C-chan Concoctions

Started by C-Chan, April 01, 2007, 10:59:46 PM

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*takes a masochistic peak at urbandictionary.com*


*cough cough*  ^^;


C-O-N-V-E-N-I-E-N-T-L-Y switching topics.....  -v-;

I'm posting the larger version of my latest quick-deployment pic because it is/was, after all, Aurora's Birthday and what better way to celebrate than to have her favorite pig girl character turn into a giant pig!!!  ^v^


*Bursts into laughter*

EPIC Win!!!
Looks like 2k-tan made the wrong move ^v^

Very Impressive, Senpai! You know, when I first came here I didn't think it was possible for you to get any better (you were so good already) but you keep proving me wrong. I never want he hear you say you're not an artist again; it's a lie!!! ^v^


Well, it's not like I do it out of false modesty,... it's just that you and I know that, given how Inkscape works, the term "sculptor" probably suits me a lot better than artist.  ^__^

Thank you, though.  ^v^

Aurora Borealis

AwwwwwHAHAHAHAHA! That there is a combination of adorable and hilarious! Thank you so much, C-Chan!

A/UX-tan the pig looks so cute I'd want to hug her until I realize she's even more bigger than me and could effortlessly piledrive me!


Just because you use different tools than what one would typically ascribe to an artist does not mean you aren't an artist.  Not everyone is a Rembrandt, when it comes to paints, but, given the right tools, they might still be able to rival him in their own medium.

In any case, I love this!  Look!  Her tail's a-waggin'!  
It's a wonderfully fun transformation and the situation is greatly amusing.

Also, Happy Birthday, Aurora!


Yes, I think the term "sculptor" fits you very well!
QuoteSculptor (n):
An artist who creates sculptures (artwork)

Yep, sounds about right ^v^

Siya-san is absolutly right on this one. Using Inkscape doesn't mean you aren't an artist. Quite honestly, I find your vector drawings superior to many many hand art done by professionals.
The final line: You Are an Artist ^-^


pff...fWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA *laughs until tears start flowing*

Sempai saiko da ne ;w;

Also, Inkscape is just another means to an end. Doesn't matter how you get there, if you discover how to use Cold Fusion, it's still science; and if you end up with a fine artpiece, it's STILL art, no matter how you get there.


Hehe.... well I guess if you guys want to call me an artist, it can't be helped.  My official designation, though, is "Numismatist Who Happens to Have a Small Talent for Inkscape".

Thank you for the comments, btw.  ^^
I was worried that she'd come out rather crummy for a 2-hour job, but guess she packs a lot of bang for her buck.  ^.^

QuoteEPIC Win!!!
Looks like 2k-tan made the wrong move ^v^

*bursts into own laughter*  ^V^

QuoteVery Impressive, Senpai! You know, when I first came here I didn't think it was possible for you to get any better (you were so good already) but you keep proving me wrong. I never want he hear you say you're not an artist again; it's a lie!!! ^v^

I'm personally not of the opinion that someone necessarily HAS to get better at something, especially if one's heart lies elsewhere in something more lucrative or fun or beneficial to a greater cause.  

Regardless, if the person acquires sufficient self-confidence to sustain his/her drive and motivation, I'm of the opinion that person will eventually evolve himself/herself.  Perhaps not at the speed some people want, but sooner or later a fledgling artist will start to step outside his/her starting boundaries and explore new and exciting ways of producing his/her medium.  

I say "his/her" because of the numerous examples I can cite from this forum of artists who start off small/timid and yet manage to explode in a relative level of sophistication and expertise.  Even Infinity-sama, who's often accused of never changing his art style, has in fact evolved his art greatly via the use of multimedia and programming methods to show off his latest work.

QuoteA/UX-tan the pig looks so cute I'd want to hug her until I realize she's even more bigger than me and could effortlessly piledrive me!

Well not quite effortlessly, cause pig arms don't fold easily and it'd be pretty hard for her to have a lock on you in her piggy form.  ^.^;


On the other hand, she COULD just sit on you and accomplish the same result.  ^^;

BTW, I'm sorry, but in Topicless you were challenging people to guess your age, no?

Course I grew up thinking it's rude to ask a girl's age,... but in your case, I'm just guessing it right, so I'm safe.  ^___^



Judging from your age from when I first met you,... I'd say you're now officially,...... 18?  ^^
So if true,... either you can go out and have a few drinks this instant,... or I'm thinking of Canadian law.  ^v^;

In other news....

I WANT INKSCAPE 0.46 NAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  >0<

*throws piggy tantrum*





OMG, that is tooooooo cute! And hilarious! Very fanciful and...unique!  ;019
Cat 2k-tan and teeny tiny mouse Linux-tan are really neat too!

QuoteHehe.... well I guess if you guys want to call me an artist, it can't be helped. My official designation, though, is "Numismatist Who Happens to Have a Small Talent for Inkscape".

An artist is whomever can produce something beautiful, whimsical or touching,  something that can make one think, or bring some kind of emotion. It can be in almost any medium, as long as it has some impact on the viewer/listener/etc.

Oh yes, and if you've got a just a small talent for Inkscape...

QuoteI'm personally not of the opinion that someone necessarily HAS to get better at something, especially if one's heart lies elsewhere in something more lucrative or fun or beneficial to a greater cause.

Regardless, if the person acquires sufficient self-confidence to sustain his/her drive and motivation, I'm of the opinion that person will eventually evolve himself/herself. Perhaps not at the speed some people want, but sooner or later a fledgling artist will start to step outside his/her starting boundaries and explore new and exciting ways of producing his/her medium.

