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OS-tan families

Started by Bella, March 16, 2007, 12:20:59 AM

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QuoteShe just,.... emerged. ^^'

Twas a dark and stormy night when she emerged from the primordial depths of the M$ swamp...

I have no idea where that just came from XD


Neither do I.... ^^;

I was thinking more along the lines of the opening to Ghost in the Shell (the original movie), right down to the Bulgarian choir.  Certainly how I envision UNIX-sama's birth, albeit more primitively....  ^.^;


Okay, not sure where THAT came from either.  ^___^;


QuoteI was thinking more along the lines of the opening to Ghost in the Shell (the original movie), right down to the Bulgarian choir. Certainly how I envision UNIX-sama's birth, albeit more primitively.... ^.^;

Heehee, okay that makes more sense.

That also makes me wonder where VMS-san came from (must be some DEC mainframe OS or something...?) and what about Linux-sama?

I always thought Unix-sama just kinda mystically appeared, a gift from the gods (mainframes).


The emerge of UNIX (or, as it was then, UNICS) is before my time by ages, as well as before the time of the empress. All i have to say is that it was at least not a gift from her, and I leave you, older and more experienced (and also hopefully with slightly less digital abstinence) users to that discussion. *trots off in swashbuckler pants*


Nejin-san, please post constructively in the future. ^^'

As long as we're pondering origins, where do any of the OS-tans come from?


QuoteAs long as we're pondering origins, where do any of the OS-tans come from?

Heh. I'm still at home as it's too stormy to go on the road for now...

I think (most?) everyone can somehow trace back to Unix-sama. It's pretty easy to see with the Unixes, Linuxes, BSDs, Mac OS Xs, etc...

I just wonder how the DOS-tans, older Windows-tans and older Mac-tans would trace back (maybe like C-Chan said they just "emerged")...and like said before, the Windows NTs would be descended from VMS-san...


Quote from: "Tsubashi"
To any replying to his post, I plead that you will be civil and intellectual. Be curious of others opinions, and please avoid flaming.
That said, I think you all know my opinion on the matter ^^'

Kudos to you! Although I think it should be a rule here though...

I don't think there is anything "better".  Since I mentioned "Counter-culture" in the other thread, there are a lot of OSes for people to choose from nowadays. That is depending either primary needs or more at ease, innovative and interactive from the interface or even gives you exposure outside the interface which you can partake its whole commands and actions.

Quote from: "C-Chan"
She's also there to scold (or bash... ¬__¬) any one doubting or abusing the GNU spirit, which often earns her the nickname "Commissar".  On the other hand, she's very prompt and professional when nursing the injured or defeated -- when all hope is lost, you can count on her to offer a command string of encouragement.  ^___^

... and that would represent her script debugging into the Unix shell ^_^


Quote... and that would represent her script debugging into the Unix shell

Ya know what I'm all about, dude.  Â¯v¯

In fairness to Neji-san, at least he remembers that UNIX-sama's maiden name is UNICS, so that deserves some wildly-hyperinflated C-chan points.  ^.^

Beleive it or not, there was still plenty of life before UNIX-sama; though not a direct mother in the traditional sense, she can trace her roots back to MULTICS.  

I consider the EXEC line to be the first true OS in the modern sense, although since there's already an undefined distinction between hardware and software in those ancient, paleolithic systems, you can make the claim that the ancestral "OS-tans" may have been Zuse-sama, Atanasoff-Berry-sama, Colossus-sama, HM1-sama, ENIAC-sama, and the like....


So many complicated bloodlines O__O

I guess what makes Unix-sama special is that she's outlasted all of them (or most of them).


This question relates to OS/2, NT, and Windows 1.0's backgrounds, as mapped out in the Annex:

How can NT-tan and OS/2-tan be full sisters, since NT is VMS-san's daughter/clone?

Are OS/2-tan (and NT-tan for that matter) and Win 1.0-tan half sisters? Are they the "aunts" of the Win 1.0-tan, non-NT Win-tans, or their half/full sisters?

And was VMS-san a "created" OS-tan, or does she have a "bloodline" going back farther than her?

And, unrelated, but does Linux-sama have any heritage behind her (or is she a created one, too?)

