Bella's OS-tan Artwork Thread

Started by Bella, March 18, 2007, 02:04:00 PM

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Y'all hold that thought,... will be right back.  ^^

Added after 2 hours:

Quote*Mischevious grin*

It's not just a dream..It's a possibility. After all, I am a noob MUGEN programer. If only I had the sprites I might could make something like that. Fufufu.

*Imagines Inu-T, Fchan-tan, Puma-chan, and Leopard-chan as MUGEN characters*

Well okay,... I must admit that an animated, sprite-based Pu-chan interests me a lot.  Problem is I have zero time to work on so many animated frames of that calibre.  I won't promise what I can't deliver,... not after inundating myself with promises I can't deliver.

*nudges Bella-sama's pile of IOUs*

QuoteBut a pissed off Unix-sama? I don't think even Fchan-tan with her control over the horrors of /ah/ could beat that..

In fairnes,... my wayward imagination required that the fighting game matched character battle ratings rather than characters themselves.  So if, say, a Windows 95-tan or an OS/2-tan had a fighting rating of 6, the opposing player has the option of selecting another 6-rated fighter (e.g., Mac-tan), two 3-rated characters (e.g., ME-tan and Amiga-tan), or six 6-rated characters (e.g., QDOS, Apple II, AtariDOS, Commodore PET, ORIC, ZX Spectrum).  The idea is that the weaker the characters are, the more "swarming" is required to even the odds a little.  

Incidentally, UNIX-sama in her final incarnation would be like a 24 -- but no, she wouldn't be the strongest character!  (a la Final Fantasy, there'd be a super secret boss -- z/OS-tan -- who'd rate something like a 48; and, appearance-wise, would function a lot like the giantess character from the Melty Blood series).

QuoteAnd while I'm on the topic..There could be an Os-tan Collections stage.

But should it use a pic of the actual forums here or should it be a japanese style house with all the members avatars/characters in it.
(In Thruosis's manga style)

Well of course, it would be the house plus us in it! ^____^

Well, I've done it. I've couldn't help myself, I am too weak of will when it comes to an idea so freaking funny.

Yes, that's the Goddess cosplaying as Multics-sama. And that's Slackware-chan cosplaying as Unix-sama (and clearly having the time of her life!)
Well, I suppose the end times are near. At least for me. I gotta go now, as Unix-sama herself just showed up to kick my ass!




Honestly, I think it looks remarkable on UNIX-sama.  Not sure why you'd fear having your ass kicked, when it's something of a real favor.  ^____^


Oh wait,... right,... Slack-chan.  ^.^

She looks great too,... but,.... yeah, I'll cover for you.  ^^;

*starts flailing wildly, trying to distract the goddess*

Quote*comes to, from ... kicking*


*taps foot impatiently*

You know I'm low to the ground, right?  So I'm gonna get dizzy staring at your foot doing that.  T__T

*nod nod nod nod nod nod nod nod nod nod no-*

*gets dizzy*  @___@

QuoteI wouldn't go as far to say she's resurrected...I don't think release of source code is enough to warrant this. Yes, I know we've assumed Multics-sama is alive now, but hopefully the Multicians can do as big as they talk and soon they'll have emulators made.
Source code being released is like saying, if you want to, bring this system back. But it still has to be seen if anyone has : /

Fufufu... I figured you'd say this,... which is why I'll toss it right back to you and touch upon something you commented about much much earlier.....

Or rather I'll just say it in two words....






Never underestimate a demented pig's search for optimum sap potential.  Sometimes being dead just doesn't cut it.  Which is why in my other thread's post, I mentioned something about perceptions of being "alive".  ^.^

QuoteOh thanks for mentioning this now...this info coulda helped me a minute ago! XD

(BTW, I got PO'd version of her for that drawing o___O)

You mean you wanted to draw yourself getting your ass-kicked by PO'd UNIX-sama?  @___@


Will you make your hair pink?  *v*

QuoteWoohoo! Russian!

Sounds like it would fit them...

Perhaps not always the nicest-looking things in the world, but cheap, efficient and reliable.  UNIX-sama isn't much of a sucker for change, so while the CIOST makes more advanced and advanced technology, the Nix arsenal evolves very slowly under a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" philosophy.  She would, however, focus on improving tactics AND winning by numerical superiority -- so if there's a new, advanced CIOST defense laser that can shoot down cruise missiles with ease, rather than waste on needless R&D she'd opt to saturate it with thrice as many missiles, modified slightly to maneuver in a way that would make them more difficult to target.  These would be accompanied by twice as many dummy missiles intermixed with the lot to confuse the targeting apparatus.  And that assuming she doesn't simultaneously order a ground-based operation too to capitalize on the distraction.

