Bella's OS-tan Artwork Thread

Started by Bella, March 18, 2007, 02:04:00 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Now where was I?...

SCO Unix-tan = awesome! I especially like how she's holding a lawsuit! The expression on her face suits her very well and has that "Don't look at me or I will sue you!" vibe to it! I also think she will make a great comedy relief character! :D

Kubuntu-tan and Elive-tan look very pretty. And Apple I-tan (thank you for drawing her!) and Xenix-tan

Amstrad CPC-tan looks cool and I like her fashion sense!

Great job with the background on the OS/2-tan + Windows 1.0-tan picture! The once clear, blue sky is turning grey and gloomy as the two girls are being seperated!

Elive-tan in color is even prettier and shiny and very classy! Her dress and hair are like gold and her eyes are like sapphires!

Oh no! I nearly forgot about Moseko! It is strange that she isn't as popular as Saseko because Moseko is even more scantily-clad and aren't the scantily-clad girls the ones most popular with the fanboys? (Or maybe XP Media Center probably isn't used as nearly as much as XP Home and Pro? Heck, I didn't know there was a Media Center version of XP until I've heard of the OS-tans!)

And that VMS-tan is super cool! She strikes me as the psychopathic type! :D But who will win the battle between her and Linux-tan?


QuoteBoth of the winter scenes are very cute! I especially like the one with Puppy-tan and AROS-tan because a puppy girl and a kitty girl skating together on the ice... Who says cats and dogs can't get along? (or in this case catgirls and dog girls?) And now that you made a Puppy-tan, YellowDog-tan also now has a playmate! *adds YellowDog-tan+Puppy-tan group picture idea to list of picture ideas*

Thanks! A Puppylinux-tan YellowDog-tan pic would be very cute!

QuoteThat Amiga-tan+Windows 2.0-tan picture is beautiful and very emotional! 2.0-tan has such a troubled life and Amiga-tan is there tocomfort her because she too has had a troubled life! (Didn't Amiga get screwed over several times? Or does Amiga-tan just have a very good sense of empathy? Or both?)

From what I've heard, 'Miggy' has had a very tough life but has somehow kept a good outlook. Amiga-sama has great spirit, among so many other OS-tans that have been ruined by their troubled lives :..(

QuoteSCO Unix-tan = awesome! I especially like how she's holding a lawsuit! The expression on her face suits her very well and has that "Don't look at me or I will sue you!" vibe to it! I also think she will make a great comedy relief character!

Bwahaha! I'm beyond surprised nobody has made a SCO-tan before...such a goldmine of possible comedy!

QuoteKubuntu-tan and Elive-tan look very pretty. And Apple I-tan (thank you for drawing her!) and Xenix-tan

We really need to see more of Apple I-sama...I mean, Apple I was probably one of the (if not the!) most important computers ever made :D

QuoteAmstrad CPC-tan looks cool and I like her fashion sense!

I want to make her look sort of 80s style, with an English flare...

QuoteGreat job with the background on the OS/2-tan + Windows 1.0-tan picture! The once clear, blue sky is turning grey and gloomy as the two girls are being seperated!

I decided it was such a good picture I should try and make it a little better.

QuoteElive-tan in color is even prettier and shiny and very classy! Her dress and hair are like gold and her eyes are like sapphires!

I made her look very pretty and elegant because the Enlightenment DE is very elegant...and I made her look a bit like a Mac-tan because Enlightenment reminds me a bit of OS X...

QuoteOh no! I nearly forgot about Moseko! It is strange that she isn't as popular as Saseko because Moseko is even more scantily-clad and aren't the scantily-clad girls the ones most popular with the fanboys? (Or maybe XP Media Center probably isn't used as nearly as much as XP Home and Pro? Heck, I didn't know there was a Media Center version of XP until I've heard of the OS-tans!)

Honestly, I made her cause I felt a little sorry for anyone who has XPME, from an OS-tan point-of-view...Saseko is cute, smart, stable,and has a massive fanboy following. Homeko not to go there, XD, but she has a well-developed character...Moseko...wears a tiny outfit, and, from what I hear, is a little airheaded. That's about all we know regarding her.

QuoteAnd that VMS-tan is super cool! She strikes me as the psychopathic type! But who will win the battle between her and Linux-tan?

C-Chan calls her kickass, you call her psychopathic...dang, I must be doing something right ;010 While I don't think either will "fight to the death", Linux-sama does seem to have her in a tough spot...although, look at VMS-sama...she's ready to trip up Linux-sama and/or get her with the dagger or cleaver...

Right now I'm trying to figure out...IF...I did a comic strip with SCO Unix-tan, who would she be suing, and what characters would appear?

-Since SCO sued Novell, would that be SUSE-tan? UnixWare?
-What OS-tan would represent IBM (Just generic Linux-sama)?
-And Redhat sued would Redhat-tan be 'serving' SCO Unix-tan a lawsuit as well...?
-Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft and Sun Microsystems were said to also be in on the "fun", so should there be a cameo by HP UX-tan, NT-san, and Solaris-tan?


