Demon's Horrible Arte Parade

Started by NejinOniwa, February 19, 2007, 02:56:02 PM

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On average, fanfic spirit usually lasts about 2 months, but you could break the mold ya know.... -v-

Well, the color thing all depends really on how you use it.  Certainly a mix and match of designs and patterns helps bring interest to a design even if the overall color scheme is dull.....

You can still add your blue, but given that the programming language itself is not exactly begging for color, I'd add it sparingly for particular accessories, and not necessarily for extensive swathes of clothing (assuming that was your original intention, of course).  ^^


Yay! Reference picture! ^-^
Yessu, that's what I did last time too - only i had a light blue as color standard. So maybe a bit more grey and black then? Ah wellssu, there goes my purple...

...or i'll just do that one later. ^-^


Since i've made myself a bit of a list of stuff to draw, I've decided to convert this thread into a thread for all my stuff. Rawr!

(the list is secret! fhawf!)


Good work!
but she's breast is = 0 cup. T T...

edit word. ^^"


Um...wha? Sorry, but i can't read random squirmy stuff, since that's all i can make out of it, sorry ^-^;

Ah wellssu. Anyways, I've just started working on the beta stage, and things are moving up a bit. Two things are very unfortunate though;
First of all, not even the two-phased shading methods I'm using are faster than five pixels per fortnight, or something, when you do it manually. I'm gradually learning things with gimp-tan, but my learning speed sure could be a lot higher. Um.
The second thing is that I for the next week will be off for an easter trip to Norway, to catch a last sniff of the winter and do some final skiing for this year. This means, no network connection, no intarwebs. Luckily I'll be bringing the old laptop with me, so I'll at least be able to work properly - last time I discovered it's really hard to work without a frame of reference, and ended up doing nothing - so that means I'll hopefully have lots of new sketches to color once i get back home. (Of course, backside to that is that the coloring is what takes time, and I've got full school course back on once easter break ends, so that's bound to take helluva lot time). So that means, nothing new here for a week, but worst of all for me, no OSC OR INTERNET FOR A WHOLE WEEK! Hope i survive it... I'll be missing you.

I might put up some new stuff tomorrow, if I'm able to manage something between all the packing and stuff - but in case i don't, i'll put up these two. The first is the first color alpha of my original DC-Tan pic - the one that was wastefully unclean and smoddy all over, if you remember - and also current p3 beta status.


Linked to not destroy the thread with oversize piccy.


QuoteUm...wha? Sorry, but i can't read random squirmy stuff, since that's all i can make out of it, sorry ^-^;

Hmm, rather certain that "หà¸â,,¢Ã Â¹â€°Ã Â¸Â²Ã Â¸Â­Ã Â¸Â" means "breast" (fits, in context ^^' )

As for my comments, I say great job! I can't wait until you soften all the pencil marks and make the colors a but more continuous!

QuoteFirst of all, not even the two-phased shading methods I'm using are faster than five pixels per fortnight, or something, when you do it manually. I'm gradually learning things with gimp-tan, but my learning speed sure could be a lot higher.

Well, to parody something Einstein once said:
Worry not of your difficulties in drawing. I can assure you, mine are greater still! ^-^


Quotebut she's breast is = 0 cup. T T...

Cute.... Ã,¬vÃ,¬'

But in any case, sorry if I seemed to disappear for a while.  Truth be told, I replied to you some days ago, but the message apparently got quashed along with the old server.... ^^'

But in any case, I am glad you managed to proceed without any apparent difficulties, aside from the speed issue. The hair shading in your P1 DC-tan is pretty far along considering you're new at this, and I definitely like the choice of design elements employed in the P3 uniform. Not sure how much the Kooh-san picture helped (if at all), but certainly the effect is the same (intriguing design over intriguing color).  Shade work on her legs, neck and top of head is definitely proceeding as it should, I think.  ^^

Before she goes gold, however, I would definitely prioritize inking those lines.  DC-tan is already so far removed from her sketchwork, that the pencil etching sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the flat coloring.  When you do, don't forget to ink on a new layer (that way, you won't disrupt your color work below it).

In addition, you might need to change the eye color pattern, as the lightning does give the impression of nerves instead.  Unless that's the pattern you're aiming for (just like a ninja/pirate hybrid, an alien/pirate one?).  
And that's all from the pig for now.  ^___^
If you catch this before you leave, have fun!  Bring back plenty of Kroners!  ^v^

QuoteWell, to parody something Einstein once said:
Worry not of your difficulties in drawing. I can assure you, mine are greater still! ^-^

*holds paper fan menacingly*

That's right,.... You be sure Einstein was the only one that said that.... `v'


So this is the last you'll see of me!

Take this!
And...have fun!!! ^-^



Bye!!! Have fun!