QuoteSo, they're more of the "Make peace, not war" type

The Open Sourcers philosophy is not conducive at all to war, since war is inherently secretive and treacherous in nature in many aspects.

The honest and open Linux-tans could never abide by the old and cruel adage:  "By way of deception thou shalt do war...".

QuoteI should also note that alchemy is usually considered a learned skill, which would account for a lack of magical power with NT-san or any of her decedents
The irony could be that perhaps the DEC's swordsmanship runs a bit deeper than their alchemy skills, as NT-san seems to be quite naturally apt to a blade...

Fufu... now we're getting into the realm of Jungian archetypes?  ^^
But yeah, that's an excellent interpretation... and love the picture too.  ^.^

QuoteHey, what's this...?


Oh, it's CTSS. I'll pass.

*I am so terrible, I know...*

*runs from thread wailing*

*points accusingly*

See!  This is why the Great Great Grandmother can't get resurrected!  ^0^

*downloads source and cuddles up to it fondly*


QuoteHahahaha! A funny idea becomes a funny picture! Slackware-tan is delighted to cosplay as Unix, but Unix is not so amused

That's right. I laughed. I confess that I do not follow Unix-sama-ism!


A Unix-sama-ist you may not be, but in using OS X I'm you pay some homage to the Goddess ;)

QuoteSlackware-chan Cosplaying as Unix-sama, and Unix-sama herself as Multics-Tan? Just awesome! ^-^

Yeah "Bella" I remember her...She went out with a Bang. Quite literately..When the lightning suddenly struck her..

JK JK Hehe.

Thanks for the eulogy XD

I'm glad you like the drawing!

QuoteNT-Sama is skilled at weilding a sword? ^-^ Perhaps some of this passed down to her daughter Inu-T (I have seen a pic on Inu-t with a sword).

Yeah, but I think Inu-T is too much of a sweetheart to be a real vicious warrior :P

Her mama, however, can be quite frightening when provoked O__O

QuoteThe background animation for the stage.. It could be made of screenshots of this forum. Or it could have all the member's avatars in it.
Example: You bella, the purple haied girl. C-Chan the black pig. Me the purple haired fox-boy. Aurora's avatar, the blonde girl with the hat and wand. Capt. Brendan the Space Marine in the armor.

Now do you see?

I think I know what you mean now :)

QuoteWell okay,... I must admit that an animated, sprite-based Pu-chan interests me a lot. Problem is I have zero time to work on so many animated frames of that calibre. I won't promise what I can't deliver,... not after inundating myself with promises I can't deliver.

*nudges Bella-sama's pile of IOUs*

C'mon, you don't owe me anything!

*except for maybe SAM-chan, perhaps an avatar...*

QuoteIn fairnes,... my wayward imagination required that the fighting game matched character battle ratings rather than characters themselves. So if, say, a Windows 95-tan or an OS/2-tan had a fighting rating of 6, the opposing player has the option of selecting another 6-rated fighter (e.g., Mac-tan), two 3-rated characters (e.g., ME-tan and Amiga-tan), or six 6-rated characters (e.g., QDOS, Apple II, AtariDOS, Commodore PET, ORIC, ZX Spectrum). The idea is that the weaker the characters are, the more "swarming" is required to even the odds a little.

*Imagines half the Vintage-tans battling 95-tan*


QuoteIncidentally, UNIX-sama in her final incarnation would be like a 24 -- but no, she wouldn't be the strongest character! (a la Final Fantasy, there'd be a super secret boss -- z/OS-tan -- who'd rate something like a 48; and, appearance-wise, would function a lot like the giantess character from the Melty Blood series).

Awww, poor, deficient Unix-sama.

*runs like hell before something is thrown at me*

*Multics-sama! VMS-sama! Someone! Sanctuary! Sanctuary!*

QuoteHonestly, I think it looks remarkable on UNIX-sama. Not sure why you'd fear having your ass kicked, when it's something of a real favor. ^____^


Oh wait,... right,... Slack-chan. ^.^

She looks great too,... but,.... yeah, I'll cover for you. ^^;

*starts flailing wildly, trying to distract the goddess*

But she's so out of place :P

But yeah, I love the look on Slackware-chan's face. She's looks like such a...rabid fangirl XD

Tis a matter of when, not if, I'll vector sketch this.