OMG!!!!!  @__@

I see what you mean,... you're back with a vengeance.... ^^;

Chotto matte kudasai while I digest up a lengthy response.....  ^.^;

Added after 12 hours 13 minutes:

*still typing*  ^^;


You better watch it there, C-Chan; At this rate, it'll be half of War and Peace your writing, XD


You're not kidding.... it's already breaking records.  ^^;

*keeps typing furiously*

Added after 28 minutes:

Okay, first order of business....

Let's first say "welcome back" to the bella Bella!  ^__^

*round of applause from audience*

And then let's commend her for her nifty new avatar, although the verdict is still out as to who it is (odds are running in favor of a stylize NT-tan).  ^v^

*more round of applause from audience*

QuoteFor the past several days I've been traveling from Florida back to my home state of New Hampshire. Our state motto is live free or die...which, I've heard, is also a favorite slogan by some Unix fans!

Kudos to comparing all New Hampshirites to *Nix fans, although I'm sure she means selective Unices, cause if she included the Sco-ites in there, the motto would have to be "Live Free then Piss People Off for Living Free, or Else Die".  In any case, let's get some state legislation passed to promote FOSS software like all the cool governments do.  ^.^

QuoteI think I'd die if I saw that plate on the road  

Would you die if you saw that at my office?  ^v^'

*takes quick hop over to*

QuoteAnyway, when we'd stop for the night (or afternoon, in some of the warmer states) I got a chance to do a bit of drawing, and coloring, on Photoshop, no less!!!

XPME-tan, my first PS work:

Congratulations!!!  ^v^
You are now a proud PS user... no wonder you went to Florida, as you clearly had to go "somewhere" to celebrate.  ^.^

Your work was already excellent before, so it's hard to tell the difference between your work on your old tools and that on PS.  But I can definitely spot more luminiscent effects, which goes great with XPME's awesome pose.  ^__^

QuoteWhy does nobody like Moseko (is that her name? I forget and I'm to lazy to check XD)? Is it because she wears skimpier clothes than Saseko and is
half as talented? Is it the curse of being a Windows-tan with 'ME' in her name? I don't know, but it sure is sad when you give a character dignity by drawing them in a disco outfit.

Fufu... for the record, Moseko-tan is the only Windows-tan I have left in my personal computer collection (not counting my game machine since I rarely use it).  So you can say that I at least like her.  ^__^

But judgning by the colors, you definitely used the XPME-tan design, which I guess few people support since it really is a crossover of ME + Saseko + Linspire.  In contrast, the XPMCE-tan design (the girl in orange and green, and cat-eared headphones) has slightly more support, but is likely not loved either since she's.... let's just say not exactly slim.  -.-

And then there's the younger girl with the rocket suitcase, but that one's just plain weird.
I suppose too little attention has been paid to XP Media Center Edition, as all the artists would rather spend their time drawing 1,242,865 varieties of Vistans.  -v-;

For the record also, I really dig the disco outfit.  ^____^
(but then, since when have I been a critic of your fashion sense?  ^v^')

QuoteQuite the pretty Linux-tan, eh?

Definitely drop-dead gorgeous.


Oh right, sorry.  ^^;

*drops dead*



A bit on the simple side, but it's definitely one of those OSes where simplicity is elegance in itself, so it works.  Plus the fluid draping effects could be right at home over a catwalk.  ^v^

QuoteTook me long 'nuff, but I finally got those tears (as well as a background, and redone eyes) in that OS/2-Win1.0-chan pic:

Excellent,... I can never tire from this pic.  The faces are a bit bright, so the tears are only barely made out,... still, I think keeping it subtle is better, since the mood is more confusing to the both of them than sorrowful.  There's still a small hope that this is all just a big misunderstanding, and it never occurs to them that they will never see eachother again.

The coming storm is very beautifully done,... a Photoshop trick, I take it?

QuoteI'm doing that more with my PS pictures, too. I'm like a kid in a candy shop, trying different effects, filters, etc.

I used to love the Lens Flare effects, especially from the Kai Power Tools suite.  But there is such a thing as "over-using" the Lens Flare,... certainly it's a dead giveaway that a picture is "Shopped" if it uses that particular lens flare effect.  If you noticed from my OS/2-tan OS-tan Collections banner, I've gotten into the habit of disguising my flare effects.  ^__^

QuoteThose wild Linux-tans, heehee! I sort of thought the same thing, with, perhaps, the browser-tans being the OS-tans' personal tourguides or something like that.

Next on the roster of unanswered OS-tan metaphors:
Program-tans/ they work for the OS-tans/kuns, helping them get their jobs done?

In that one sense, the Linux-tans are spoiled.  Whereas the Windows-tans have to go through ALL the trouble of walking/driving to your nearest brick-n-mortar store and BUYING their software, the Linux-tans have 90% of all the software they'll ever need in well-organized online Repositories.  (Want GIMP + dependencies?  Just point, click, install and badda-bing!  You've got yourself a slow-but-sure alternative to Photoshop,........ though personally, I still prefer Krita.  -v-)

The browser-tans would definitely make good tour guides,... or rangers, if you're talking about the more fringe browsers, like Konqueror or IceWeasel.  ^.^

As you say, Program-tans/kuns do often work for the OS-tans, but in general I'd view them as the "general population" of the OS-tan's World.  They go about their lives working, farming, acting, fighting, blogging, organizing,... essentially keeping the world moving.  And on occasion, a few of them will hit it rich and/or become famous.  

