C-chan Concoctions

Started by C-Chan, April 01, 2007, 10:59:46 PM

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Combawambachumbawamba! Kapow! Katching! Explode!
See, The East is Burning Red!

And liek...


No way. Seriously? For real? So you know what you're doing? I'M GOING ALL OUT!!!!!!!!


I just had to.

But, fax yeah, sempai! The Artist of the Ham is going strong!


*finishes massaging Aurora's brain*

*digs hole in brain, adds Seed of Inspiration, then grabs trowel to cover it back up*

Fufu... that's how "planting" an idea is done.  ^___^
Though I'm wondering if I'm not being too literal about it.... -v-;

QuoteI don't think you need to worry about such a thing, Aurora-sama. Firstly, who could possible be mad at one of your outrageously kawaii art, and secondly, the bootleg NT was more insult to injury after they had already claimed the OS-tans as their own, so I don't think anyone would be mad.

Yeah, that's kinda seems to be the missing link in all talk about that incident.  It wasn't so much a problem about an alternative NT-tan, but just pure simple ol' fashioned PLAGIARISM.  And no one likes a plagiarist anymore than they like a hypocrite.  ^^'

That's why we were so adamant about correcting that Thai blog which reported incorrectly that we (Fabian and other old members) were the artists behind all those canon OS-tan pictures.  Actually, I did mention to Fedora-dono that if/when the Gallery gets overhauled, that the submitter name really shouldn't be that prominent cause it does almost look like the artist's title.  ^^;

QuoteArigatou gozaimasu, Senpai! but really, I didn't do anything to deserve neither the -dono nor the title ^^'

Call it a mordida.  ^.^
You are a figure of authority, after all.  ^__^

QuoteStill, I think I'll use that as my custom rank, once I hit 3000 posts ^v^

Ah sou sou, you are hitting the big 3-0 soon!  ^v^
Wow,... how time flies.... ^__^

I remember when you were just this tiny.... -v-

*signals low mark with hoof*

Oh, how they grow up so fast...! ^0^

*grabs tissue*

*cries tears of joy*  ;^^;

QuoteOh My...

You are increasing more and more your capabilities and your managing of vector based drawing programs...

Are in the image some add-ons made with paint programs?

Noooooooooope.  ^.^
That's all 99.9995% Inkscape version 0.45.1!! ^v^
(still waiting on the soon to be AWESOME 0.46!)

The remaining .0005% is actually usage of GIMP to resize the PNG, in order to smooth out jaggies.  ^.^

BTW, you can rest assured that MOS-chan and AROS-chan will be done using the same techiques,... only perhaps glossier given the jovial and uplifiting spirit of the picture.   ^v^

QuoteCombawambachumbawamba! Kapow! Katching! Explode!
See, The East is Bur--........


Quote....-ut, fax yeah, sempai! The Artist of the Ham is going strong!

*snaps back*

Thanks again, Nejin-san.  ^^'
Though personally, I prefer to be called the Artist of the Sausage.  ^v^'
That way, there's no confusion when people say they want to "cure" me.  ^___^

*drum roll*

*laughs at own joke*  ^V^


Okay, I'll shut up now....  -.-

Gussy Keniji

Whoa C-chan, your OSR2-tan pic is the roxr!...makes me feel a bit ashamed that I didn't come to your thread sooner... *Shakes finger at self* Bad Gussy...

But as I say before your pictures here emitt some epic win! so I can't wait to see what the MOS-chan and the AROS-chan pics will look like



I'd thought I would come by and post here. ^__^

OMG! Your 95 OSR2.5-tan pic rocks!! *O* I can't wait to see more pics of her in the near future! <3


Thank you for visiting my humble abode, Gus-san!  ^v^
Here, let me get you something.  ^___^

*trots off*


*returns, carrying tray of white tea*

If you're interested in seeing more of my works, feel free to stop by my User Gallery.  I don't actually have all my stuff posted on this thread, since I started this not all that long ago.  ^.^
(and I used to have the nasty habit of creating one thread per OS-tan -- even I found that annoying after a while.... ^__^;)

QuoteI'd thought I would come by and post here. ^__^

OMG! Your 95 OSR2.5-tan pic rocks!! *O* I can't wait to see more pics of her in the near future! <3

Thank you too, Lilly-san, for stopping by!  ^.^

*offers white tea to her too*

You can imagine why I was happy you made the stamp, as it helps in the campaign to increase Windows 95 OSR 2.50-sama awareness.  ^^
And as for more pics,... sadly, I won't be making any ones of that quality for her (at least not any time soon), but I am planning to create Mini 2.5-sama's, so please stand by for cuteness.  ^___^


Mini 2.5-sama! @.@
Will it be GPL'd too? ^-^

Aurora Borealis

Mini OSR 2.5-sama? Sweet! ;010 Also I am working on a OSR 2.1-tan as I'm typing this!


Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteI'd thought I would come by and post here. ^__^

OMG! Your 95 OSR2.5-tan pic rocks!! *O* I can't wait to see more pics of her in the near future! <3

Thank you too, Lilly-san, for stopping by!  ^.^

*offers white tea to her too*

You can imagine why I was happy you made the stamp, as it helps in the campaign to increase Windows 95 OSR 2.50-sama awareness.  ^^
And as for more pics,... sadly, I won't be making any ones of that quality for her (at least not any time soon), but I am planning to create Mini 2.5-sama's, so please stand by for cuteness.  ^___^
Yay! White tea! *gives you peach juice* ^_____^

I was more then happy to make you that stamp. I tried my hardess for you to make that stamp! ^__^

Ooooo.... Mini 2.5-sama?! *_* I'll be looking forward to it! <3


Look no further, boys and girls, cause the Adventures of Mini Goddess have begun!  ^v^

Though I won't GPL her just yet until I finish making at least five more poses for her.  ^.^

Added after 37 seconds:

Oh, and special thanks for Aurora-sama for accepting my invitation to draw the pre-Goddess.  ^.^


I cannot put into words how awesome that fighting stance OSR 2.5-sama looks without sounding really disingenuous....


Your best. drawing. ever.

And now that I'm doing vector art, I can sorta appreciate just how complicated the shading and all must have been!

And the chibi is cute, too :D


Thank you, Bella-sama!!!!  ^v^

Well, you shouldn't be that shocked, since 2.5-sama wasn't really done all that differently from PCLOS-sama.  ^___^
(btw, did you find the Easter Egg yet?)

Still, I wouldn't say it's complicated so much as it is RAM intensive.  With the right technique, you can get that shading done fairly quickly, but it really takes some trickery and manipulation of layers to work around the painful drag produced by so many on-screen Blur effects.  ^.^;

Fortunately, version 0.46 has the Cairo rendering engine, so it promises to be well over 50% faster and not hiccup as much with blur effects, so I think better times in this respect are neigh!  ^v^


QuoteWell, you shouldn't be that shocked, since 2.5-sama wasn't really done all that differently from PCLOS-sama. ^___^
(btw, did you find the Easter Egg yet?)

Yeah, just that I think the lighting is particularly stunning :) And about the Easter Egg....you hide them well XD

(Don't give it away! But is it in the colored part of the spur or the silver part?)

QuoteStill, I wouldn't say it's complicated so much as it is RAM intensive. With the right technique, you can get that shading done fairly quickly, but it really takes some trickery and manipulation of layers to work around the painful drag produced by so many on-screen Blur effects. ^.^;

The speed does annoy me a bit...I always thought it was because it's cross-platform (on Windows)...

QuoteFortunately, version 0.46 has the Cairo rendering engine, so it promises to be well over 50% faster and not hiccup as much with blur effects, so I think better times in this respect are neigh! ^v^

Ooooh...I wonder how neigh...?

(I'm just after it because of that color fill feature...being lazy and all ;)


QuoteYeah, just that I think the lighting is particularly stunning  And about the Easter Egg....you hide them well XD

(Don't give it away! But is it in the colored part of the spur or the silver part?)

Nooooooope.  Below the spur.  Think.... "down to earth".  ^____^

QuoteThe speed does annoy me a bit...I always thought it was because it's cross-platform (on Windows)...

Through my own personal experience designing databases, I can attest that sometimes, when you're creating something new, you don't necessarily start off with the most efficient programming -- and by the time you know how to improve it, there's a lot of old webs to untangle.  ^___^'

When Inkscape reaches 1.0, I foresee it being an incredibly fast, efficient and complete vector graphics suite -- till then, we get to sit by, experiencing first-hand the evolution of a program made "of pure win" as they say.  ^___^

Admittedly, however, the program is slightly slower on Windows, only because it has to port over its operating environment (GTK+) , something which is already usually integrated into most Linux distros.  ^___^
(one has to do the same when using Inkscape on Mac or OS/2)

QuoteOoooh...I wonder how neigh...?

(I'm just after it because of that color fill feature...being lazy and all

Actually, the color fill feature is the thing that I'm interested in the least, only because I rarely draw strokes without paths.  Then again, I also don't scan images and then vectorize them, so I can see where in this context it would be VERY beneficial.  ^___^

On the other hand, the Thicken/Thin feature is destined to blow me away!  ^v^
At long last I'll have something which will make it easier for me to create variable-width lines!  ^____^

Added after 3 hours 39 minutes:

Just a note about Inkscape, here's the projected roadmap:


Of particular interest to me is what's in the works for version 0.48....  ^___^

*does happy dance*

*takes out checkbook*


Second commission work is well underway.  This one is a joint operation between SleepyD and I.  May look familiar to some, given he previously colored it -- however, I think it was just a rough color sketch or something, cause I just got the lineart.  ^.^;

But no matter, as she's now been recolored and fine tuned based on the latest OS/2-sama specifications.  Shading will ensue.  ^____^

Uber-cheapo background is just there as a placeholder, to await one of SleepyD's memorable ones.  ^v^

Please note that I likely will have to drop the mysterious extra character behind her due to time constraints.  In case you were wondering, I originally intended to have eCS-chan striking a similarly-cool pose behind her idol, but then decided to opt for a young, 1988 OS/2-tan instead (the pigtailed schoolgirl design loosely based on Merlin-chan that SleepyD and I discussed ages ago... ^__^)

Now because I'm so behind on my commission work... *stares teary eyed at Raffaele-san and Bella-san*... that I'll have to scrap even that.  Maybe some other time.... ^____^;


hello, hello, who do we have here? ^^
Yeah, I didn't like how my coloring was going. ^^; It just didn't work. Now, this,
this'll work. :3

haha, her skirt extended. XD;  In any case, I think you did a splendid job.  :3  Once you're done with that, I'll get right to work replacing that placeholder background of yours. haha ^^