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Did you know...

Started by NekOSaka, February 26, 2007, 08:34:18 PM

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Did you know that Finnish people drink most coffee in the world, about 9,8kg/year per person.

Talk about caffeine dependency. hah.


I don't need caffeine, I can stop drinking tea any time I want.  Its just that I don't want to. Nor will I ever. EVER. STAY AWAY FROM MY TEA!!!
-runs away to secret lair*-

*a empty Ramen crate with "secret lair" spray painted on it


Did you know that NekOsaka's secret lair is  in a ramen crate?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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1. Didyaknow... that Giraffes have seven neck vertebraes which is same number as humans have?

2. That a normal sized human needs to drink at average of 90cups of normal coffee in 5hour time to get a caffeine overdose?

3. Kryptonite, the biggest enemy of superman has been found in serbia?
It consists of Sodium, Lithium, Boron, Silicate and Hydrogen Oxide.
Though this mineral is white in colour and harmless to humans.

Some people call me a Walking Encyclopedia.
But I seem to ran out of my "Didyaknow?" facts.


humm.. your facts must be flawed, Im sure ive done worse then 90 cups or equivalent in a 5 hour period

humm... 4 energy drinks, 2 starbucks extra large mochas, plus 3 pots of coffee..

Humm I guess I would have to mesure the caffine amount for each of those
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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As far as I know Arazona Rocket Fuel is the strongest energy drink. I'd be interested in hearing about any others you think one up it though.


redline energe drinks have a paragraph long warning on them telling you things like, dont drink more then 2 in 24 hours, and shouldnt be taken if nursing or pregnant or under a cirtain age :P
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Ooo that stuff sounds fun. I just got this wierd stuff called "Ace". I haven't tried it yet. It was 60 cents for a can of it at Big!Lots and I've never heard of it before. I hope I don't get food poisoning, but what the hey, I didn't have the rep of eating like a stray dog for nothing. XP


Heh, I bought the drink for a camping trip, with a few other items. I drank the drink with no adverse side effects. Unfortunately the same could not be said for the other item I bought, a can of sardines. I never tried them before and wondered what they would taste like. Really fishy, not bad, just REALLY fishy. What was bad was the aftermath. I am allergic to shellfish, or actually the Iodine found in mass quantities in shellfish. I can only guess that the sardines A: being a saltwater fish had a decent Iodine content, or B: was processed on equipment that also handles shellfish. Allergic reactions are not fun... XP



Weak? Well I guess you could say that shellfish is one of my weaknesses. I have a +3 resistance to Ice though!


There is a crazy energy drink called Cocaine. It apparently gives a similar buzz and sense of numbness.

Also, it is not possible to have enough Robo-characters in Mugen. This is because the Robo-clone Psychosis Principle states that each character must have at least 10 robo-clones, and then another for each robo-clone for other characters.
Red, red, everywhere...


Did you know that the advanced tazer has the best service record of any less then leathal force meathod used by todays police forces. and exerp from the advanced tazers manual:

Injury rate for use  suspect injured/officer injured or effected

Flashlight: 80% / 16%
Batton: 78% / 20%
Punch: 78% / 36%
Chemical Spray: 5% / 29%

however the suspect and officer injury rating for the advanced tazer is 0% / 0%

Compaired to other force meathods where police are likely to be harmed in the arrest and will likely cause harm to the suspect, the advanced tazer allows police to effect compliance with no lasting side effects.  Once deployed its electrical current simulates the electrical impuleses of the brain disrupting them and compleatly imobilizing the target.  the effects wear off the moment the tazer stops firing.  No lasting damage.  

However keep in mine there is always the possibility of danger, such as a faulty pace maker (which are designed to wistand difibulators) or poor aim putting one of the probes in an eye.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Thats exactly why tazers are illegal in New York. A cop tazered a man with a faulty pace maker and stopped it. And NY loves to ban random things. Like throwing knifes. We can buy a firearm capable of sending hundreds of sering hot pieces of copper into someone, but a single piece of steal for throwing? Nope, thats dangerous.


they ban something new every five minutes.
Only in America do u find disabled parking lots outside a skating rink ;015 .