But it's the celebrities (Windows-tans), the rich and famous (Mac-tans), the powerful industrialists (old-school Unices) and the brave revolutionaries (Linuces) who everyone knows or cares to know on a first name basis.

QuoteGeez...what a dork

*gasp*  Comparing that fiend to a dork is an insult to all dorks.  Then again, I fear I'm offending the fiends of the world as well.  ^__^

Oh well,... it's not like the BBC hasn't degraded the quality of its news outlet over the past couple of years (a major trend among the major Western news outlets).  I suppose they deserve it for caving in so easily during the Hutton Inquiry.  -v-

QuoteThat Amiga-tan+Windows 2.0-tan picture is beautiful and very emotional!  2.0-tan has such a troubled life and Amiga-tan is there to comfort her because she too has had a troubled life! (Didn't Amiga get screwed over several times? Or does Amiga-tan just have a very good sense of empathy? Or both?)

BOTH,... OH DEAR GAWD, BOTH.... @___@

And if you saw from Raffaele-san's recent thread, Amiga-sama is being screwed over yet again!!
This is intolerable!!  I'm starting to see why all the FOSS people absolutely LOATHE proprietary software.  -____-
If Amiga were open-sourced, the shear devotion of the Amigans could turn it into a world-class operating system in no time flat.  ;___;

But instead, we just prolong the pointless carrot-dangling and suffering.  ;~;

QuoteFrom what I've heard, 'Miggy' has had a very tough life but has somehow kept a good outlook. Amiga-sama has great spirit, among so many other OS-tans that have been ruined by their troubled lives :..(


*tries to slit wrist with piece of parsley again*

Oh right, that didn't actually work last time....  ^^;

*continues suffering*

QuoteBwahaha! I'm beyond surprised nobody has made a SCO-tan before...such a goldmine of possible comedy!

Visit the Net Characters board and you can get a hint as to why no one's done a SCO-tan before.  ^^;

Even if it's drawn by Futaba Channel, the majority seem allergic to anything that isn't Windows.  -.-'

QuoteWe really need to see more of Apple I-sama...I mean, Apple I was probably one of the (if not the!) most important computers ever made  

I might have to commission you to try your hand at more Apple II-chan.  ^__^
Given my,...... recent limitations, I'd need some help with that.  ^.^

QuoteI almost forgot...VMS-sama v. Linux-sama:  

QuoteC-Chan calls her kickass, you call her psychopathic...dang, I must be doing something right  While I don't think either will "fight to the death", Linux-sama does seem to have her in a tough spot...although, look at VMS-sama...she's ready to trip up Linux-sama and/or get her with the dagger or cleaver...


Come to think about it, you've never tried a combat scene before.  I likey,... it looks very dramatic, plus the clash is more appropriate than it seems.  ^___^
THAT I most definitely would LOVE to see in color!  *v*

As for who would win.....

Well,... that depends on when that picture was taken.

Even 10 years ago, Linux-san probably wouldn't have a had a chance against the seasoned warrior.  But while VMS-san's skills have stagnated somewhat, Linux-san has grown more skilled and powerful since then, and has even gained some seniority herself (she'd be around 16-17 years old by now  -.-).

Equipped with modern weaponry and armor,... plus literally an ARMY of Linux Distros at her command to take on VMS-san's few remaining followers,... and it almost sounds like an unfair match.  Not that VMS-san wouldn't fight long and hard like a cornered cat, but hopefully she's sensible enough to acknowledge Linux-san as a worthy leader for a younger generation.  

(On the other hand,............. perhaps she still has a mysterious but rarely admitted bias in favor of the NT family....?  ^^;)

QuoteRight now I'm trying to figure out...IF...I did a comic strip with SCO Unix-tan, who would she be suing, and what characters would appear?

-Since SCO sued Novell, would that be SUSE-tan? UnixWare?
-What OS-tan would represent IBM (Just generic Linux-sama)?
-And Redhat sued would Redhat-tan be 'serving' SCO Unix-tan a lawsuit as well...?
-Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft and Sun Microsystems were said to also be in on the "fun", so should there be a cameo by HP UX-tan, NT-san, and Solaris-tan?

Hmmm,... we really need Kami-Tux' help for this -- she's a lot more knowledgeable in Linux/Unix politics than I am.  -v-

I do know that SUSE Linux didn't become Novell-owned until fairly recently, so not sure if that would fly.
Unixware probably then, but don't forget that the entire Linux base is also under attack as well, so clearly Linux-san would have to appear somehow as she's their leader/matriach).  ^^

For IBM, they really only support Linux but don't actually make their own distros.  (They do,... or at least did have OS/2 at the time,... but the bastards wouldn't have trusted her with anything.)
They do however still have many Mainframe-tans under their employ, with the uber-powerful z/OS being their current leader.