Or do I think too much...?


Oooh,... haven't thought about this in a LOOOONG while, so forgive me if the cogwheels of my brain are a little slow to spin.  ^^;

QuoteHow can NT-tan and OS/2-tan be full sisters, since NT is VMS-san's daughter/clone?

Are OS/2-tan (and NT-tan for that matter) and Win 1.0-tan half sisters? Are they the "aunts" of the Win 1.0-tan, non-NT Win-tans, or their half/full sisters?

I was a bit misinformed at the time about the exact specifics, but regardless the point does stand that OS/2-tan and NT-tan do share some "genetic" tie.  The irony therefore is that, even though the NT-line has been raised to treat their classic Windows sisters as "real sisters", they are not actually related by blood (with the possible exception of ME-tan) and are technically half-sisters.  Problem also is that they don't know that (with the possible exception of 2K-tan who's intelligent, or 3.1-sama, who's old enough to remember the old family structure), so a lot of energy is expended to keep the Windows-tans isolated from some very painful truths.  

Perhaps I figured "full sister" since the contribution of OS/2 code into NT was nowhere near as much or as useful as that from VMS.  Also, each Windows upgrade takes code from the previous version and improves upon it, hence making them more "daughters" rather than sisters, and yet we conceive of the entire canon Windows line-up as "sisters" (except NT-san).  
However, if you do want to be literal, a sister can't come from a sister, so I leave it up to you to stomach the clearly more unnerving relationship between NT-tan and OS/2-tan.  ^___^;

Suddenly the Windows house is starting to look more and more like the set of the original Tenchi Muyo OVA....  ^^;

QuoteAnd was VMS-san a "created" OS-tan, or does she have a "bloodline" going back farther than her?

RSX-sama is technically NT-san's grandmother, if that's what you're wondering.  ^___^

VMS-san carries with her the proud tradition of the PDP Family, which introduced mini-computing to a new generation of student and engineers back in the 60's and 70's, lead by such venerable and ancient OS-tans like OS/8-sama and TOPS-sama (currently living with the Binteji Renmei, I might add).  ^__^

VMS-san is often described as UNIX-like, but that's just it she's "like" UNIX and is compliant with her in some ways.  But they're definitely not related, and, for many years, were in fact mortal enemies.  

QuoteAnd, unrelated, but does Linux-sama have any heritage behind her (or is she a created one, too?)

She has Minix-sensi, but that's about it.  She's essentially an orphan, raised by Minix-sensei and then let out into the "wild" to make a living for herself.  It was particularly frightening for her at first, but those early years were pivotal in giving her the strength to make her the powerful and influential figure she was today.

I recall that Rome was built by two very famous orphans as well, who coincidentally were also raised by an animal (a wolf rather than a racoon, but close enough).  ^^

QuoteOr do I think too much...?

There's no such thing.  ^.^


QuoteRSX-sama is technically NT-san's grandmother, if that's what you're wondering. ^___^

VMS-san carries with her the proud tradition of the PDP Family, which introduced mini-computing to a new generation of student and engineers back in the 60's and 70's, lead by such venerable and ancient OS-tans like OS/8-sama and TOPS-sama (currently living with the Binteji Renmei, I might add). ^__^

*Cackles evilly and steals info*

I will now use this to make a RSX11-tan!

I have no idea what she'd look/act like...I think that she'd have white/silver hair, carry a sword (being the inspiration for VMS-san to do so), wear glasses, have a very independent mindset like VMS-san but maybe a little less "radical".

And somehow I see her dressing a bit Unix-like (IE, formal and all...)

QuoteVMS-san is often described as UNIX-like, but that's just it she's "like" UNIX and is compliant with her in some ways. But they're definitely not related, and, for many years, were in fact mortal enemies.

I call VMS "Unix like" *See, right now I'm doing finger air quotation marks*


Quote*Cackles evilly and steals info*

I will now use this to make a RSX11-tan!

I have no idea what she'd look/act like...I think that she'd have white/silver hair, carry a sword (being the inspiration for VMS-san to do so), wear glasses, have a very independent mindset like VMS-san but maybe a little less "radical".

