What Manga are you reading?

Started by Gummster, March 28, 2007, 09:21:26 AM

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Yeah, but at least Seven Seas imports yuri.  Almost nobody else bothers.


true, but with that in mind you'd think they'd be more diligent about it. at least, that's what a good person would do. seven seas seems to take the douche approach of "oh, no one else is doing it, so i can do what i want! *tosses book carelessly on floor*"

did i mention here that i had updated my manga listing? i'll post a link later in case i forgot. i'm thinking i should start reading some of the stuff i haven't, especially since i can whip through a volume in like, 20 minutes when i'm on a roll.

now that i've finished the anime, i'm thinking of collecting the manga of Video Girl Ai. :3
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(double posting since it's been almost 2 weeks)

from library, read: A.I. Love You, vol. 1

unread: Magical x Miracle, vol. 1 & 2
Momo Tama, vol. 1
Cherry Juice, vol. 3
Instant Teen: Just Add Nuts!, vol. 3
Peppermint, vol. 1
Translucent, vol. 2
I Am Here!, vol. 2
Kill Me, Kiss Me, vol. 1
Mink, vol. 1
D.N. Angel, vol. 2
Neck and Neck, vol.2
Honey and Clover, vol. 3
Beauty Pop, vol. 3
Fall in Love Like a Comic, vol. 1

trading on sunday: Love Hina, vol. 2 & 11
Tramps Like Us, vol. 5
Love Hina Again DVD
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Aw whaaaat, they have I am Here vol 2?

Nothing notable from Dynasty, just my A-Channel fix.  Not sure Overload's still in operation since their website's down which makes me sad...


herly shert, you like I Am Here! ? :000

you know what's funny, i had been staring at my copy of vol. 1 for days beforehand thinking, "i really liked that one! i should read it again!" and lo and behold, they have volume 2. -w-

at some point i need to buy it (2) :0
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Yeah, I've got volume one around somewhere but I've not seen 2 in stores around here yet.


i was aware some sort of 2 existed, but i had never seen it. doesn't help that i bought volume 1 at borders, which proceeded to go bankrupt, go out of business, and have their space turned into all manner of stores, from a seasonal shop to a building-themed toy store, leaving the mall bookless. >>;

i just always figured i'd get it online. at the very least, there's a good chance the manga will be completely released, given it was being put out by Del Rey.
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@Kari: The mall in Tyler has been bookless since '00 or so; when B. Dalton closed down :\
However, the one at home became more bookful (If that's the right term) when the library moved in -w-;


did you copy + paste that from topicless? :\
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...so that's where my post for Topicless went. I swear I posted that, but it was missing fairly quickly, so I reposted it :\

Also, apparently I got topics mixed up again; as the relevant bit I was replying to was here and not in Topicless. This is what happens when you're tired and also sidetracked


it's all good.

is anyone else reading any manga lately? i need to get back to switch girl. =w=;
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I honestly need to get back to Kashimashi ^^;



so i'm thinking of buying the disgaea art book. that's mangaish.
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Indeed. I actually just got back to it; picking up where I left off (Half-way through the first omnibus)