Redhat-san is surprisingly cut throut herself, so methinks she'd be "serving" more than just a lawsuit at the petulant Unix-tan.  If not for their professional business demeanor, their exchange would get rather Springer-like very quickly.  ^^;

If the comic is more like a court room parody, the other OS-tans could serve a lot like defendants,... or at the very least witnesses, spokeswomen, experts, etc.

I'd definitely have to read more about this to offer better ideas.  Should definitely be fun.  ^__^

Added after 22 seconds:

*passes out*

Done.... .Xvx


QuoteAnd then let's commend her for her nifty new avatar, although the verdict is still out as to who it is (odds are running in favor of a stylize NT-tan). ^v^


Nothin' like crazy fighting NT-san...

QuoteKudos to comparing all New Hampshirites to *Nix fans, although I'm sure she means selective Unices, cause if she included the Sco-ites in there, the motto would have to be "Live Free then Piss People Off for Living Free, or Else Die". In any case, let's get some state legislation passed to promote FOSS software like all the cool governments do. ^.^

Heehee...I consider the Unixians/Linuxians using our state motto as their motto of sorts a great honor to NH!
*Lightbulb pops on* I just thought of what would be a great license plate:

Live freeze and die


QuoteCongratulations!!! ^v^
You are now a proud PS user... no wonder you went to Florida, as you clearly had to go "somewhere" to celebrate. ^.^

Your work was already excellent before, so it's hard to tell the difference between your work on your old tools and that on PS. But I can definitely spot more luminiscent effects, which goes great with XPME's awesome pose. ^__^

I thought, "I'm so comfortable with PictureIt!, I should try something else." Plus, it was practically a crime that PS was just sitting there while I was using a half-rate program ;)

QuoteFufu... for the record, Moseko-tan is the only Windows-tan I have left in my personal computer collection (not counting my game machine since I rarely use it). So you can say that I at least like her. ^__^

But judgning by the colors, you definitely used the XPME-tan design, which I guess few people support since it really is a crossover of ME + Saseko + Linspire. In contrast, the XPMCE-tan design (the girl in orange and green, and cat-eared headphones) has slightly more support, but is likely not loved either since she's.... let's just say not exactly slim. -.-

And then there's the younger girl with the rocket suitcase, but that one's just plain weird.
I suppose too little attention has been paid to XP Media Center Edition, as all the artists would rather spend their time drawing 1,242,865 varieties of Vistans. -v-;

For the record also, I really dig the disco outfit. ^____^
(but then, since when have I been a critic of your fashion sense? ^v^')

Gosh, my head is spinning w/ these XPM(C)E designs. First, I heard the rather heavy blonde was XPMCE (Actually, I like her design, probably my favorite XPMCE), then I heard she was WMP-tan, then I heard guitar case girl was WMP-tan, and now I hear XPME is a cross between Linspire-tan and ME-tan... ;013 Imagine how I feel about the 1,000,000s of Vistans  ;015

QuoteA bit on the simple side, but it's definitely one of those OSes where simplicity is elegance in itself, so it works. Plus the fluid draping effects could be right at home over a catwalk. ^v^


QuoteExcellent,... I can never tire from this pic. The faces are a bit bright, so the tears are only barely made out,... still, I think keeping it subtle is better, since the mood is more confusing to the both of them than sorrowful. There's still a small hope that this is all just a big misunderstanding, and it never occurs to them that they will never see eachother again.

The coming storm is very beautifully done,... a Photoshop trick, I take it?

*Darn yooooou M$!* I love this scene too :D And the BG was done in PS.

QuoteI used to love the Lens Flare effects, especially from the Kai Power Tools suite. But there is such a thing as "over-using" the Lens Flare,... certainly it's a dead giveaway that a picture is "Shopped" if it uses that particular lens flare effect. If you noticed from my OS/2-tan OS-tan Collections banner, I've gotten into the habit of disguising my flare effects. ^__^

I actually tried to do a lens flare on the skiing scene, but for some reason it didn't come out too well :? The mysteries of PS I must solve!

QuoteThe browser-tans would definitely make good tour guides,... or rangers, if you're talking about the more fringe browsers, like Konqueror or IceWeasel. ^.^

As you say, Program-tans/kuns do often work for the OS-tans, but in general I'd view them as the "general population" of the OS-tan's World. They go about their lives working, farming, acting, fighting, blogging, organizing,... essentially keeping the world moving. And on occasion, a few of them will hit it rich and/or become famous.

*Thinks of comic where Saseko fires IE-ko for the stabler and cuter Firefox-ko* Focus!!! Interesting views on the program-tans/kuns...

QuoteBut it's the celebrities (Windows-tans), the rich and famous (Mac-tans), the powerful industrialists (old-school Unices) and the brave revolutionaries (Linuces) who everyone knows or cares to know on a first name basis.

I'd think the Macs would be the celebs...(the incredible use of Macs in movies/TV/music/etc...)

