C-chan Concoctions

Started by C-Chan, April 01, 2007, 10:59:46 PM

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It's certainly fit of Beryl. But still needs a bit more skin.

So you'll hate her because she has the ability to attract fans just by her looks?


Nope, cause she's also not a "Saseko".  ^___^
Gee,... I wonder what that means again,... -v-


it escapes my mind.  ^^

Linux-tan on the other hand is a nice, strong-willed and politically savvy young lady, who won't charge you for anything and rather strives to empower you and make you socially and technically responsible!  ^.^
Beryl/Compiz/Fusion is just icing on the cake, and even THAT it's empowering icing... (cause you can write your own plug-ins).   ^___^

Any fool who would get attracted to her only because of her looks would have his IQ irreversibly increased by 10 points as punishment, dooming him to a life of an unwitting nerd.... forever!  ^v^


YEEEEEEEEHAAAWW!  Commission work completed!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

WOW!!!!!!!!!  C-CHAN actually completed NON-Mini work!!!!!!!!!!  ^________^

In any event, please behold the finalized version of Windows 95 OSR 2.5-sama!!!!!!!  ^v^

I really wonder if the original artist ever thought we'd take his/her design this far, but I feel it's deserving.  There's just something about 2.5-sama that makes her,.......................... awesome!  ^v^

And plus she has a cool inter-Windows rivalary too!  ^.^

Now then, I put a cheap tentative background for effect now but chances are I may never put one at all given all the other drawings I have to produce.  

Next up,... OS/2-tan and MOS-chan,............ simultaneously, somehow.... ^___^;


*trots off to work on new assignments*


I like the weapon design on that one!

plus i'm sure whoever that first artist wouldn't mind ^_^


QuoteI like the weapon design on that one!

Yes, that would be a jutte (or jitte, I've seen either/or).  ^^

It first appeared in my very second picture ever produced:


Just thought it would look appropriate on her, given that her older sister is a sword wielder.  However, since she's closer to the more civilian era, I needed a more transitory weapon.  ^.^

Quoteplus i'm sure whoever that first artist wouldn't mind

Believe you and me, I'd love to know who this artist is, as I've always loved his/her comic strips, and even managed to translate one on my own (coincidentally, with 2.5-sama).....  ^__^


Legend has it that there is, in fact, a Windows 95 OSR 2.1-tan.  But whether the artist had in mind a design for this legendary OS-tan, we don't know and may never know.  ;___;

Aurora Borealis

May I say that finished 95 OSR 2.5-sama picture is made of WIN and AWESOME? ;010


Keeeww!  Thank you, Aurora-sama!  ^v^

BTW, what's say you about the legendary Windows 95 OSR 2.1-tan?  Do you think there's a chance there could one day be a picture of her...? ^.^

*hint hint*

Aurora Borealis

A 95 OSR 2.1-tan? Haven't seen any pictures of her although she was mentioned in a comic. I don't know what she'd exactly look like but I can imagine either a modern or sort of a futuristic theme as 95 OSR 2.1 was the first Windows OS to attempt to have USB support, and USB was supposed to be the thing of the future! Put that pre-USB technology in the past! However... USB support on OSR 2.1 didn't work that well...


*massages Aurora's brain*

There we go,... that's the spirit..... good Aurora-sama.... Creative juices must flow.... ^___^
I suppose she could look futuristic, but in a very ancient kinda way (with lots of tubes, gears and steam), since she's still related to Hagchan and the Goddess.  ^^

Oh, and she must be a hermit of course, living so far away that you have to write a letter just to ask her a question.  ^___^'


Yay!!! The completed version!
Methinks 2.5-sama is climbing in my list of favorite OS-tans; I've always respected skilled with a jutte. Plus she looks so cool in that picture!!! ^o^

*Looks at book of fancy titles*
While I have it open... ^-^
*Glances through list*
Since you most definitely deserve it ^v^
mmm... Hah! Howsabout:
Meritorious Artist
^v^  Yay Senpai!  ^v^


Thank you, Tsubashi-dono.  ^___^

I need a name for you too, no?  ^^

*ponders, scanning through viable word rhymes*

Valiant Vampire!  ^v^

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"*massages Aurora's brain*

There we go,... that's the spirit..... good Aurora-sama.... Creative juices must flow.... ^___^
I suppose she could look futuristic, but in a very ancient kinda way (with lots of tubes, gears and steam), since she's still related to Hagchan and the Goddess.  ^^

Oh, and she must be a hermit of course, living so far away that you have to write a letter just to ask her a question.  ^___^'

So, a steampunk (or even cyberpunk, dealing with computers and such) theme then for her appearance? I LIKE THAT!! ;010 ;010 And the hermit nature is reference to the comic she is mentioned in. Good!

However I'm worried that making an OSR 2.1-tan would be like what certain people did with NT-tan... But then again the creator of 2.5-tan probably didn't get hated most likely because he/she included the original 95-tan. I think. Should I still continue?


*continues massaging Aurora's brain*

Well think of it this way... ^___^
We're not making money off of this and we're not blatantly replacing an OS-tan everyone likes and loves, so no you're about as much Deja Vu as I am a lemur.  ^^;

(Besides, too late to ask that after Windows 3.2-tan, eh?  ^.^)

....Come to think about it, we haven't had a steam punk OS-tan yet it seems.  '___'


I don't think you need to worry about such a thing, Aurora-sama. Firstly, who could possible be mad at one of your outrageously kawaii art, and secondly, the bootleg NT was more insult to injury after they had already claimed the OS-tans as their own, so I don't think anyone would be mad.
If you are still unconvinced, I'll have to bribe you with a fancy title for your artistry! ^___^

Quote...Valiant Vampire! ^v^

Arigatou gozaimasu, Senpai! but really, I didn't do anything to deserve neither the -dono nor the title ^^'
Still, I think I'll use that as my custom rank, once I hit 3000 posts ^v^

Raffaele the Amigan

Quote from: "C-Chan"YEEEEEEEEHAAAWW!  Commission work completed!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

WOW!!!!!!!!!  C-CHAN actually completed NON-Mini work!!!!!!!!!!  ^________^

In any event, please behold the finalized version of Windows 95 OSR 2.5-sama!!!!!!!  ^v^


Oh My...  o_o

You are increasing more and more your capabilities and your managing of vector based drawing programs...

Are in the image some add-ons made with paint programs?
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).