Thurosis's small Manga thread

Started by Thurosis, March 30, 2007, 06:32:44 PM

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QuoteFunny how I'm the reverse, in that I've always fancied those crummy 1.0-chan descendants. ^^;

Admittedly, many of my older glorious projects were destroyed under Hacchan's watch... T__T... so I'm not adverse to labeling her a "Futa". `v'

My old 98 was a nightmare. It seemed it was constantly worse with age. My XP seems to be doing nothing but staying the same in performance, stability, and usefulness ;010 I could actually say it's getting better with age, seeing as K8 had a very rough, unstable start...

QuoteAppreciate the AMD-tan too,... too bad she and I have had a bit of a scuffle lately.... ¬__¬'

*stares at AMD64 machine*

The only thing I dislike about AMD is the feast-or-famine situation with the companies that use their CPU, IE either lower-end HPs, etc, or $3,000 Alienwares....I guess my emachines would be in the middle...but no good, "upper-middle class" computers use them  ;014


QuoteMy old 98 was a nightmare. It seemed it was constantly worse with age. My XP seems to be doing nothing but staying the same in performance, stability, and usefulness  I could actually say it's getting better with age, seeing as K8 had a very rough, unstable start...

Hope that's not the one in the shop....  ^^;
I will attest through personal experience that XP,... when stripped of all non-essential apps and bloat, runs amazingly fast and will fit in slightly less than a gig of space.  ^.^

*pats VMWare image of XP*

QuoteThe only thing I dislike about AMD is the feast-or-famine situation with the companies that use their CPU, IE either lower-end HPs, etc, or $3,000 Alienwares....I guess my emachines would be in the middle...but no good, "upper-middle class" computers use them

Ehhhh,... just bypass them all and get yerself a juicy SPARC processor.  I'm sure they're not that expensive.... maybe a few thou.....  ^.^


Hey Thurosis-san! You've got a quite and fine looking Manga you got there! I also like when XP calls B.G. dude himself! Keep going ^_^


^^ Yes i will keep drawing ^^

But right now i pretty busy so i can't continue -.- so i'm sorry

at this weekend i can continue (again)
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


That's OK, as long as you don't stop!   ;010  ;019


Oh my godness !  o_o  !

I can't believe it!

My internet conection is repaired! XD (The damn germans are so slow in repairing things.... they need a whole month (or longer)...)

It is nice to see you guys again and i'm so sorry that i couldn't do anything or answer anything....

Added after 10 minutes:

i wanted to put this online on that day where it was reached but i couldn't ...

so i uploaded it now ^^

by the way thanks everyone ^^

~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!



Thurosis is back :D And with an adorable Saseko pic no less!

And I was starting to think my character killed off the series j/k :P


As i promised to everyone i will keep drawing this story!

I will finish this Manga/Comic  no matter what happens!

Here is the page 25 ^^ :

~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


Yay Thurosis-sama! You are back! I was wondering where you were!
My only regret is that I am away from my home directory, so I can't save your lovely art to my disk!
Great job


Welcome back.
1 month without Internet?! o_o

Now I have to re-read everything, I lost the thread of the whole story >_>


Quote from: "Tsubashi"I am away from my home directory
If that's true, then...
QuoteLocation: /Users/Yui/


Yo Thurosis-san!!  Welcome back!  ^v^

I missed being the dashing-lead-character-who-will-save-the-world in your online manga, so I'm glad you're back and already churning the artwork.  ^.^


Quote from: "Darknight"...

Quote from: "Tsubashi"
I am away from my home directory

If that's true, then...
QuoteLocation: /Users/Yui/


Hmm hmm...
Oh crap! My location hasn't been updated since MAY or something! FUXKC!!! *scurry*



WE missus you so much!!!!

It's nice to know you survived a month without the internet! I would have collapsed!!

Nice comeback with that page!!
My my, aren't you lovely~


i so glad to hear that everyone missed me ^^

Now i'm back,  i want to tell everyone what i have done in that month ^^

for about one and half weed
i took part in a warhammer 40k tournement and won that! (i took the first place!!!!) :smoke:
i got a document and 150â,¬ prize ( inofficialy i'm the Wiesbaden Champion

at the same time i take a part in a manga-competition! so i'm busy again because this time i will put everything what i know to this manga...

i will use (color)makers, Computer Graphics, and all my knowlegde!!!! and i hope i will win this time -.-

and the rest of the month i worked at the hotel and every day i done 2-3 overtime ... so i almost worked 12 hours day every day....

some times i ask myself why must do so much for nothing .....
and why am i always busy ... (i need some rest but i can't)
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


Busy busy! o_o And congrats!

Great new page!

I hate to brag, but...

...I'm so cute ^_^