QuoteBOTH,... OH DEAR GAWD, BOTH.... @___@

And if you saw from Raffaele-san's recent thread, Amiga-sama is being screwed over yet again!!
This is intolerable!! I'm starting to see why all the FOSS people absolutely LOATHE proprietary software. -____-
If Amiga were open-sourced, the shear devotion of the Amigans could turn it into a world-class operating system in no time flat. ;___;

But instead, we just prolong the pointless carrot-dangling and suffering. ;~;

Poor Miggy :..( Why can't she just have peace!

QuoteVisit the Net Characters board and you can get a hint as to why no one's done a SCO-tan before. ^^;

Even if it's drawn by Futaba Channel, the majority seem allergic to anything that isn't Windows. -.-'

I saw a couple of BeOS-tans last week, as well as a mech-suit Solaris-tan...though, I can't read Japanese so I don't know what the reception was ;)

QuoteI might have to commission you to try your hand at more Apple II-chan. ^__^
Given my,...... recent limitations, I'd need some help with that. ^.^

She's the delightful little apple picker, right? Perhaps I'll do a pic of her and older sis... *FOCUS!!!*


Come to think about it, you've never tried a combat scene before. I likey,... it looks very dramatic, plus the clash is more appropriate than it seems. ^___^
THAT I most definitely would LOVE to see in color! *v*

As for who would win.....

Well,... that depends on when that picture was taken.

Even 10 years ago, Linux-san probably wouldn't have a had a chance against the seasoned warrior. But while VMS-san's skills have stagnated somewhat, Linux-san has grown more skilled and powerful since then, and has even gained some seniority herself (she'd be around 16-17 years old by now -.-).

Equipped with modern weaponry and armor,... plus literally an ARMY of Linux Distros at her command to take on VMS-san's few remaining followers,... and it almost sounds like an unfair match. Not that VMS-san wouldn't fight long and hard like a cornered cat, but hopefully she's sensible enough to acknowledge Linux-san as a worthy leader for a younger generation.

(On the other hand,............. perhaps she still has a mysterious but rarely admitted bias in favor of the NT family....? ^^

Well, if I can *focus,* I'll color it. I suppose I'll do Linux-sama (I do think she is a -sama!) sorta as a cross between Juzo-kun's (w/brown hair) and the more accepted version (Blue/purple eyes). VMS-sama will probably have light blue hair and blue eyes.

As for a VMS-san/NT pact...oohoohoo...

QuoteHmmm,... we really need Kami-Tux' help for this -- she's a lot more knowledgeable in Linux/Unix politics than I am. -v-

I do know that SUSE Linux didn't become Novell-owned until fairly recently, so not sure if that would fly.
Unixware probably then, but don't forget that the entire Linux base is also under attack as well, so clearly Linux-san would have to appear somehow as she's their leader/matriach). ^^

For IBM, they really only support Linux but don't actually make their own distros. (They do,... or at least did have OS/2 at the time,... but the bastards wouldn't have trusted her with anything.)
They do however still have many Mainframe-tans under their employ, with the uber-powerful z/OS being their current leader.

Redhat-san is surprisingly cut throut herself, so methinks she'd be "serving" more than just a lawsuit at the petulant Unix-tan. If not for their professional business demeanor, their exchange would get rather Springer-like very quickly. ^^;

If the comic is more like a court room parody, the other OS-tans could serve a lot like defendants,... or at the very least witnesses, spokeswomen, experts, etc.

I'd definitely have to read more about this to offer better ideas. Should definitely be fun. ^__^

*Oh Kami-Tux...?* Gosh, I'm confused just reading about the SCO's adventures in suit-ery.


This is one I started a while back, but only just now got around to finishing....Odyssey-tan!

I was kinda lazy so I only did half...XD...But I think it's an interesting look. I'm disappointed the unreleased Windows-tans (like their unreleased Mac-tan counterparts) have so little character. We need to see more Neptune-tan and Odyssey-tan!



It very true, Unreleased OS-tans get very little coverage. Probably because few people know about them, and even fewer used them ^__^

Awesome job, as usual. You did a very good job creating a deep shadow, without obscuring the entire drawing. The soft shading on her billowing gives it a picturesque touch.
Makes me wish I could draw like that ^.^


Quote from: "C-Chan"
In that one sense, the Linux-tans are spoiled.  Whereas the Windows-tans have to go through ALL the trouble of walking/driving to your nearest brick-n-mortar store and BUYING their software, the Linux-tans have 90% of all the software they'll ever need in well-organized online Repositories.  (Want GIMP + dependencies?  Just point, click, install and badda-bing!  You've got yourself a slow-but-sure alternative to Photoshop,........ though personally, I still prefer Krita.  -v-)
Or just type a quick emerge command and then have it compile for 2 hours :)

Even if it's drawn by Futaba Channel, the majority seem allergic to anything that isn't Windows.  -.-'
Lusers! *takes out LART*

Hmmm,... we really need Kami-Tux' help for this -- she's a lot more knowledgeable in Linux/Unix politics than I am.  -v-

I do know that SUSE Linux didn't become Novell-owned until fairly recently, so not sure if that would fly.
4.10.2003 was when Novell acquired the SuSE AG and even befoer the acquisation SCO claimed it was SuSE, which had stolen code.
Unixware probably then, but don't forget that the entire Linux base is also under attack as well, so clearly Linux-san would have to appear somehow as she's their leader/matriach).  ^^
yeah! Surely... it's about the kernel and she IS the kernel.
For IBM, they really only support Linux but don't actually make their own distros.  (They do,... or at least did have OS/2 at the time,... but the bastards wouldn't have trusted her with anything.)
They do however still have many Mainframe-tans under their employ, with the uber-powerful z/OS being their current leader.
I think IBM supports the apache project rather much...