And somehow I see her dressing a bit Unix-like (IE, formal and all...)

Fufufu... I'm glad.  ^__^
UNIX-sama and RSX-sama are about the same age, so she should be pretty wise herself (even if she didn't have as much exposure to the world as her more successful rival).  ^.^

The older PDP members are definitely MUCH older and significantly more laid back, and prone to ramble on and on about the good ol' days, as well as the "kids these days".  ^v^
They'd be one of the few surviving OS-tans in this world who can still call UNIX-sama "UNIX-tan" with impunity.  ^.^

QuoteI call VMS "Unix like" *See, right now I'm doing finger air quotation marks*

*quotation marks appear over head*

In about a month's time, you can tell me what you mean.  ^___^;


QuoteProblem also is that they don't know that (with the possible exception of 2K-tan who's intelligent, or 3.1-sama, who's old enough to remember the old family structure)

Now THAT'D make for an awesome backstory....heehee...

QuotePerhaps I figured "full sister" since the contribution of OS/2 code into NT was nowhere near as much or as useful as that from VMS. Also, each Windows upgrade takes code from the previous version and improves upon it, hence making them more "daughters" rather than sisters, and yet we conceive of the entire canon Windows line-up as "sisters" (except NT-san).
However, if you do want to be literal, a sister can't come from a sister, so I leave it up to you to stomach the clearly more unnerving relationship between NT-tan and OS/2-tan. ^___^;

Like you've said before, somewhere, I always thought the mother would be the first product in a line (like NT or Win1.0) and the daughters would be the later OSs based off the same base...if that makes any sense XD

As for the "blood relation" of Win1.0/NT/OS/2, the especially with the first two, the only like I see is a company ;)

Quote*quotation marks appear over head*

In about a month's time, you can tell me what you mean. ^___^;

Oh, Wikipe-tan....!

Added after 4 minutes:

Oh, yeah I almost forgot, do you suppose Windows 2.0-chan was exiled before Windows 1.0? Because, if you think about it, 1.0 "started" the Windows family and she may have been around to live with 3.1 or even 95....

Not to mention, that would be a great little story...once 1.0 and 2.0-tan were reunited, their lives would get better (or am I watching too many soap operas XD)


QuoteNow THAT'D make for an awesome backstory....heehee...

Or soap opera potential, in any event.  

I imagine the majority of the Windows-tans as being quite cloistered, and may not be able to handle all the truths hidden from them or the actions done in their name.  In the unlikely event that the M$ dynasty should collapse, it would be particularly devastating to them to be immersed in a harsh and hostile world that they never previously had the misfortune of living in.

QuoteLike you've said before, somewhere, I always thought the mother would be the first product in a line (like NT or Win1.0) and the daughters would be the later OSs based off the same base...if that makes any sense XD

Naturally, I do bend the rules here and there.  ^__^
I didn't make eComStation a daughter of OS/2 (or did I...?  ^____^), and the Mac-tans I still consider "sisters" to the original Apple computer line (I make brief mention of this at the wiki).

QuoteOh, yeah I almost forgot, do you suppose Windows 2.0-chan was exiled before Windows 1.0? Because, if you think about it, 1.0 "started" the Windows family and she may have been around to live with 3.1 or even 95....

Not to mention, that would be a great little story...once 1.0 and 2.0-tan were reunited, their lives would get better (or am I watching too many soap operas XD)

Well I do hate to sound authoritative, especially considering I'll likely never write this, nor does this exist outside of my head.  But I once outlined a rather depressing manga that begins in the present day with Windows 1.0-tan waking up Amiga-tan in the dead of night.  

    1.0-san doesn't say a thing, but her expression is enough to let Amiga know what's happening.  She gets dressed and runs outside in the moonlit pasture, until she hears 2.0-chan gasping, crying and convulsing near a creek.  Amiga doesn't panic as this is something of a monthly occurrence -- she bends down, administers the medicine, then holds 2.0-chan tight, mumbling comforting words.  She does this holding back her own tears, as the near-sleepwalking 2.0-chan keeps begging to be put out of her misery.  As her air passages clear up, her begging turns into loud raving, screaming and viscious kicking and convulsions that test even Amiga's own physical strength, all of which dies down at the very climax, once she somehow awakens but is burdened with an extreme exhaustion.  She quietly apologizes and thanks Amiga-san before sleeping in her arms, then drifting off back to memories of her past.