I say "his/her" because of the numerous examples I can cite from this forum of artists who start off small/timid and yet manage to explode in a relative level of sophistication and expertise. Even Infinity-sama, who's often accused of never changing his art style, has in fact evolved his art greatly via the use of multimedia and programming methods to show off his latest work.

I think all artists have a certain evolutionary path. After all, I think no matter how talented someone is at something, there's more to be learned. That and, after a while, doing the same old thing gets boring and tedious.

QuoteJudging from your age from when I first met you,... I'd say you're now officially,...... 18? ^^
So if true,... either you can go out and have a few drinks this instant,... or I'm thinking of Canadian law. ^v^;

Yeah, it's still 21 in the US ;)

Except for Vermont. They want to lower the age to 18 :P


Eh I think I havent expressed a happy birthday to Aurora yet. Happy Birthday, hope you got some stuff you wanted etc etc :P

But as a note on the age laws and such, in the US 18 allows legal purchase of porn (or staring in) cigaretts and its the age of consent.  I cirtainly hope Aurora isnt gonna run out and buy cigaretts.. or porn.  Also, i think in canada, at least it was a few years ago, the legal drinking age is 19.  I lived in washington about 3 hours from the boarder, it was an important fact at the time.

Now onto something more thread related (altho the last 2 orders of buisness were along the current discussion) Dispite C-Chan not really giving a pigs behind about my opinion, sounds like EVERYONE is saying the same thing this time.  C-Chan is an artist, wether he willing to say so or not.  Dispite still taking the shortcut whenever possible it is quite evident that you are making attempts to better the product dispite that fact.  Plus, the term artist, at least when refering to the art producing type is simply a term for a tradesmen that produces art.  Doesnt nessicarily mean great art.  the term DRAWER that people liked in school pissed me off. I dont even think its a freaking word.  Still C-Chan produces art, and thus is an artist as a person who paint is a painter (even if he skips a coat now and then)
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Well thank you too, Captain.  ^^
Of course, as my friends can attest, my character is purely reactionary,... as in I don't give a pig's ass about other people's opinions when it's clear they wouldn't do the same for me.  Golden Rule, baby,... Golden Rule.  ^__^

But back to the subject at hand,... let's all pitch in and send Aurora-sama on a.... we'll call it "business trip".  Then again,.. still need to hear from the source what she wants,... I for one was never a boozer, for example, even though I had my first drink at 12.  ^__^


oh and while im at it, on the rebuttle pic, the small characters and the large character do not seem to match.  Either you used really small lines to get all the detail on the smaller characters, or you resized them to match the larger picture. Im not sure either way, but the think bold lines on one character and wirey thin lines on the other two makes them seem like two seperate peices instead of one whole picture.  My saggestion would be to keep the line size between two differnt sized characters the same, just add more detail to large characters and abriviated detail on small or distant characters.

Part of the seperation may also be the lack of shade and highlight on the small characters, and the use of such on the large one.  

Ofcourse i relize this was just a quick rebuttle pic, but since its Auroras present as well, I just thought Id make some observations and saggestions.  As always, feel free to disreguard.

Added after 6 minutes:

Oh, and having been a boozer, tho to try to prove myself amungst guys, I can say its really not that good of and an idea.  Personaly Id rather not taint the lovely Aurora by ending her on such a trip.  On her 21st birthday Ill send her a fine bottle of merlot if she plans to drink responsibly.  We will have to come up with something else to help her celebrate this one.  

and not sending her out for smokes and porn.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteOh, and having been a boozer, tho to try to prove myself amungst guys, I can say its really not that good of and an idea. Personaly Id rather not taint the lovely Aurora by ending her on such a trip. On her 21st birthday Ill send her a fine bottle of merlot if she plans to drink responsibly. We will have to come up with something else to help her celebrate this one.

and not sending her out for smokes and porn.

I think we should send her off to GET ELECTED, FUCK YEAH


Agreeing on this one. Tabac makes me sickened, and while I do appreciate some liquor once in a while, I can't really say I like the style of "Drink to get drunk" that's popular everywhere else.

...on the other hand, I say we COULD spam-mail her with a storm of Doujins, just to be evil. -v-


Fufu... doujin.  ^^'

But yeah, I'm gonna have to pass on the lines, even though that is a good suggestion (and yeah, I drew it normally to get all the detail, then resized  to a diminutive size,... took about 5 minutes tops as I was already well-past deadline).  The rest of my drawing line-up includes Aurora's Zerosanity Xmas for the most part, so yeah she'll have no shortage of presents from now till whenever it gets finished.  ^.^

On the other hand, the pic is now officially "Open Sauced"....


...so if someone would like to take over for me, I'll be indebted to ya.  ^v^

Thank you, though.


Quote from: "C-chan"

;019  ;015
So far, I'd rate this five stars! I like everything here in this illustration. Shading, angles, neat reflection, glass layers, color toning between the object and the other near object.

Expression within Abraxas-tan is really cute. But I'm sure C-chan never intended this to be a girlxgirl pairing (or shipping). Maybe they were talking about something like for example, a crush on a young lad or something like that  :P

QuoteI especially like the lil' snowOSes back there, real cute dood ^^

Thank you, Gus-san. ^^
I should note, however, that those aren't just snowOSes. They're actually Mimail-chan, FreeBSD-tan and XP Pro-tan lying in wait for the two chicken girls to finally crawl out of their hiding place (it's against Byte Me restaurant policy to eat people within the premises). Since Abraxas and FCL-tan have a lot to eat, drink and do while they wait out the "siege", snow just kinda... piled-up on the would-be predators. ^_____^

You're adding humor to illustrations now?! XD LOL! (p.s. the snowOSes expression are cute)