QuoteRedhat-san is surprisingly cut throut herself, so methinks she'd be "serving" more than just a lawsuit at the petulant Unix-tan.  If not for their professional business demeanor, their exchange would get rather Springer-like very quickly.  ^^;
RedHat sued SCO for libel... as did the German LinuxTag e.V. (they organize the annual LinuxTag). The latter was victious and SCO had to pay 10kâ,¬ for refusing to remove statements about Linux using stolen code from their homepage.
If the comic is more like a court room parody, the other OS-tans could serve a lot like defendants,... or at the very least witnesses, spokeswomen, experts, etc.
Don't forget the suitcase full of proof, which somehow got lost :p

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


QuoteAwesome job, as usual. You did a very good job creating a deep shadow, without obscuring the entire drawing. The soft shading on her billowing gives it a picturesque touch. Makes me wish I could draw like that ^.^

Thank you! I had a lot of fun with the shading, but wasn't sure if it was overdone.

The best thing is practice, and to always be trying new techniques! On Odyssey-tan, I did very deep shadows (similar to my old Neptune-tan pic), but to brighten it up I added the orbs, and some shine on her disk "halo" and wings (Done with Inner Shadow effect, if I recall correctly).


Unixware probably then, but don't forget that the entire Linux base is also under attack as well, so clearly Linux-san would have to appear somehow as she's their leader/matriach). ^^

yeah! Surely... it's about the kernel and she IS the kernel.

Quote4.10.2003 was when Novell acquired the SuSE AG and even befoer the acquisation SCO claimed it was SuSE, which had stolen code.

So SuSE-tan might work...?

Ooooh...I think Unixware would be a pretty interesting character (due to her dislike of the Windows family--including their "patriarch"--that goes beyond the professional!)

QuoteI think IBM supports the apache project rather much...

I thought Apache was a program :?

QuoteRedHat sued SCO for libel... as did the German LinuxTag e.V. (they organize the annual LinuxTag). The latter was victious and SCO had to pay 10kâ,¬ for refusing to remove statements about Linux using stolen code from their homepage.

SCO posted stuff about Linux programmers stealing from them? XD


If the comic is more like a court room parody, the other OS-tans could serve a lot like defendants,... or at the very least witnesses, spokeswomen, experts, etc.

Don't forget the suitcase full of proof, which somehow got lost

IF I do a comic, it'll probably just be in a generic place...


Quote from: "Bella"
Quote4.10.2003 was when Novell acquired the SuSE AG and even befoer the acquisation SCO claimed it was SuSE, which had stolen code.

So SuSE-tan might work...?
Like a charm!
QuoteI think IBM supports the apache project rather much...

I thought Apache was a program :?
It is. But I thought if there was no distro-tan to indicate IBM, either the generic Linux-tan or App-tan Apache-tan (I just wanted to write Apache-ten because it would fit the vocal harmony.... weird Turkish) could be on IBM's side. Maybe Apache-tan, Linux-tan and OS/2-tan can symbolize Big Blue.
QuoteRedHat sued SCO for libel... as did the German LinuxTag e.V. (they organize the annual LinuxTag). The latter was victious and SCO had to pay 10kâ,¬ for refusing to remove statements about Linux using stolen code from their homepage.

SCO posted stuff about Linux programmers stealing from them? XD
About Linux infringing their copyright. In Germany, SCO can not repeat this statement publically until they actually prove stuff.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Right now I'm being extra un-focus-y, O__o

C-Chan said he'd like to see my rendition of Apple II-tan, and I'd like to draw her in a pic w/ Apple I-sama and maybe even Lisa. I was thinking, either Apple I-sama holding a young Apple II-tan in outstretched arms (Sorta like the Lion King, XD), reaching for an apple on a tree. Or maybe Apple I-sama holding Lisa up, while a more teenage Apple II-tan watches.


Wow! there's a lot of things here that I really missed!

Leopard-tan: I like how you turned her away from a common osx wildcat to a normal girl! Her dress especially her lower outfits and the skirt looks really good...and a nice way to make a background though.

Copland-tan: THAT is a Copland!!! HOT! Very nice work! I loved how you drew her face and have a pink hair! Way to go!  ;019

Amiga and 2.0; Given their sad moment to each other was a nice way to portrait a slice of their history in which you supported a simple analysis. Good one :)

Puppylinux-tan was good too. Imagine her wandering around with YDL-tan!

It's really good to see people like you who's willing to gave a chance of spotlight for those OS-tans that were not in the mainstream just like what Aurora, C-chan and to others doing the same thing.

Kepp it up!  ;019



Almost done,... damn, you guys post too fast for this old pig....  X___x

QuoteNothin' like crazy fighting NT-san...

