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OS-tan families

Started by Bella, March 16, 2007, 12:20:59 AM

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looks more like a jellyfish/octopus thing then a worm... >_> <_< XD

the cutest ive ever seen tho.

still, mcafee will not forgive you.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Century-tan says: Hello McAfee! You forgot me, right? Old Virus, dropped from database? No sig of century for you? Too bad!

*formats harddrive*

Welcome to the new millenium!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


QuoteIf you want to be even more bombastic, you could call her the Mother of All Modern OSes. ^.^

*My humble XP bows to her Unix heritage* ^_^

QuoteIn addition, we have the following motherly candidates:

- Apple I to all the Apple-tans/Mac-tans
- Windows 1.0 to the non-NT branch of Windows.
- DR-DOS (formerly CP/M) to the x86 DOS-tans
- The original Berkeley Software Distribution to FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, etc....
- TripOS to Amiga
- Amiga to MorphOS and AROS
- Plan 9 to Inferno
- VMS to Windows NT (shhh, it's a secret...)
- Xenix to SCO UNIX
- OS/2 to,... oh, I spoke too much. -v-'

Gosh...these OS-tans have more mixed bloodlines than a soap-opera character XD
One thing one left out...and forgive me if in my newness I am wrong...wouldn't the Mac OS X's be closer related to Unix and NeXTSTEP than the older Macs...?


Ah yes, I forgot,....

As you say a lot of mixed bloodlines (more than a soap opera!  LOL!  ^^), so naturally the OSX girls are more deeply related to NeXTSTEP and DarwinOS than with the Mac lineage.  (hence being one of those "great great" descendants of UNIX-sama).  How deeply related has really been handled by Aurora up until now.  ^^'

But as implied before, these are really just ideas for the most part, which are half based on fact, and half on personal preference between mother-daughter or sister-sister respresntations.  

Certainly the inclusion of OS-kuns doesn't make it any easier.  -v-'
(I can agree that most of them up until now are brothers, but 3.1-kun has always struck me as a husband-figure based on the few depictions paired with 3.1-sama.  ^^; )


I wonder if... (and this is just an out-of-the-blue, non-canon thing) BeOS would be the mother of Haiku-tan and ZETA-tan? Perhaps a dis-associated mother, considering the rocky relation between the companies of BeOS and ZETA...


Sounds likely to me!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


The Penguin God speaks truth.  ^___^


Quote from: "Bella"
Quoteso they say.. but then again they have been potrayed as having relationships before.. not of sibbling nature.. like hacchans crush on Homeo and so forth

That's exactly what I was thinking...How are the kuns related to the tans. I know Mac OS 9-kun is supposed to be Mac-tans brother.

It's hard to identify their relationship on most times. Remember that the Os-tans are made as a fanon. So there is no "canon"  which can distinguish from the -tans to the -kuns. We all can follow on what a lot of anonymous artist have done before on relationships like Homeo/Homeko or Homeo/Secchan/hacchan scenes, but since it's fanon...anyone, even you can draw and pair any os-kun to any os-tan you wished to.

Maybe the Os-tan's relationship with the Os-kuns could be portrayed as a "tribe", not as close family members.


Now that I look at more pix and stuff, it seems some -kuns are brothers, and some seem (as stated before) more like husband figures. I can't imagine 3.1-kun as being a brother to 3.1-san, for example. 95-kun seems like he might be a husband to 95-san, if only because of the age difference...


98-tan/kun pairings most certainly are siblings.  -v-

But I've always wondered,... what the heck are the OSX-kuns to Sonata-san/Mac-san?  @___@;

Thinking of them as "brothers' leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, so Alfa's idea of a "tribe" is more comforting.  ^^;


Quote from: "Bella"95-kun seems like he might be a husband to 95-san, if only because of the age difference...
Yeah, sometimes the 95's act like that, but in fact, they're brothers.  And 95-kun fears 95-san. No one want to face an angry 95-san >_>


QuoteBut I've always wondered,... what the heck are the OSX-kuns to Sonata-san/Mac-san? @___@;

I've never given much thought to the OSX-kuns. At all. They've (sorry to any fans) always been a bunch of generic dudes in loincloths to me, and they've never seemed as interesting as level-headed ME-kun, businessman 2k-tan, or quite Mac 9-kun.

QuoteYeah, sometimes the 95's act like that, but in fact, they're brothers. And 95-kun fears 95-san. No one want to face an angry 95-san >_>



QuoteI've never given much thought to the OSX-kuns. At all. They've (sorry to any fans) always been a bunch of generic dudes in loincloths to me, and they've never seemed as interesting as level-headed ME-kun, businessman 2k-tan, or quite Mac 9-kun.

Ummm,... you haven't read the Mac Comic have you?  ^___^;

I mean, you wouldn't like them anyway if you did, but at least they'll seem like everything else under the sun BUT "generic".  -v-

(true, they all look the same, but that's part of the humor)  ^^

OS9-kun, on the other hand.... awww yeah, that's a guy with character.  ^.^


QuoteUmmm,... you haven't read the Mac Comic have you? ^___^;

I mean, you wouldn't like them anyway if you did, but at least they'll seem like everything else under the sun BUT "generic". -v-

Oh, sorry, generic perves, right?

Just from what I've heard  o_o


There are Anonymous artist before that heavily suggested some "incest pairings" on an os-kun and os-tan being those two represent the same OS such as:

2k-san and 2k-kun
Homeo and Homeko
ME-kun and Me-tan (Me-tan likes ME-kun, but I haven't see anything like Me-kun likes her back)

Quote from: "C-Chan"
But I've always wondered,... what the heck are the OSX-kuns to Sonata-san/Mac-san?  @___@;

Thinking of them as "brothers' leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, so Alfa's idea of a "tribe" is more comforting.  ^^;

I'm not sure at the OSX-kuns either, but I would really like to suggest the idea of being "tribe" to them.

(a little off topic) C, do you remember the part in the Mac Manga where Sonata's chest got "inflated".  One from the OSX -kuns have the guts to approached Sonata to say sorry and cheer her up and gave her a little present. Talk about generics! That means one of them is not like the other 4 rather he was just heavily influenced by his brothers.

I'm not sure if that's Puma-kun...all I know is one of 'em.

Quote from: "C-Chan"OS9-kun, on the other hand.... awww yeah, that's a guy with character.  ^.^

1UP for ya!

(another off topic) Do you think that OS9-kun is not in the Mac Manga is because his character would be either quiet and stale or be glorified that it could overshadow the OSX-kuns? I really thought of OS9-kun being there as the one who handles their resources, be reliable and responsible and be a leader and has the control of the whole household.

I could really imagine if the author included him, he could be kicking those OSX-kuns' butts whenever they tried to do a preverted approach LOL! So therefore there would be no fanservice in that manga, so maybe thats why the author didn't include him there.