Thurosis's small Manga thread

Started by Thurosis, March 30, 2007, 06:32:44 PM

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Quote from: "NejinOniwa"An' the icelander got 'mself some jolly fiddlin', aye.



Absolutely dynamite!!!!!  ^V^

Fortunately I've seen Rozen Maiden at least, and if the Captain gets Gin-sama, then surely I'm entitled to cuddle up to my beloved Suiseiseki-sama.  ^.^
(and Amiga-sama for sure,... even though she's technically AmigaBob in this one... ^^')

Both panels were fantastic, but my favorite references hands down were Gummster and Tsubashi's run-in with Alucard.  ^v^

Oh,... and I guess I should go fetch my wiki pedestal before someone takes it and wreaks havoc.  ^^'


Quote(and Amiga-sama for sure,... even though she's technically AmigaBob in this one... ^^')


I guess he really IS pleasing the fanpig.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I.... erh...  What were we talking about again.   ;013


just the fact that he said he wanted to cuddle up with the amiga-sama, who is you in this case, and the fact he called you a sex god in the other thread

<_< >_> im just connecting the dots here
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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* quickly makes a mess out of all the lines and dots *

RIGHT!  Now, let's move on.  :p


Oh come on now, miggy, don't be embarrassed! Show 'em yer manliness, show 'em yer INNER HASSELHOFF!!!!

......okay, I agree, let's move on for now. <.<


Thurosis, your manga keeps getting more interesting every page :D Keep up the good work!


Next frame should look like this:

and then the manga can end, cus there will be no better ending.

"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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o_o  Amazing Work again and again Capt.Brenden!!  o_o

what a pity that you don't draw comics/manga, because your style and (hand-)work are such amazing !
THE Details wow ! ^^" I want to beat this ...

But the sad thing is i don't have the time to draw...
(but i don't even know if i can beat this  ;013 )
I'm sorry everyone i can't continue the manga again because in the hotel where i work it is busy again ... but i will continue next week on Wednesday

Added after 25 minutes:

i almost forgot to say that i changed the story-process a little bit

i pushed the "unbelieve" crossover a few pages behind (i mean it isn't on page 15 anymore ), now it could be on page 17 or maybe 20... -.-
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


Don' worry! We'll be all waitin'! :D

(All you need to worry about is topicless invading this thread *snickergiggle*)


Quotewhat a pity that you don't draw comics/manga, because your style and (hand-)work are such amazing !
THE Details wow ! ^^" I want to beat this ...

-_- well I soppose I havent publicly shown any progress on it so it seems like nothing is getting done, but the digital complex manga IS still in the works

However,  as ive said before, to draw better you simply need practice and a desier to do so.  For me, evertime I draw something I try to make it better then the last.  I seemed to have offended C-Chan a bit with this mentality, as Im a little hard core about it.  To his credit he has put out alot of good art in the time ive known him and improved greatly, just, he feels its more important to get things made then to make them the best he possibly can, and that conflicting set of belifes has apperently led to some hate and discontent I wasnt aware of..

anyhow, the point is, if you want to beat that, you have to try.  I remember when i was looking at arts like that when i was younger and thinking the same thing, I go back now and look at the same pictures that once inspired me and relized that i was BETTER then them now.  it just takes time practice, and dedication.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Hehe,... well now, here's a thought.... ¯v¯
If you don't want even the appearance of hate and discontent, then consider not flaming it to begin with.  
Besides, you're aware that everyone operates differently.  For instance, conflicting ideologies don't offend me -- but wasted time certainly does and quite a lot.  

Glad at least you think I've improved in my art, cause I certainly do not.  From what I set off to achieve I pretty much failed miserably, and now I'm out of time to correct that.

For the rest of you, do at least take heed of what the Captain said.
You can achieve the goals you want as long as you adhere to these three prerequisites:

- Time
- Practice
- Dedication

Don't commit the same mistake I did of half-assing on one of them, cause it'll just domino to the rest of them.  -v-


I don't really understand what you and capt.Brenden mean -.- (sorry about that)

but the part with :

- Time
- Practice
- Dedication

i understand...

and im my opinion C-Chan art are also GREAT and AMAZING because it is draw(n) in Anime-Cell-style !! (what i can't  do right now...)
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


What I said basicly ment, If you want to draw like me, Practice, and always try to do better then your last.  Before you know it, youll have to find someone better to emulater
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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