Aa sou.... never saw that one.... obviously got lost in all that Group shuffle.  ^__^
But you see my point now, ne?  That demure NT-tan look is a trap!  Behind that is clearly a psycho, the likes of which could rival 95-tan herself!  ^0^

QuoteHeehee...I consider the Unixians/Linuxians using our state motto as their motto of sorts a great honor to NH!
*Lightbulb pops on* I just thought of what would be a great license plate:

Live freeze and die


*grabs phrase protectivelY*


*ponders how much money he could make plagiarizing off Bella's great idea*  ^___^

QuoteI thought, "I'm so comfortable with PictureIt!, I should try something else." Plus, it was practically a crime that PS was just sitting there while I was using a half-rate program  

Just comes to show you that you can shine on any program you're comfortable with.  Wait until you're fully comfortably with PS and I'll hook you up with another very nice, neat little program (that's also free.  ^__^)

QuoteGosh, my head is spinning w/ these XPM(C)E designs. First, I heard the rather heavy blonde was XPMCE (Actually, I like her design, probably my favorite XPMCE), then I heard she was WMP-tan, then I heard guitar case girl was WMP-tan, and now I hear XPME is a cross between Linspire-tan and ME-tan...  Imagine how I feel about the 1,000,000s of Vistans  

Probably like me,... numb and dumb.  ^__^
"Another Vistan?  You know what else is new?  The sun rose in the east this morning and a bear crapped in the woods.".  -v-

That's kinda why I find works such as yours very refreshing.  ^.^

Quote*Darn yooooou M$!* I love this scene too  And the BG was done in PS.

In fairness, IBM was equally at fault if not more so (since M$ was still just a fledgling company).
I'm still convinced the two were in cohoots, since IBM made a killing with the hardware sales (at least for a while).

QuoteI'd think the Macs would be the celebs...(the incredible use of Macs in movies/TV/music/etc...)

Oh right, don't know why that one slipped.  Probably cause I still have the Macs in mind as "old moneY", although in reality the old school Unices are the true tycoons of old (like the Carnegies and the Rockefellers).  The Wintels are definitely new and powerful money, and Macs the posh celebrities (well, some of them anyway).  ^___^

QuotePoor Miggy :..( Why can't she just have peace!

Cause life's not fair..... ;___;

*C-chan weeps*  ;^0^;

QuoteI saw a couple of BeOS-tans last week, as well as a mech-suit Solaris-tan...though, I can't read Japanese so I don't know what the reception was  

Ooh,... if you can post that mech-suit Solaris-tan, I'd be indebted to you. Solaris-tan is a powerful system and deserving of a very cool battle suit (especially now that she's on the road to truly rival the Linuces), since up until now she's only been drawn in civilian clothing.  

QuoteShe's the delightful little apple picker, right? Perhaps I'll do a pic of her and older sis... *FOCUS!!!*

She's a farmer and fruit picker now, but was quite the revolutionary in her day.  ^.^

Sorry about the kerchief, though,... underneath that is some very nice hair done in two long pigtails.  -v-

QuoteWell, if I can *focus,* I'll color it. I suppose I'll do Linux-sama (I do think she is a -sama!) sorta as a cross between Juzo-kun's (w/brown hair) and the more accepted version (Blue/purple eyes). VMS-sama will probably have light blue hair and blue eyes.

As for a VMS-san/NT pact...oohoohoo...

I did the same with Linux-sama, except I went with the hair/eyes/helmet of the accepted version and the uniform of Juzo-kun's.

Oh, and you can see that you and VMS-san have a lot in common... for all their faults and all your doubts, both of you still want the Windows-tans to survive.  That can definitely be turned into some very epic storytelling.  ^__^

QuoteI was kinda lazy so I only did half...XD...But I think it's an interesting look. I'm disappointed the unreleased Windows-tans (like their unreleased Mac-tan counterparts) have so little character. We need to see more Neptune-tan and Odyssey-tan!

Ditto.  ^^
And that Odyssey pic is wonderful,... very mysterious and effective use of eerie lighting elements.  The right wing especially has gorgeous lighting, and gives her an almost angelic appearance.  ^v^

QuoteMakes me wish I could draw like that ^.^

*cough cough*  *fumbles with paper fan*  Have you forgotten Newton-chan #2?  Technically speaking, you already drew a pic with dynamic lighting, unless you want it more dramatic (that can be arranged, ya know).  -v-

QuoteDon't forget the suitcase full of proof, which somehow got lost

There you go, the Great Penguin God has arrived with information galore!!!  ^v^

QuoteI thought Apache was a program :?

FYI, there is an actual living breathing Apache-tan floating around on the net.  ^___^

QuoteAbout Linux infringing their copyright. In Germany, SCO can not repeat this statement publically until they actually prove stuff.

I'm jealous.....  '___'

QuoteRight now I'm being extra un-focus-y, O__o

C-Chan said he'd like to see my rendition of Apple II-tan, and I'd like to draw her in a pic w/ Apple I-sama and maybe even Lisa. I was thinking, either Apple I-sama holding a young Apple II-tan in outstretched arms (Sorta like the Lion King, XD), reaching for an apple on a tree. Or maybe Apple I-sama holding Lisa up, while a more teenage Apple II-tan watches.