Great job, btw! I can tell you put a lot of effort into this!


Thank you.
I make her to Mini. ^^ b


That's very nice of you, Infinity-san.  I'm sure NejinOniwa is going to love that when he returns!  ^__^

(I'm a big fan of the all-white clothing, btw,.... ^^)


Imma explodapop!


Anyways...after coming home from norway with lots of cookies but no decent sketching (me is lazy after a day of skiing, sorry ^-^;), I decided on impulse to draw a comic. Basically imma catch the events of what happened when i saw this...somehow.
Don' worry, I'll be sketching all day tomorrow!


Imma explodapop!

Took the words right out of my mouth.  ^___^


All things I've said above were lies. LIES. LIES!!!!!!!!


Well, basically I got caught watching the 16 first episodes of Code Geass instead of working anything. And the fanfic spirit I talked about went out the same evening. So what now?
Well just to not make total fun of myself I'll just put up something entirely else here - something somewhat random, yet a reflection of my mood - that I rather threw together just a few minutes ago.
It's called,
Darkness in a mirror.

He heaved out a last breath. The hot liquid trickled down his arms, small rivulets of life and death tickling his skin, and soaking his shirt. The boy giggled. He took up his hand and gave it a good look, but it was all too dark to see anything but another shade of black. Hope vanished, and the little boy bit his tongue. But then the irony taste that spread in his mouth gave him an idea. Slowly, he raised his hand to the level of his eyes. Then he licked it. And the taste of iron intensified. But this was something else, not only his own life - it was steel, the life of someone else. A joyous emotion spread inside him, a heat, a stir in his very soul that spread with the speed of the dark. Craving more, he bent forward, and felt his head become covered in the heat of life...

He woke up with a painful gasp. Every part of his body felt as on fire - his very soul was covered in the searing flames of the fyre of the goddess - and heavy drops of sweat covered every part of his naked skin, and had sunken into his clothing where there was. He saw the damp. He felt the darkness. But he recognized reality. And slowly the pain faded.
He sat up slowly, careful not to awaken the demons inside him again. Careful not to remember the demons. Careful. Careful...Careful?
What was that? Was it a dream? Or was it real?
A typical human question when facing the unknown, yet he did not even bother thinking it. He was sleep-derived, and now his sleep was betraying him - none, especially not his kind, could possibly have done as such. None of his kind.
And what if it was both? came the answer a moment later. Lost, dark mirrors to the past? A mirror of darkness and truth? The insides of you that none have seen, not even yourself?
He thought, but he thought without words. He saw, but he saw without eyes. Then he reached without his hands, into himself and far beyond, out on the other side of his soul. I need light, he thought. And light there was, a ball of black flames floating cold above his hand. Black light, how fitting, a voice said, but there was no light. Yet he was sure he saw a face in the darkness - a twisted, dark and malicious face, yet a mirror image of his own. And then suddenly it disappeared and he could see again, as if a mountain blocking the sun had suddenly been thrown into the sea.
The small tent he slept in was rather filled. Yet all he saw properly was his own cloak of the colors of flame, and his apprentice, lying on the far side. But when his eyes had adjusted to the world beyond their lids, he saw a shadow; A flickering shadow cast in the light of a campfire. The shadow of a boy. And before his mind's eye he saw again the image of so long ago, merged with the image of his dream. The golden boy in the shade of the flames, and the blue boy in the darkness of the mirror. Both covered in blood, and both grasping their steel of death firmly.
But yet something differed. Something slight, something small, yet something incomprehensibly vast of importance. Yes, that was it.
The boy in the dark mirrors wore a smile on his face; an innocent, joyous smile on a face where no last trace of sanity was left to leave behind, and his knife was sharp and unmarked.
The boy in the flickering light of the flames of war wore a coat of blood, and down his determined face trickled yet tears of regret, and his swords were rough and scarred of years of war. And within him shone a light that washed away the dark soul of the mirror boy - and spread fear and hope alike to all.
He laid down again, and let out a tired sigh, but it was yet a sigh of relief. No, he's not like that. Despite what I thought back then, I see now. And his face is true and sane - as is his soul.

I wish only the same could be said of ourselves...

As you might have noticed if you read this, it's totally unrelated to the topic of this thread, so I'm not really sure why I even bother putting it up. Although I guess it IS art, somehow. Um. Um. Anyways, now I've got to sleep. Sorry, everyone. Norway's been hard on me. Oyasumissu.


hoh..... No fanfic then,... '_'
But some kick-ass prose at least to get your creative juices flowing,... so it can't be all bad, no?  ^^

Can't really say much as I'm only an art specialist and suck at literary critiques.  -v-'
To me, it's.... deep.  ^__^'