C-chan Concoctions

Started by C-Chan, April 01, 2007, 10:59:46 PM

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I just went to Wakachan and spotted an OSR2.5. And now I come here to reply and I get that OS/2 it's already out?!
Did I miss anything else??

finally an OS/2 picture with a dinamic pose :D

Great job, I like the pose and specially like the hair shadows.
And I just noticed that I forgot to put glasses on my pic 3_3

Well...I don't know what else to say >_>
Great Job. Again.


And about 95 OSR2.5.

Again, nice. Again, not much I can say >_>
And it seems you put a lot of detail in...uh...los hilillos esos que salen de la ....espadilla esa o como se llame :D


And now, what's next?


I just went to Wakachan and spotted an OSR2.5. And now I come here to reply and I get that OS/2 it's already out?!
Did I miss anything else??

Ah yes, OSR 2.5-sama seems to have oozed out of this forum in more ways than one.  Guess it's that Windows sweet lovin' at work,... -v-'

And yeah, OS/2 is not only done, but she's late..... I should've been working on MOS-chan ages ago, but too many darn delays.  -.-;

Quotefinally an OS/2 picture with a dinamic pose

Technically speaking, it would be the second.  SleepyD also made that other dynamic pose with those digital men.  ^^'

Plus your's was cool too and Aurora/KamiTux drew nice renditions as well, although admittedly they were all standing poses.  

QuoteAnd I just noticed that I forgot to put glasses on my pic 3_3

Well no, don't forget way back when that we agreed the younger OS/2-tan didn't wear glasses (nor did the younger 95-tan at that).  It's just in their ripe "old" ages were the vision of both rivals just ain't what it used to be.... -v-'

QuoteAgain, nice. Again, not much I can say >_>

Probably means I added everything you said needed adjustment during the vector sketch phase.  That's the benefit of chiming in at that point, since it's still easy to add anything that could enhance the image.  To do that now with all those blurring effects would require me to pull some of my hair off.... ^^;

QuoteAnd it seems you put a lot of detail in...uh...los hilillos esos que salen de la ....espadilla esa o como se llame

Un "Jutte".  ^.^
A bit of trivia.... those tassels (and in fact, the entire weapon) were actually copied and pasted from the old Palm-chan pic, and given a desperately-needed facelift.  A lot faster than redrawing the whole thing again.... ^^;

QuoteAnd now, what's next?

MOS-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

I've owed it to Raffaele-san since, like, FOREVER to finish up his rendition of MOS-chan.... ^__^

Course I'm also throwing in an extra side order of AROS-chan just to turn it into a family picture.  ^.^

(FYI, that's a REALLY old sketch of his,... his new stuff drawn since then is really good, but just needs color and shading and perhaps some merging of design ideas.... ^___^


Quote from: "C-Chan"

Technically speaking, it would be the second.  SleepyD also made that other dynamic pose with those digital men.  ^^'

Plus your's was cool too and Aurora/KamiTux drew nice renditions as well, although admittedly they were all standing poses.  
My bad, I forgot about Sleepy pic. Sry Jeff >_>
I don't go into the other threads since they have got too long. It just feels bad to just barge in after so much time xD
I'll check the gallery then.


Well no, don't forget way back when that we agreed the younger OS/2-tan didn't wear glasses (nor did the younger 95-tan at that).  It's just in their ripe "old" ages were the vision of both rivals just ain't what it used to be.... -v-'
I don't remember that, but I'll take it that way :D

Probably means I added everything you said needed adjustment during the vector sketch phase.  That's the benefit of chiming in at that point, since it's still easy to add anything that could enhance the image.  To do that now with all those blurring effects would require me to pull some of my hair off.... ^^;
That's why you use several layers =P
Although, having too much layers may be bothersome...My usual pics have like 40 layers. Or more.