QuoteYou know I'm low to the ground, right? So I'm gonna get dizzy staring at your foot doing that. T__T

*nod nod nod nod nod nod nod nod nod nod no-*

*gets dizzy* @___@


QuoteFufufu... I figured you'd say this,... which is why I'll toss it right back to you and touch upon something you commented about much much earlier.....

Or rather I'll just say it in two words....






Never underestimate a demented pig's search for optimum sap potential. Sometimes being dead just doesn't cut it. Which is why in my other thread's post, I mentioned something about perceptions of being "alive". ^.^

Oooooh....I see what you could I've been blind to this!

*I see dead OS-tans*

^20 points to whoever gets that reference*

QuotePerhaps not always the nicest-looking things in the world, but cheap, efficient and reliable. UNIX-sama isn't much of a sucker for change, so while the CIOST makes more advanced and advanced technology, the Nix arsenal evolves very slowly under a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" philosophy. She would, however, focus on improving tactics AND winning by numerical superiority -- so if there's a new, advanced CIOST defense laser that can shoot down cruise missiles with ease, rather than waste on needless R&D she'd opt to saturate it with thrice as many missiles, modified slightly to maneuver in a way that would make them more difficult to target. These would be accompanied by twice as many dummy missiles intermixed with the lot to confuse the targeting apparatus. And that assuming she doesn't simultaneously order a ground-based operation too to capitalize on the distraction.

@___@ Hmmm...I don't know which group has the more interesting tactics, the CIOST or the Unixes....

This certainly puts a wrinkle in the phrase, "OS-wars"

QuoteThe Open Sourcers philosophy is not conducive at all to war, since war is inherently secretive and treacherous in nature in many aspects.

The honest and open Linux-tans could never abide by the old and cruel adage: "By way of deception thou shalt do war...".

I bet for some Linuxes door-to-door pamphleteering would be considered military action :P

QuoteFufu... now we're getting into the realm of Jungian archetypes? ^^
But yeah, that's an excellent interpretation... and love the picture too. ^.^

Yeah, I saw that pic in the gallery. I really like her outfit :D


Here's a part of the Binteji Renmei pic I'm working on:

That's right! Oric and Win2.0-chan! FYI, 2.0-chan is using Oric-chan as a snowball-shield. It'll make more sense when you see the rest of the picture ;)


GYA!!!  2.0-chan looks cute-as-a-button, and ORIC-tan is quite,... glamorously tomboyish!  ^____^

I see I also have to respond a lot more stuff, including your stuff in the theories section,... for which, I shall conveniently swoon to stall for time.  ^v^



Okay, here's the finished product! Amiga-san (find the easter egg), ZX Spectrum, Win2.0 and Oric-tan!

There's also a larger and snow-free pic in the gallery.

Honestly, not as difficult to finish as it may look. I found a very efficient way to shade that seems to have cut my time down somewhat.

However....I had one helluva time exporting it. It took a lot of time, and it WASN'T exporting certain paths (like the eyes). The bigger a pic I tried to export, the more paths missing. This was the biggest I could get it.

Background was done with the bitmap to vector tool (hey, it does sort of work well!). This is actually a hiking trail near here.


Quote(find the easter egg)
Hey! It's January, and easter is in April! What are you thinking with!?


Added after 35 seconds:

Oh and also,
/appreciation, yo.


Well I kinda figure that the vectorized bitmap is going to be saturated with nodes, meaning that the file size (and hence the export time) increases exponentially in addition to the use of blurring.  Fortunately, Inkscape 0.46 is not long.  ^___^

I also love the snowless version more,... you can see my comments in your picture gallery regarding why.  ^.^

In the meantime........


2.0-chan preexistingly cute, ORIC-tan cool,....

But ZX Spectrum-tan is a great surprise here!!!!  
Even keeping with the oddball color matching, you've succeeded in making her look mature and,... shall I say it,... grandiose!  ^v^
It would be the greatest understatement of the decade to say I "dig her".  ^______^

But of course, much love has to be appropriated to Amiga-sama, who you've similarly captured with the kind of statuesque grace and girl-next-door beauty that's essentially her hallmark.  ^V^

BUT WAIT!!!  There's an easter egg hidden on her!!!!!!!  @v@


Wouldn't be DSL-kun hidden in there, now would it?  ^__^

*pretends to expect necklace*

*"accidentally" smothers self in bosom*

[lecherously]  WHOOOOOPS!!!!!  Let's try elsewhere.  ~^v^~

*"accidentally" slides down boot*

WHOOOOOOPS!!!  Guess I'll have to look up to ascertain how far I've fallen.  ~^__^~

*looks up*

Oh wait, socks are white here,... They're checkered in your other version.

