Vista-tan's Personality

Started by EmiOfBrie, February 19, 2007, 10:59:19 PM

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or boringness of the characters -_- thats why i dont like the mac girls.. they are all.. vinilla.   Bunch of cat girls with differnt patterns.  no real personality.  hell.. there is even a huge differnce between XP pro and XP home and they are the same OS pretty much!  or now XP MCE is a bunch differnt too o_o the mac girls lack flavor.  I like when all the characters are drasticly differnt
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Heh, I think only Mac OS X characters are similar, not all Mac OS characters. Also, Linux distribution characters are similar , too (okay, they are similar as OSes, too). And I don't say same desgin/character, just similarities. More like, Vistan can have more personality (besides the rivalry I mentioned before - hey, a similar rivalry can be possible between the RL!)


Or multiple personalities due to the unusual number of different versions... O_o

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Quoteor boringness of the characters -_- thats why i dont like the mac girls.. they are all.. vinilla. Bunch of cat girls with differnt patterns. no real personality. hell.. there is even a huge differnce between XP pro and XP home and they are the same OS pretty much! or now XP MCE is a bunch differnt too  the mac girls lack flavor. I like when all the characters are drasticly differnt

Haha!  Now who's bashing who.... `v'

Remember, they only lack flavor cause of flavorless artists.  Just you wait till WE'RE done with them, and next thing you'll be begging to use OSX!  ^v^

Now as for what Emi-san said, I wonder if there's an anime equivalent for that kind of personality.  Maybe it's because of Sailor Fuku, but Urd from Ah My Goddes! comes to mind for various reasons.  -v-

Didn't know Ultimate Edition had UNIX support, btw.  The "rip-off of OSX" claims are starting to reverberate more.  -.-


Quote from: "C-Chan"Now as for what Emi-san said, I wonder if there's an anime equivalent for that kind of personality. Maybe it's because of Sailor Fuku, but Urd from Ah My Goddes! comes to mind for various reasons. -v-

Asuna from Negima or Suiseseki comes to mind more actually, since I don't think Vista's gonna be the perverted seductive type (although, having Aeroglass is making me VERY interested... )

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Haha... with the kind of artists that draw her, don't be so sure.... `v'

Besides, I would have to nix Suiseiseki-sama, at least for Sailor Fuku's design (not for my favorite Rozen Maiden vista).  Vista might be bossy, but certainly not the conservative-type.  -v-

Haven't watched Negima yet, though.  -.-


Absolutely not conservative...

*imagines his own version with see-through Aeroglass clothing*

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Now you're cooking with fire.  ^__^

Don't know about the Ninja design, though... in fact, don't know if the Niijura folk plan on having multi-version designs.  -v-

The era of clean-cut OS-tans are over, it seems.   -.-


I really think the multiple design version works the best, since Vista is the only OS I've seen (so far as I know) that has multiple versions released simultaneously.

Maybe she can be someone who is basically the same person, but just with different demeanors and abilities depending on the version, so we can have the home-girl, the meganeko businesswoman and Onee-chan versions of Vista XD

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


One question: Is there serious differences between the requirements of the different versions?


I'm under the impression that most of the differences in requirements for the various versions are primarily HD based (capacity) since the higher end versions only add more features and such, and you can disable features at will to adjust to your system, so the minumum specs for Ultimate would be the same for the Home Basic, except for the amount of HD space you'll need.

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


And if we base the character designs on the optimal settings? (So not with disabled features, but to the fully shining OS) In that case, we can have significantly different designs / personalities including the breast size, the hunger and similar things...


Quote from: "Laevatein"I'm under the impression that most of the differences in requirements for the various versions are primarily HD based (capacity) since the higher end versions only add more features and such, and you can disable features at will to adjust to your system, so the minumum specs for Ultimate would be the same for the Home Basic, except for the amount of HD space you'll need.

Home Basic does not have Aero iirc thus needs less RAM.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Quote from: "Exa"Heh, I think only Mac OS X characters are similar

Actually, that makes sense more or less, since honestly there isn't *that* much difference between the versions like there is with the different versions of Windows. Though if I had the drawing talent, I'd put "brushed metal" effects on Panther and Tiger.

Anyone tried a Leopard-tan yet?


Oh?  You missed Tsubashi's post, then?  ^__^'

We know at least that Aurora and an anonymous artist have drawn a Leopard-tan to date.  Naturally, the excitement over OSX 10.5 pales in comparison to the veritable mosh pit of Vista submissions.  -v-