Personally I'd choose #1, since I can't picture II-chan as anything other than a child-type.  But of course, you're free to draw whatever does justice to your supreme fashion sense.  ^.^

QuoteIt's really good to see people like you who's willing to gave a chance of spotlight for those OS-tans that were not in the mainstream just like what Aurora, C-chan and to others doing the same thing.

Thank you Alfamille.  ^__^
In fairness, I think has also tried doing the same thing, which I suppose would explain why they too are not particularly well-liked among the purists.  -.-

If only we could unite our efforts... after all, it wasn't hard for anyone here drawing Viru-tan.  ^__^


QuoteLeopard-tan: I like how you turned her away from a common osx wildcat to a normal girl! Her dress especially her lower outfits and the skirt looks really good...and a nice way to make a background though.

Thank you, Alfamille! She's based on Aurora Borealis' rendition, with a little bit of C-Chan's thrown in. Great character---we need to see more of her! (Why do I say this after every response? XD)

QuoteCopland-tan: THAT is a Copland!!! HOT! Very nice work! I loved how you drew her face and have a pink hair! Way to go!
I like the defunct OS-tans...what stories do they have about being betrayed/abandoned by their own companies? (We need to see...I'm lazy...WNTSMOThem!)

QuoteAmiga and 2.0; Given their sad moment to each other was a nice way to portrait a slice of their history in which you supported a simple analysis. Good one

I love Miggy, and 2.0-chan is a beautiful, sweet character.

QuotePuppylinux-tan was good too. Imagine her wandering around with YDL-tan!

YDL-tan, and Inu-T, of course! (Maybe even Firefox-ko...?)

QuoteIt's really good to see people like you who's willing to gave a chance of spotlight for those OS-tans that were not in the mainstream just like what Aurora, C-chan and to others doing the same thing.

WNTSMOT!!! Fanart is fun and all (see: Homeko and Saseko!), but I love to work on designs for lesser (or un)-known OS-tans. Some of these girls have the most interesting history...

QuoteAa sou.... never saw that one.... obviously got lost in all that Group shuffle. ^__^
But you see my point now, ne? That demure NT-tan look is a trap! Behind that is clearly a psycho, the likes of which could rival 95-tan herself! ^0^

My OS's mommy is a crazy psycho! :D

Quote*grabs phrase protectivelY*


*ponders how much money he could make plagiarizing off Bella's great idea* ^___^

Don't touch that saying! Or I'll get NT-san after you XD

QuoteJust comes to show you that you can shine on any program you're comfortable with. Wait until you're fully comfortably with PS and I'll hook you up with another very nice, neat little program (that's also free. ^__^)

It might be a while before I master the intricacies of PS (Ooooohh...layer effects....)  

QuoteProbably like me,... numb and dumb. ^__^
"Another Vistan? You know what else is new? The sun rose in the east this morning and a bear crapped in the woods.". -v-

That's kinda why I find works such as yours very refreshing. ^.^

I really hope that there's a Vistan for each Vista release, IE silver haired girl as Home premium, etc...makes sense...

QuoteOh right, don't know why that one slipped. Probably cause I still have the Macs in mind as "old moneY", although in reality the old school Unices are the true tycoons of old (like the Carnegies and the Rockefellers). The Wintels are definitely new and powerful money, and Macs the posh celebrities (well, some of them anyway). ^___^

I'd see the Macs as the old money, then they lost all their money for a while, then they made it back (as the OS X's) with a posh and celeb vengeance XD

QuoteOoh,... if you can post that mech-suit Solaris-tan, I'd be indebted to you. Solaris-tan is a powerful system and deserving of a very cool battle suit (especially now that she's on the road to truly rival the Linuces), since up until now she's only been drawn in civilian clothing.

It was sort of a chibi mech suit...just a little bit of her head showing, I wouldn't even know what is was if there wasn't "Solaris" on it...

QuoteOh, and you can see that you and VMS-san have a lot in common... for all their faults and all your doubts, both of you still want the Windows-tans to survive. That can definitely be turned into some very epic storytelling. ^__^

Long live the Windows-tans! (...even if they do need a reality the name of Linux, I'm afraid ;) ) Seriously, you callin' me a psycho? lol

QuoteDitto. ^^
And that Odyssey pic is wonderful,... very mysterious and effective use of eerie lighting elements. The right wing especially has gorgeous lighting, and gives her an almost angelic appearance. ^v^

I wanted to make her look kind of surreal...makes me wonder where her and Neptune-tan are

QuoteFYI, there is an actual living breathing Apache-tan floating around on the net. ^___^

I'll find Mech Solaris-tan if you find Apache-tan!

QuotePersonally I'd choose #1, since I can't picture II-chan as anything other than a child-type. But of course, you're free to draw whatever does justice to your supreme fashion sense. ^.^

I was thinking the child would be quite small...almost toddler age. I know Apple I-sama is passed away now :..( but I suppose she would have been around to see Lisa...?