*leaps up and smothers self in hair*

WHOOOOOOOOOOPS!!!!  Meant to inspect her earmuffs.  O-h w-e-l-l..... ~-v-~

*buries self in hair*

I'm tired,... I'll keep searching tomorrow morning.  G'night, y'all.  -v-


Aurora Borealis

Very cute!

I too noticed that Amiga-tan's leggings were checkered in the other version. 0__0

Windows 2.0-tan is as adorable as ever, ORIC-tan looks so delightfully spunky and Spectrum-tan looks really fashionable even with the mismatched clothes! (But oh noez! Her hairties are the same color!)


Hm...I'm seeing a tiny, tiny blue/green frame on that girl's chest that definitely doesn't seem to fit in.
Hard to see with this resolution, but could that be it?


Oh and also,
/appreciation, yo.

QuoteWell I kinda figure that the vectorized bitmap is going to be saturated with nodes, meaning that the file size (and hence the export time) increases exponentially in addition to the use of blurring. Fortunately, Inkscape 0.46 is not long. ^___^

I also love the snowless version more,... you can see my comments in your picture gallery regarding why. ^.^

In the meantime........



QuoteI too noticed that Amiga-tan's leggings were checkered in the other version. 0__0

Windows 2.0-tan is as adorable as ever, ORIC-tan looks so delightfully spunky and Spectrum-tan looks really fashionable even with the mismatched clothes! (But oh noez! Her hairties are the same color!)

Thank you! But I tried to make Spectrum-tan as fashion disaster-y as I could :P

*notices the un-checkered socks*


Aw dammit, I didn't notice that! >__<
See, I told you that it wasn't exporting certain paths. I guess I was so busy making sure the the eyes were still there that the checkers slipped past me! I bet they're in the Bermuda Triangle of Inkscape artwork right now...

QuoteHm...I'm seeing a tiny, tiny blue/green frame on that girl's chest that definitely doesn't seem to fit in.
Hard to see with this resolution, but could that be it?

Yeah, I'd be in wallpaper resolution of Inkscape had let me export something that size without half the paths disappearing : |

But you're really close, Nejin...that's a necklace Amiga-tan is wearing. Maybe I'll have a few others take a guess at what exactly it is before I tell!


Been viewing Bella's illustrations for about 3 pages in this thread and I have to say it's uber awesome from the holiday special illustration to gOS-tan to Unix-tan and slackware-tan cosplayto Multics-tan to the another Amiga illustration....



She looks mature on that one but heck that really grabbed my interest.

Big thumbs up to Bella!  ;010  ;019

Quote from: "Bella"Must. Draw. Puma-chan. With. Automatic. Weapon.

youMust! :P

(p.s. I'm looking forward to the complete work of gOS-tan. Really excited to see her design in color since it'll be familliar to Mac OS/OSX-tan)


I'm glad to hear you've been looking over my work and like it, Alfamille! Especially as I draw so many OS-tans of uncommon or little-known OSs...I feel as if I'm giving them a bit of publicity ;)

QuoteShe looks mature on that one but heck that really grabbed my interest.

Yeah, I figured she'd dress a bit more down to earth for wintertime...

Quote(p.s. I'm looking forward to the complete work of gOS-tan. Really excited to see her design in color since it'll be familliar to Mac OS/OSX-tan)

I wouldn't exactly say she'll be identical, but they will share a few things in common...but a lot more green.


I should note that gOS 2.0 is A LOT MORE OSX-like than version 1.0.  Even the dock functions the same way.  ^____^'


^ darn, I wished I had waited to download gOS 2.0...


If you can guess what's in the background, a piece of cake you get!


Quote^ darn, I wished I had waited to download gOS 2.0...

Dontcha worry, missy.  on January 25th... you can BUY yourself a machien with it for $399 USD.  ^_____________^

I'm thinking of doing so myself (from ZaReason, though), just because I'm curious how it's going to pan out.  ^__^


If you can guess what's in the background, a piece of cake you get!

Ah yeah, the background does give it some atmosphere!  (no pun intended)

Not much else to say here beyond what I said earlier, since all it really needed (regarding the characters) was shading in Panel 4 and the correction of SendMail-chan's name.

As for what's the background.... 'x'




Let me take a wild guess.  ^___^