek!!

I really love that piccucha of the professor *__* I wish the next games would hurry up and get exported ._.


Quote from: "Toki"Prier!! Eeeek!!
A scream of horror?


This bunny resembles me Rosetta in pink dress when she was at casino with Chrono ^_^
Wit beyond measure is man\'s greatest treasure^^

I apologize for my English in advance, because it isn\'t my natural language. So if you see any mistakes or you don\'t understand what I\'m saying, please don\'t hesitate and tell me about your misunderstanding or where I have made a language mistake.


Yet more great art from VonDaab.  Keep it up, mate!
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!