Un "Jutte".  ^.^
A bit of trivia.... those tassels (and in fact, the entire weapon) were actually copied and pasted from the old Palm-chan pic, and given a desperately-needed facelift.  A lot faster than redrawing the whole thing again.... ^^;

lol. eso, Jutte.
lol reused work. Lazy pig :p

MOS-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

I've owed it to Raffaele-san since, like, FOREVER to finish up his rendition of MOS-chan.... ^__^

Course I'm also throwing in an extra side order of AROS-chan just to turn it into a family picture.  ^.^

(FYI, that's a REALLY old sketch of his,... his new stuff drawn since then is really good, but just needs color and shading and perhaps some merging of design ideas.... ^___^
Another OS I don't know...
Whoa, that's an awesome drawing. Nothing to critique here.



Yeah, that's an awesome drawing cause it's made by the great Raffaele-san,... a legendary traditional pen-and-paper artist with... sadly... too little time and too much RL crap to deal with to finish his masterpieces.  ^__^

Hence where the pig comes in, to make sure MOS-chan lives!!!!!!  ^v^

And AROS-chan.... ^___^

And maybe Miggy-chan in the BG, with TripOS-san in a rare cameo appearance........


Fufufufu,... and maybe one other little surprise OS-tan that Raf-san and I are cookin' up.  ^________^

I tell ya, I'm gonna enjoy this....! ^.^

*laughs giddily*


*C-chan explodes*


I can't wait to see the Amiga family pic!!!


Baka C-chan has done it again and taken up yet another sub-task despite the fact that I still have to work on....

    A)  Raffaele-san's MOS-chan
    B)  Bella-sama's SAM-chan
    C)  My own 1985 Commodore-Amiga portrait)
    D)  the new Mac OSX Server Wiki Banner
    D)  Inkscape Tutorials
    E)  Virus minis
    F)  Wiki Edits
    G)  Other stuff I'm probably forgetting right now.  ^^'

In my defense, however, this was an emergency drawing for a specific purpose that COULD bring good things to our forum, so consider it a long-term investment on my part.


At the cost of sinking myself further into artist debt, but oh well,... been there, done that.... ^^'

This is the traditional unshaded and unfixed version for y'all to preview.  Do please let me know what you think, and oh,... many cookies to whoever guesses their identities.  ^___^

It's a work in progress dedicated to the shiny, happy people at +にじã,...ã,‰ï¼‹.  ^___^

Aurora Borealis

The purple-haired girl is BeOS-tan, the blonde girl is Viru-tan and the pig on the plate is C-Chan! :D


MS-BOB-tan.... -v-


*winning siren*


And hey, where is that OS-Tan Collections Cafe that they're working at? You can't fool me, piggo! GIVE IT TO ME! NOW! AND I WANT THE URL!!!


[bratty]  Nawww-uh!!  They're mine!  ^0^
Mine I say!!  My girls!  My Cafe!!  My full-body lattes...!! ^0^
....Whatever the heck they are....  ^^;

*stares with confuzzlment at "Alternative" menu*

................In any event,... yeah,..... like,..... go get your own harem!  ....And stuff!  ^-^;

*hogs Viru-tan all to himself*  `.'


GIMME!!! *goes chibi and starts tug-of-war over Viru-tan with piggy*


WAAAAAAAH!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!  ^0^

*tugs back hard*

Gussy Keniji

Oh ho what do we got here, an OS-tan resturant...with Viru-tan as a waitress, This be relevent to my interests.

*Sees C-chan and Nejin fightin over Viru-chan* Whoa, hold on there doods! we must solve this dispute in a civilized manner...*latches on to Viru-chan via Bliss tan method* Gimme I want her too!!"



That's it! Then I'll just have to use QUANTUM!!!

*turns Quantum setting ON*


*Quantum tug-of-war between Gussy, C-Chan and Nejin goes here*


What the heck is Quantum?  Is that like a Star Trek thingie?  T__T

Alright then,... guess I'll have to pull my TACHYON!!!!!  ^v^

*turns Tachyon setting ON*


Okay, I seriously don't know what that is either,.... -v-'


Never mind, it's time we both settled this like men!  ^0^


Well okay, two youngsters and a pig,.... -v-


Shall we say,... pistols at dawn?

Or the dreaded Rock, Paper, Scissor? TvT