Vista-tan's Personality

Started by EmiOfBrie, February 19, 2007, 10:59:19 PM

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I was reading through the comics listed here on the site, and I was wondering about something:

Given the nature of Vista, I wonder if it would be more proper of Vis-tan to call Microsoft itself "Master" and Toshiaki as simply "User"...

...and how would her sisters react to that sort of nomenclature?


Hehe, right... \begin[30 minutes]{anti-M$rant}[cut out for brevity, swearwords and crimethink]\end{anti-M$rant}

I guess most Windows-tans will not like Vis-tan anyways... she has a complete UNIX-subsystem in the ultimate edition... *something pink chases Vis-tan shouting something like 'you honorless traitor!'*

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Quote\begin[30 minutes]{anti-M$rant}[cut out for brevity, swearwords and crimethink]\end{anti-M$rant}

maybe Microsoft haters shouldnt participate in serios conversation about Microsoft OStans.. since it drops to strait bashing -_-

Still interesting choice of words.. nomenclature.. I think you were trying for honorifixs tho.. -_- nomenlature is like.. part names.
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SO Vistan would refer to Toshiaki as "Chibi-Ningen"? XD

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


well, this is why I did not rant but just indicated my desire to do so. The only thing I seriously mentioned was that 95-tan hates Macs, Macs use Unix as basis and Vis-tan is more compliant to that than any Windows before - and therefore the reason for 95-tan to dislike Vis-tan.

Still interesting choice of words.. nomenclature.. I think you were trying for honorifixs tho.. -_- nomenlature is like.. part names.
What do you mean by this?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


oh I wasn't trying to bash...but it is well known that Vista takes a lot of the computing experience out of the user's hands in the name of anti-piracy.  

I didn't want to dwell on it, it's just that it seems to me that should be reflected in Vis-tan's personality, like sometimes she'll outright refuse to jump to Toshiaki's requests, or unilaterally decide to do something because she thinks she knows better than "User" what is right.


Shes a very stubborn girl -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I guess CaptBrenden referred to me as the M$-basher. I have quite a reputation for being anti-closed-source.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Plus, every OS has had a reason to hate the next.. simply because she is then outdated.  In digital complex im putting in a series of issues where 3.1 shows up and trys to sabotage her sisters for a time because she hates them for making her out dated.  tho she will learn to be friends for them for the sake of master.

but like I said, Im not sure about vistas personality yet.. ive only started to use the program.

tho on top of the points kami pointed out,   the interface is alot like the mac interface.. (one of the points I do dislike about it)
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Sorry...I honestly wasn't trying to start a debate on whether Vista was "bad" or "good"  :(  I was just going by what I read in Vista's EULA, and since many of the comics I read were making comedy out of the different quirks of the different versions of the OS's (especially WinME), I just saw some comedy potential, is all....

Sorry if my words were suggesting otherwise  :(


oh sorry it was me getting off topic.  the MS bashing around here gets a rise out of me every time.  I was trying to link things that people say about vista to things that might be in her personality.  However I havent seen too many comics with her yet so I cant tell you how her personality is actually potrayed.  

However like we mentioned, she may have a sort of "defend you against yourself" sorta stubborn additude
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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well i wonder why her chest(maybe it should be another word-v- english nigate-v-) is so small... vista's UI is much more beautiful than xp isn't it?


Quote from: "Lovee"well i wonder why her chest(maybe it should be another word-v- english nigate-v-) is so small... vista's UI is much more beautiful than xp isn't it?

And she must eat a lot, too, considering the requirements of the OS...


oy oy oy.. the rules for character design are very loose.  it alows for more interesting characters.  I mean, look at them.. age of the system dosent efect the age of the character.. and the 98s are flatter then 95 thats for cirtain.  or how about ME?  shes flat as a pencil board, moreso then the 98 twins.   making vista an over eater with a huge chest would be taking XPs spotlight so they are probobly giving her differnt traits
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Heh, so this rules are not rules but only possibilities right? I can imagine a rivalry between XP-tan and Vistan because of similar traits...  ;054