    The timeline of which would've been as follows:

    1987 - we don't actually see her birth, but rather start off with a scene of her walking along an old classic-era boardwalk (filled with 1980's icons), happily carrying a small bag of cement.  She then meets off with a young OS/2-tan who loves to ruffle her hair, and later with the two DOS sisters.  Before they head home, they go off to fish for a very civil, Musical-style face-off (think Grease or West Side Story) with the local Mac Gang, but Xenix-san comes in to interject and takes the little troublemakers back "home" (more like to base).  There they have a very pleasant dinner prepared by Xenix with help from 1.0-san, but as usual Father is not there to eat with them.

    1988 - Probably some quiet moments with her and OS/2-neechan.  OS/2-tan then was a bit cheeky and overly-proud, but she cared a lot for her younger stepsister.  Both of them exhange promises to look after one another, and always be together to the end.

    1989 - During an early morning, "Father" shares with Xenix-san his great joy at the near-birth of 3.0-tan.  However, as the conversation advances, Father begins to discuss the issue of loyalty, and ultimately asks if Xenix-san is someone he can count on for unquestionable loyalty, to which Xenix-san proudly responds in the affirmative.  But then he asks her to conduct something quite shocking, to which she regrettfully declines and agrees to resign herself from her position immediately.  Only OS/2-tan is awake to see her leave, but gets barely one or two words out of Xenix-san before she's escorted out by IBM/M$ security.  Later the kids are told that Xenix-san wanted to retire early, but OS/2-tan confides to 2.0-chan her concerns.

    Early 1990 - Not long after, 3.0-chan is born and any lingering fear or doubt by 2.0-chan is dispelled by her energetic and bubbly little sister.  Suddenly she becomes the "OS/2-neechan" and accompanies 3.0-chan in every single activity.  The DOS sisters try to pitch in, but they're not physically fit enough to keep up with so much energy.  OS/2-tan also wants to join them, but is mysteriously put into a near excessive training hours by Father, presumably to get her ready for her "release".  

    Mid 1990 - A quick brawl with a local gang ends with 3.0-appearing and vanquishing them all with a mysterious new power.  2.0-chan and the DOS sisters are amazed, but OS/2-tan turns bitter as she recognizes it as a technique she was promised to be taught when she grew older.  Later that evening, she protests with Father, and after being effectively chided and scolded by him, she storms off to take her case with the IBM Board (which look a lot like those cubes from EvangelioN).  They too silence her, after which she begins to grow cynical and conspiratory.

    Mid-to-Late 1990 - Father and the IBM Board have an Evangelion-style meeting, where they bring up their own observations of his recent conduct.  It is here where he explains his actions and begins to broker a deal,the details of which are never shown.

    Late 1990 - 2.0-chan is suddenly awakened one morning by a smiling 3.0-chan, informing her of Father's decision to leave the Base.  2.0-chan rushes to find the corridors swarming with M$ employees leaving and taking their belongings with them.  She watches with horror as MSDOS and PCDOS are taken kicking and screaming in opoosite directions of eachother, but chooses instead to run off in search of OS/2-neechan.  Before she gets pulled back by security, she watches some security personnel wrestle with 1.0-san holding desperately to OS/2-neechan, but ultimately giving way to the superior strength.  OS/2 spots 2.0-chan and screams out some hurried and desperate things that sound like warnings or instructions, but 2.0-chan is taken out of earshot range before she could hear it all.  On the ride to their new home, 2.0-chan and MSDOS-chan are holding onto eachother whimpering and crying, still not sure what's happening and whether this was all some horrible dream.  1.0-san only looks out the window in sadness, but 3.0-chan is in another car alongside Father, smiling, laughing and completely captivated by something he's saying.

This actually took longer than I thought, so I'll finish the rest tomorrow.  -v-

But it's story notes like this that I'd like to find a home in at the Wiki -- obviously better fleshed out and detailed.  That way, we can at least record ideas whenever drawings are lacking.